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Nature to make you smile 😃

Taking photos of nature is something I enjoy doing. It is a kind of self-care, a mindfulness moment in time to reflect on the little things. I hope this photo brightens your day wherever you may be right now.
#Anxiety #Selfcare #meditate #Mindfulness #sad #Depression

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Selfie Sunday

My answers: Hot bath every evening, text my mom, there's a time for books and a time for movies, I believe in both, need to do both more but I do pray more than meditating.

#Selfcare #Depression #EndTheStigma #thisorthat #Anxiety #Parenting #Disability #meditate #Pray #mom #selfiesunday #ReactiveAttachmentDisorder #ConductDisorder #Disorder



I am finally facing my stress levels by learning how to relax. With breath work, meditation and exercise. I no longer drink alcohol and try to eat healthy every day.
Slowly, I hope to become a calmer me. More centred, grounded. In the moment and okay. My husband died almost 18 months ago and I'm raising our son who needs his mother in good shape. Mentally and physically. I am looking forward to the coming weeks and months. To where Im going. It's exciting. Sending love out.
#meditate #JustBreathe #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #GriefWork


Procrastinating Night Owl

Because I suffer with daily #Anxiety , depression, and borderline personality, I never really know how I’m going to feel. Somedays are just okay, and other days are bad, and other days are AWFUL. Havent had a good happy day in months. Anyways, I #Sleep and #nap a lot. My sleep schedule is so messed up & it always has been since I was about 16. I take naps during the day for many different reasons, lately it’s been to pass the time of being bored/numb/depressed. Today I wasn’t even tired & I was getting a headache from too much sleep but I just couldn’t be awake anymore. So now, I’m wide awake (it’s currently 2:22... anyone else see angel numbers a lot?) I am dreading going back home to my parents house tomorrow. Lickily my amazing & loving boyfriend is driving us there & will be there for most of the day. I don’t know how I’m going to survive living with my family without him. I was supposed to pack earlier today, but I always have to leave things to the last minute. I am so good at #Procrastinating & talking myself out of doing shit. I was so babied by my mother I don’t know how to do anything for myself, I have no self discipline and my #Borderline tends to make me feel sorry for myself which I hate. I’ve been living in my ego & feeding my ego for far too long but it take so much effort to do anything. I haven’t even finished packing yet and we leave tomorrow morning at 10am which means I need to be up at 8am and I’ll probably fall asleep around 3am. WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! I get so angry at myself then feel sorry for myself & don’t change. UGH. I’m hoping I can fall asleep fast, wake up with ease, feel positively motivated to pack quickly & enjoy getting ready. I hope the drive will be nice & easy & smooth the whole way there & I’ll enjoy the 2 hour solitude with my boyfriend & dog. I hope seeing my family tomorrow will be surprisingly good, and that I’ll feel peaceful going back to church rather than anxious. But who knows? Any tiny thing can go wrong & it’ll set me off. I also don’t know if I should pack my weed or not? Does anyone else ? How does it effect yourself #moods? Does anyone else struggle with this bad habits of #oversleeping & #Procrastinating until you have no one to be upset with but yourself? I’m going to #meditate now & try to fall asleep.....

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Time to #meditate

Love this morning #devotional book about being a parent to a child with #SpecialNeeds. On the off chance that my cherubs sleep past the butt-crack of dawn, i love sitting with my coffee in the quiet and reading and #praying before my crazy day starts.


How is everyone’s Monday going?

I’m having a pretty good day. Much prayer, meditation and tapping is helping. Good leads on new clients also helping my outlook. Hope everyone else is feeling grateful and not triggered today. #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #gratitudegetsmethrough #meditate

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#goals & #Gratitude

Hi all,

I'm just now seeing this group/topic.

My goals for this year are to get a new #job, #Workout and #meditate more.

I feel like I "failed" in the past when I forced myself to do BIG workouts more than I could handle, as I have a #Physicaldisability and some activities are more taxing than others. I am going to do #Smallthings more, as a celebration of what I CAN do.

I want to #meditate  more so I can be a more grounded person, and try not to react from a negative space.

I am looking for employment locally, as #Selfemployment has not reached the level of financial independence I had hoped for at this point after graduating from college.