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Using a Cane While Hiking?

Later this summer I will be going on a trip with my family to our favorite summer spot. Only problem is I'm newly disabled and this summer spot is full of steep dirt hills and holes in the ground. Does anyone have any advice on using a cane in these conditions? I use a cane for balance and mobility so it's really important I find something. Is there any cane tips I could get or something I could try? #Fibromyalgia #Cane #Advice


Canes & Brains

I was looking everywhere for my cane one afternoon. Couldn't figure out where the heck I put the thing. My partner comes home and goes to get a water from the fridge and there it is, hanging up on the shelf, literally just chillin.
#Cane #funny #BrainFog #ChemoBrain #Humor #Laugh #gallowshumor #MigraineBrainFog

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I miss me

I am having trouble accepting that how I am now is “me” and the old me is a memory. I miss her. I am sad a lot. I get mad at myself. I miss driving. I miss being good at things. How do I embrace this new, and changing for the “worse”, me. My balance, eyesight, digestive system, muscles and hearing are slowly failing. Pain is just life. Sometimes I walk, sometimes I need a wheelchair or walker or cane…I feel like a fake because I’m so different at times. I have some great doctors, and they really are trying but want me to fit into a space they know. I don’t. It’s hard to get anyone to put all the pieces together because I have so many different body parts affected and specialists don’t usually talk to each other, even if they say they do.
I can remember “wishing” my life would just slow down because I was so very busy even though I loved being respected and needed.
Hummmmmm…I got my wish. I don’t make wishes anymore. #ChronicPain #Depression #MuscleDysfunction #balanceissues #WheelchairUsers #Cane

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New spoonie

Hi I'm new here on mighty. I just signed up yesterday but I already forgot how I came across this platform, thanks to my #BrainFog lol

It's been 2 years and 7 months since I contracted #COVID19 and have been suffering with #longcovid since then. Despite hearing all kinds of denials possible from doctors, now I am diagnosed with #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis and #Fibromyalgia and many more. Not that the labels help with my symptoms, but they surely helped me look in the right direction when searching for possible #treatment plans.

I'm almost 40 and been #stuck at home mostly. I've recently been approved for a public transportation access link service so I'm planning on using that from time to time. I use a #Walker #Rollator and occasionally a #Cane when I go out to the doctors.

I guess I'm here to connect with others going through similar things whether it be a longcovid, PASC, fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, arthritis, spinal stenosis, or more symptom-specifically #HypersomnolenceDisorder #Hypersomnia #PeripheralNeuropathy #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue
I am quite new to this #Spoonie life and trying my best here.

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Thoughts about my cane and being able to walk with ease again

I have been relatively able-bodied my entire life, but recently, getting around has been.. unusually hard. I can walk short distances and I can stand on my own, but.. over time everything starts to hurt and get really, really heavy.

I thought about getting myself a walking cane at the nearest drugstore, but it took a long time for me to even consider- was something like that not made for someone like me, who can still.. sorta walk? But after too many pained incidents, I caved and got one.

This little thing is a blessing to me. I can actually walk a decent way without fatigue or pain from carrying the weight of my body! I'm so glad I bought one, even if it was nothing fancy.

Maybe, reader, this is an encouragement to go out and treat yourself to an accommodation you may be withholding because you believe you're "not disabled enough". If it helps you, it helps! I can't recommend being kind to yourself in this way more, whether in mind or body.

#Cane #DisabilityAdvocacy #DisabilityRights #InvisibleDisability


For anyone who travels on an airplane with a cane and can go through security with it in their bag, does the scanner typically flag it to be inspected

Never traveled with a mobilty aid before and want information so if you have other tips as well let me know! #AirTravel #Mobiltyaid #Cane


Advice on canes?

Hi all! I have been considering getting a cane for a while, since I think it could really help improve my mobility and pain levels on bad days, but I’m not sure how to choose or find one that will work for me. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Currently I think what I am looking for is a folding cane with a gel grip, because I hear that is really good for hand and wrist comfort. I don’t know what handle style to get though. I do have some mild issues with my wrists and elbows, and moderate shoulder problems.
Also, I would prefer one with nice patterns on it, ☺️ but that is a less important consideration, and I suppose that decorating it myself could be a delight.
#Hypermobility #MobilityAids #Cane #ChronicPain #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #HSD #Advice