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I just wish people wouldn’t blow me off. Or act like my feelings are too big. Or get so uncomfortable when I try express what I am going through that they get off the phone or rush the conversation. I get it’s uncomfortable, unpleasant, scary, taboo. Whatever word you want. But it is happening and it is happening to me. I need my people. They act like they can’t handle it but what about me? They may say sound selfish. But sorry your feelings are uncomfortable but I am planning my funeral so my parents know my wishes should that happen. Like get a backbone and be there!

Friend: some people can’t handle death… they can’t comprehend it.

I can’t either so it is frustrating when trying to process and people are like I don’t this well. Well **** you! I need my people. That is my biggest fear about dying. Not having my people, being without my twin, who will comfort mom who is having a nervous break down, who will take care of dad while he is aging, who will be there to hug me in the darkness? And the darkness isn’t here yet and I am already alone…

#gastroparsis #COVID #longcovid #longhauler #Stroke #Seizures #Dystonia #scared #darkness #TooBig #valid #IamVaild #Twin #DoNoLeaveMe #help

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Long covid is killing me….

I just wish people wouldn’t blow me off. Or act like my feelings are too big. Or get so uncomfortable when I try express what I am going through that they get off the phone or rush the conversation. I get it’s uncomfortable, unpleasant, scary, taboo. Whatever word you want. But it is happening and it is happening to me. I need my people. They act like they can’t handle it but what about me? They may say sound selfish. But sorry your feelings are uncomfortable but I am planning my funeral so my parents know my wishes should that happen. Like get a backbone and be there!

Friend: some people can’t handle death… they can’t comprehend it.

I can’t either so it is frustrating when trying to process and people are like I don’t this well. Well fuck you! I need my people. That is my biggest fear about dying. Not having my people, being without my twin, who will comfort mom who is having a nervous break down, who will take care of dad while he is aging, who will be there to hug me in the darkness? And the darkness isn’t here yet and I am already alone…

#Gastroperasis #COVID #longcovid #longhauler #Stroke #Dystonia #Seizures #tubie #PegTube #StarvingToDeath #IronDisorder #ImmuneDeficient #Death #FinalWishes #darkness #BigFeelings #TooBig #iamvalid #valid #LeftBehind #DoNoLeave #Twin


Missing Friendship - Can anybody relate?

Feeling a bit lonely today guys, can anyone advise? ❤

Probably like a few of you on here lots of my 'friends' abandoned me 2 1/2 years ago when I got sick.

I tried to stay positive as I had 3 separate girls who I thought were 'keepers' I've been hearing less and less replies from them over the past 6 months.

Yesterday I messaged all 3, and none have replied. I feel even more lonely then before I messaged them.

There's nothing worse than feeling alone, when having friends is something you want.

I don't even know where to find anybody new. I find myself talking too much to anyone now doctors, nurses etc. Just because I don't have anybody else. It hurts.

What is worse is that it's my 'best friends' and my 10 year anniversary since we met this month, we were literally so close this is something we would have celebrated. she doesn't seem interested. She was like my family but seems to have moved on with new friends, as she's moved to another nearby town.

When she does message me im always hearing about a 'friend' when I ask what she's been up to.

Messages used to be often but now it's always 'sorry I didn't realise I didn't reply' or 'sorry I didn't send a reply i typed' or 'I completely forgot to reply' daily now. Where she's obviously messaging others and forgets about me.

I just feel at such a loss. I'm lucky to have an amazing husband but it's not the same as girl time.

Can anybody else relate? Sorry for rant. Happy Sunday everybody lots of love xx

#lonely  #Friendship  #Friends  #COVID  #longcovid  #longhauler  #CFS  #ChronicFatigue  #Fatigue  #Autism  #ADHD  #UndifferentiatedConnectiveTissueDisease  #UCTD  #MixedConnectiveTissueDisease  #hiatushernia  #housebound  #CheckInWithMe  #lookingforchat  #lookingforfriendship  #UK  #England

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Long covid/long hauler Twice? HELP

I've suffered with long covid since March 2020. literally housebound. I was just beginning to get better after 2 years of hell , and bang! I caught the omicron ba.5 variant. Its been 3 weeks and i have a lot of my long covid symptoms back. I know it's early days but has anybody on here had long covid twice before? Im totally vax'd and boostered. Thank you in advance xxxx scared.

#COVID #CoronaVirus #longcovid #longhauler #exhaustion #Fatigue #UK


You look great! #BipolarDisorder #COVID19 #longhauler

It's fascinating that my illnesses manifest as something to be desired 🤔

I'm wearing a pair of shorts that didn't quite fit a decade ago. I'd considered the built-in belt cosmetic then. Now they fall down.

But it's ok. I look great 🙄🤔

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#Depression and/or #Anxiety during the festive period. #Autism #ADHD #Meltdowns #Pressure #Loneliness #Relationships

Does anyone else find this time of year brings a significant increase in upsetting symptoms of #Anxiety and #Depression .

I am autistic and only in the past 4 years I have found it an increasingly stressful time of year.

I'm more prone to meltdown, feeling apathy and low mood and definitely lost all "Christmas Spirit"

I go along with it all for the benefit of my children, we make things and decorate the house, but I no longer feel excitement or joy. My husband is very supportive.

This year is especially tough as I had #COVID19 in March, and ever since I've been a #longcovid / #longhauler still suffering with residual illness, which induced a long #Depression episode during the summer, I'm only just coming through but I'm no where near better yet.

I feel #Christmas and the pressure to be 'happy joyful skipping around singing carols' whilst having a bustling social life is really oppressive ( especially when you feel so bad you cant even use WhatsApp or leave the house) its a massive negative influence on my mood. It's sad but I wish it was all over by now

I'm so apathetic this weekend we just received our new car we had worked so hard to save for and I couldn't care less. I feel so ungrateful. This isnt like me at all. I love cars!

I dont have good #Relationships at the moment either (I'm sure many of you with #Longtermillness can relate) my 'friends' all disappeared when I didnt get better immediately. I fell out with my sisters too as they planned a whole family vacation without my family. (And kept it a secret) bearing in mind it is for next year I'd hopefully of been well to go.

So it's very upsetting seeing all the lovely (but fake) advets of families and friends having the time of their lives on tv social media etc.

Does anybody else feel this way each year? The pressure to be happy and have these unrealistic amazing experiences at #Christmas and feeling bad and anxious in the lead up to it?

I used to relish and look forward to it. (I'm only 33 and only been feeling this way about 4 years now)

Sorry for the rant I feel so guilty to not be feeling like mrs Christmas
