migraine brain fog

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migraine brain fog
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#Migraine is not just a headache. #TheMigraineExperience #ChronicMigraineSyndrome #MigraineBrainFog

I love my wife and my medical provider team (I have a lot of intertwining medical issues), and I appreciate the support that i get for my disability. But it frustrates me when I make a statement about having a migraine and they refer to it as a headache.

Especially at home, I’ll mention the brain fog, the difficulty putting the right words together in communication, or any of the multiple other things that I deal with when I’m having a migraine and whomever I’m talking with will refer to my “headache” even if I’ve not mentioned head pain.

I get it, if you don’t live with migraine symptoms, you’re not going to have a complete understanding of what all it includes, but if you have been exposed to me and my condition for years, you should have picked up that it is more than head pain.

Especially if you’re a migraine specialist.

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Canes & Brains

I was looking everywhere for my cane one afternoon. Couldn't figure out where the heck I put the thing. My partner comes home and goes to get a water from the fridge and there it is, hanging up on the shelf, literally just chillin.
#Cane #funny #BrainFog #ChemoBrain #Humor #Laugh #gallowshumor #MigraineBrainFog

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Toothpaste Follies

Today I went to get my blood drawn. I take off my hoodie and feel something tubular and squishy in the pocket. So I reach in and what do I find? When I burshed my teeth I put the toothpaste in my pocket afterwords because THAT is where the toothpaste goes, my friend!🤣😂🤪
#BrainFog #FibroFog #MigraineBrainFog #funny #Humor #lol #CheerMeOn #whoops

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Concussion, Migraines, major Balance issues, Parkinson’s, tremors, Neuropathy, shoulder/neck pain, back pain, brain fog, poor memory, and no appetite.

(PART ONE) Please send me prayers, good vibes, healing energy and keep me in your thoughts. It would really be appreciated. It is very hard for me to ask for help…but bedrudgundly I have been parking in handicap parking spaces and recently began using a walker. To be honest I’ve had to! I had four falls at the end of December and I am constantly catching myself from falling over and having to regain my balance and re-direct myself. It is very challenging in my apartment where I have no support and very often find myself leaning against walls and always being very conscious to make slow turns part by part like a clock, and get up from a sitting position very carefully the special way I was taught.

Just this past February I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s with Essential Tremors and balance problems, and had to stop a med I took before bed for over 10 years that may have been causing it and then without it I didn’t get a good night’s sleep for over a month and woke up 3-4 times every night.

Two and a half months ago I had a bad fall at my mom’s, scared her half to death and injured my neck and shoulder. I had just started PT for that when I had another big fall … hard, and my head snapped back as I hit the ground. Later that week I was diagnosed with a concussion and I have seen 5 doctors and had about 10 appointments so far since then and been to a concussion clinic. Then I saw another Neurologist and he confirmed what another said…that my symptoms from my concussion likely will last up to 6 months!!! Thankfully it’s already been 6 weeks but there is 4.5 months ahead. But he was optimistic about the progression I’ve had and said I am on the Path to Recovery! But it sure is a rocky path!

Other symptoms I have had are really bad brain fog and memory issues which have left me having to stop and take a long break to find the right words or even remember where I am in a conversation, and having to look up the spelling or meaning of simple words. These two things are very scary and embarrassing…(please continue to Part Two below)

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #Selflove #Selfcare #Concussion #balance #ParkinsonsDisease #EssentialTremor #PTSD #COVID19 #Migraine #MigraineBrainFog #Memory #HIVAIDS #longtermsurvivor #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #Bipolar1Disorder #BipolarDepression #ADHD #TheMighty #MightyMinute #MightyMoment #MightyTogether #DistractMe #IfYouFeelHopeless #Hope #relief #Love #PeripheralNeuropathy

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Migraine hangover

I hate the post migraine hangover when I'm in such a fog I can't function.
I had plans with a friend to have a picnic with our toddlers today and I don't know if I can manage.

Then my anxiety takes over and I feel like a crap mom. My baby deserves a mom who can function to do all the fun things. 🥺 #Migraine #MigraineBrainFog #Anxiety

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the brain fog... #Migraine #MigraineBrainFog

I fail to accommodate to the two opposite paradigms of 'the show must go on, life goes on' and 'taking notion of my body and letting it rest'. I cannot help but regularly feel bad for the fact that my migraine condition comes with fatigue and brain fog, lack of concentration, too regularly. I have learned that making it to the pain part of a migraine multiplies the possibility of having a rough postdrome during which I cannot function for about a full day because my brain feels raw and bruise like it just received a beating.

I am free of this postdrome problem for a while now, and for this while now I have stagnated in life, did not pick up my university courses nor did I whole-heartedly change my paths in life towards something new instead.

Just me sitting here taking notes of my migraine situation and wondering what I can (or should or want to) start in life now. I feel perfectly overwhelmed without having a migraine attack ;)

(like...will they come back if I finally make my move on the chest board of life?)