Beating the winter blues
Beating the Winter Blues - AccordingtoDes
#winterblues #beatingthewinterblues #SeasonalDepression #HolidayTips #holidayblues

Beating the Winter Blues - AccordingtoDes
#winterblues #beatingthewinterblues #SeasonalDepression #HolidayTips #holidayblues
For many of us, the holidays bring comfort and seasonal joy, but with the abundance of food available, it can also be a challenging time. Keeping a watch on portions and sugar levels can be especially difficult. Here’s a few tips courtesy of DiabetesUK:
🎄 Commit yourself to a food plan
Plan what you intend to eat and stick to it. Remember that alcohol contains high calorie content and can affect blood sugar levels.
🎄 Avoid feeling hungry for too long
A meal that takes longer to prepare can lead to hunger and anticipation for a long time. A pre-meal snack made up of protein or non-starchy vegetables can satisfy you as they are slowly digested.
🎄 Have a glass of water before eating
Having a glass of water before your meal is an easy way to reduce your food intake; it makes you feel full earlier, thereby reducing your appetite.
🎄 Base your meal on non-starchy vegetables
Make sure that non-starchy vegetables account for a large portion of your plate.
🎄 Eat gradually
Eating slowly allows you to savour and better enjoy the food you're eating as well as avoid overindulging in any given person's meal.
🎄 Don’t feel guilty about turning offers down
The body's natural response to digesting large meals is to release extra blood sugar into the bloodstream, so you don't have to feel intimidated about turning food down.
🎄 Walk away from the craving
A 20-minute walk in the fresh air can help to increase endorphins and serotonin which can help relieve cravings when temptation becomes difficult to resist.
🎄 Test your blood where possible
During the Christmas period, commit yourself to more frequently checking your blood sugar, in case your blood sugar fluctuates.
There will be no scheduled postings tomorrow, but everyone is welcome to post on their own. The community chat room will be open for 1 hour at 6pm EST for those who wish to check-in.
#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #HolidayTips #HolidayMeals #EatingHealthy #SupportGroups #MightyTogether
Enjoy a combination of indoor and outdoor physical activities with your family or friends during the holidays.
For example, taking a stroll with your family member or friend is a great way to reconnect.
What ways do you and your loved ones stay active during the holiday season?
#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #prediabetes #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Exercise #HolidayTips #Holiday #Lifestyle
As many of us are preparing for holiday dinners and parties this season, it’s important that we plan in advance to ensure that diabetes ruins our chances of having a great time because limited food choices.
One useful tip is offer to bring your favorite diabetes friendly food that you enjoy to the event. Doing this will guaratee that you know what you’re eating and that you will enjoy it.
#Diabetes #DiabetesType2 #DiabetesType1 #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #HolidayMeals #EatingHealthy #HolidayTips #Holiday
I wrote a piece inspired by the journaling workshop prompt "20 things to be thankful for"
Empath Health bereavement counselor Dwight Douglass offers these three simple tips:
1. Take control of the holiday or the New Year, so it doesn’t control you.
2. It takes more energy trying to avoid a holiday or planning for the New Year than actually creating a plan for how you wish to honor your loved one(s).
3. It’s O.K. to not feel like celebrating a holiday, but it’s important to find a way to honor it so you can still feel connected to your loved one(s).
Additionally, here are 10 things from AARP you can try:
1. Only do what feels right. It’s up to you to decide which activities, traditions or events you can handle.
2. Accept your feelings – whatever they might be. Everyone takes his or her own path in grief and mourning.
3. Call on your family and friends. Talk with loved ones about your emotions.
4. Focus on the kids. Many holidays place special attention on children, and it often helps to focus on their needs.
5. Plan ahead.…Create comforting activities in the weeks approaching a holiday so that you have something to look forward to rather than building up a dread of the pain the holiday could bring.
6. Scale back. If the thought of many holiday activities feels painful, overwhelming or inappropriate this year, cutting back may help.
7. Give. It’s amazing how in times of grief, sometimes the biggest comfort is to give to others.
8. Acknowledge those who have passed on. When we are grieving a loss of someone very close to us, it can be helpful to participate in a related holiday ritual in his or her memory.
9. Do something different.… Plan new activities, especially the first year after the loss.
10. Skip it. If you feel that it will be too much for you and you’d like to simply opt out of participation in a holiday, let family and friends know.
#Grief #Loss #lossofalovedone #traumatic grief #HolidayTips #Selfcare #coping #Wintersolstice #Kwanzaa #Christmas #Hanukkah #Family
Yes, there is Corona. Yes, I am on a tight budget. But yes, I still decided to go on holidays. I am spending a couple of days on a campground in the countrie's South, in a lush valley of the Alps. I May have just arrived 4 hours ago, but I already feel Very relaxed. I only hear laughter of other holidaymakers, and the sound of the river.
How do you spend your holidays in a Post-Corona-time? # depression # Covid #corona #Anxiety #HolidayTips #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #budgetcuts #SummerCamp
Happy Thanksgiving, GWGs!
We hope you have a happy (and stress-free) holiday!
5 things we are thankful for this holiday:
1. Our amazing sponsors, donors and partners who keep our organization going AND growing.
2. Our doctors, nurses and any other related medical care team!
3. Our caregivers, family and friends who support us through all of the ups and downs, medical procedures and treatments.
4. Life-saving surgeries and medications.
5. All of YOU! Without a community of wonderful and empowering women like you, we would have nothing to strive for! #HolidayMeals #HolidayTips #Thanksgiving #thankful #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #CrohnsDisease #UlcerativeColitis