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#upfornoreason #DepressionAndMentalHealth #SuicidalIdeation

It's 3:00am here, so yesterday morning I woke up went to my seaking safety class, talked to my #AddictionRecovery specialist, and the #HealthNurse . "As you might think I'm an attention seaker" Ha I wish,my life is a F* mess. Well I finally opened up and let know what all I was going through & how I felt about #DependentPersonalityDisorder . They all told me they was #proud of the #progress I was making. Well apparently I'm not allowed to #haveagoodday . Well little later I have go get my license and insurance card I forgot. 1st The Dr decided close early 2nd My car wouldn't start I even tried getting a jump, no luck. 3rd Husband in #jail for #DomesticViolence on me. I let him know what all happened. So he starts going off on me yelling, cussing me out, telling me how F* stupid I was and how I always do stuff to make him mad. "Like ya I wanted to get stranded in the hot weather" so here I am awake from #Stress #Worried wish I could just sleep. "Not trying to OD" but I've taken 3 of my 400mg of #serequel I'm just so over this I'm just praying I'd pass out and #notwakeup I'm sorry #justventing #DepressiveDisorders #LifeProblems #Readytogiveup

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Mothering Sunday in the UK this weekend #CheckInWithMe

A little gift from my friend last week.
Smells luscious just outside my door.
My eldest son knew I was out yesterday for a bit so he popped over and left a gift and card on my kitchen counter.
I got home to find it. What should have been a lovely suprise made me burst into tears 😪😓😭
Mothers Day.
Without seeing my 2 Sons.
12 weeks in isolation when I'd actually forgot it was Mothering Sunday. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.
I feel silly. In light of the fight the world is in.
But I'm still crying today.
I feel so sad so down so utterly familyless. I only have my sons. My 2 precious boys.

So today I'm going to dedicate myself to remembering my own sweet Mum who passed away on 15th September 2014 by doing nothing but pampering myself indulging in baths with bath bombs face masks foot masks hand masks
You get the picture. I'm going to TLC myself and eat Cake lots of cake lol toffee cake I made the other day.
To all the mums out there love you. We all deserve a medal. I know I do.
I'm sorry it's not a positive post today.
love hugs kisses Tj ❤💖🦓🦄🤗🦋🦄💝
#MothersDay #Mothersdaygift #Cryingspells #RareDisease #PsoriaticArthritis #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #TrigeminalNeuralgia #TLC #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #sons #Bekind #MightyTogether #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #Depression #HighlySensitive #haveagoodday #pampering