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FND Service Dog #ChronicIllness #question

I have Functional Nuerological Disorder. My symptoms include: non-epileptic seizures, paralysis episodes, going unconscious, walking instability/weakness, no peripheral vision, lower hearing, muscle spasms, tics, and dissaciation.

Would you recommend a service dog?
No other treatment other than mild therapy. It is a chronic, incurable illness.

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Med Sensitivity/Intolerance #ChronicPain #question

Does anyone experience medication sensitivity or intolerance? I am not able to take proton pump inhibitors and I am now experiencing issues with taking antihistamines. I have been able to tolerate antihistamines until December of last year. My body decided to flare and anytime I try a new antihistamine my body will flare-up and I am starting to become scared of taking meds because it may flare me up. #FibromyalgiaSucks

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I am looking for your truth.

What does forgiveness mean to you? I have been told that forgiveness is the only way forward in my healing journy. I dont think forgiveness is mandatory when you have had the life i have lived. I dont even truly know how i survied other then to spite my entire family. But as not to trigger any one i will just say it was a childhood i would not wish on my enemy.

And not i just need to know others thoughts. Please and thank you.#question #CPTSD #ThankYou

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Does the Mighty have group chats?

I forget if they do? But would love to use them if so! Anyone know how to access them if they are on the app? Thanks! 😊 #web #App #MightyTogether #question #help

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How do you cope with chronic illness and health issues emotionally and physically?

Thankfully I don’t struggle with a chronic illness or disability but my mom has some and it’s really sad to see her constantly in pain I wish I could help more. How do you cope if you struggle this way as well? 💕💕💕 #chronichealth #healthissues #coping #thriving #illness #question #Disability #Abilities

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Annoying eye twitch that won't go away. #Undiagnosed #eyetwitch #concern #question

So i have an eye twitch I've been dealing with for months it'll go away then come right back. I lost my mom back in April unfortunately, i drink coffee and pop, am attempting to cut back, smoke cigs and weed, never dealt with it with either of those, got insomnia from my mom and have always been a night person. Have an appointment with optho on the 12th, but wanted to know if i was the only one???

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Are the terms “high-functioning” and “low-functioning” actually harmful? /genq

Because I don’t mind being labeled as “high-functioning” as an autistic individual. Is that wrong?

Of course autism is a spectrum. Traits that someone does and doesn’t show doesn’t make them any less autistic. No matter if they’re labeled high-functioning or low-functioning, they’re still autistic. Of course they are!

I saw a Pinterest post showing example “A and B are both autistic” and that said “there’s no such thing as ‘high-functioning’ and ‘low-functioning’” and that “those terms are harmful to use towards the autistic community.” I do agree that it shouldn’t be used on entire groups, especially on those who don’t like it, (just like how the terms “disability” or “disorder/ASD” shouldn’t be used on everyone) but what about for those who don’t mind being labeled as high-functioning and maybe reclaim it, such as myself? Is that wrong? Because I felt kind of offended by that post.

I don’t like gatekeeping, so I hate folks/folx telling me what I should and shouldn’t be comfortable with labeling myself.

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #question #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Autistic #IsThisRight #Labels

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