Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
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I'll probably post alot on this app; these are just night owl thoughts __

Thanks to my therapist for introducing me to the Mighty. Another platform to ventilate my useless biographies and needs I suppose..

It's 12:41 am. This is where I struggle the most, trying to fall asleep.

I lashed out at my husband earlier. I was very anxious and upset. I was trying to cash my check at amscott 2 hours ago but they bounced it because the company didn't pay out the place I cashed it at last time; furiously I went to my managers at night at they merely said call payroll.

Does anything matter anymore ??
Everything gives me a headache.

Anxiety. Stress. Worry and Pain.

Sigh; holding back my frustrations in the car ride home I begin to wonder to myself what is the cycle of life other than working, skipping and avoiding all social events and suffering.

I feel bad I got mad at him, but with my mental health as it is I realize he is so strong.

How can he just fall asleep at peace so fast.
My husband just looks at me one more time..rolls over and is snoring now.

Me ? It takes 5 hours to fall asleep from chronic insomnia and constant worry.

Daily adulting activities that are so simple and painless to normal folks but take so much energy out of me because I am anxiously anxious, or bipolar whichever ya know.

My PCOS feels tame tonight __ yet the ever so painful experience of not being able to bear children lingers over me like a black fog.

Demonically reminding me every night that I am barren and cannot carry.

Tonight ? Just plain sucks. Maybe there's always tommorow ❤️

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A Late Start

Hi all! I joined the Mighty over 2 years ago, then promptly forgot about it and did nothing for a while (thanks ADHD!). I struggle with PCOS, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and what I suspect is fibromyalgia (but hasn't been officially diagnosed). I just wanted to say hi, and have people with whom I can commiserate about all of these issues. Here's a photo of a friendly feline who hung out with us for dinner a few weeks ago!

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living with anxiety, depression and constant pain

Hi- I’m a 48 year female mother dealing with lots of health and mental health issues. My mom passed away a year ago and it sent me on a downward spiral. That along with having long term covid symptoms which caused what they think was a NSTEMI heart attack. I also have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, ADHD, severe migraines, TMJ, PCOS, endometriosis, chronic fatigue and going through menopause, my body is in constant pain and doctors can’t figure it out so I’ve given up hope! My finances suck because of the world today and we are barely getting by. My job is super stressful and most days I force myself out of bed because I don’t want my son to see what’s happened to me and I’m ashamed. I did grief counseling briefly and quit because I couldn’t afford it. I now have social anxiety and when I’m not working I hide in my home. I’ve pushed most my friends and family away because I’m ashamed that I cannot cope with my feelings. Most days I wish I wasn’t here anymore but I don’t want to hurt my family. I just don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. I feel like I’ve tried everything and nothing has helped! I do not like the person I’ve become. Am I alone?

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My Advice

I need to share this information with every woman I know that has PCOS.
My husband and I have been trying to have a child since we got married but it’s been so difficult bc I have PCOS.

These are things I’ve learned along the way while being under the care of a specialist:

Take myoinositol and don’t stop working out please. No physical activity increases risk of heart disease and diabetes but with PCOS it increases your risk. Also get good sleep and take melatonin if you can’t sleep. PCOS messes with your sleep and increases chances of depression (bc hormones).
PCOS really wreaks havoc and I had no idea how hard it would be to conceive.
See a specialist to help regulate your cycle with natural progesterone. Treatment reduces your risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Thanks for reading. 🤗 I love you!

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Pretty good day….

Woke up feeling horrible today but took some meds and had a nap with a heating pad and started feeling a bit better. Got the kitchen clean which is a HUGE win for the day! I think the rest of the day I am going to spend relaxing since tomorrow is Monday….back to work 🤦‍♀️.
#Sarcoidosis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Anxiety #Depression

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