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This Pain

How do we find purpose in the pain? Whether it's physical or emotional there are reasons for the pain.
Pain is there to alert us that something isn't right. Something is off, and needs our attention.
What I found in my own life is when I was experiencing physical pain I'd attend to it quite quickly to make sure it healed. However, my emotional pain I ran from, tried to ignore, fought, acted like it wasn't there, etc....And then wondered why it never healed.
For many of us we don't want to acknowledge the hurts in our life. Why? Because it only hurts! But! When we can acknowledge it, work through it, it can be healed. And it's only through the healing process that we can find what we so desperately need - purpose
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#mentalitea MentaliTea Podcast #mentaliteapodcast

It's time to spill the Tea on the Psyche! MentaliTea is a podcast hosted by Camara Rauen and Zackery Alexander. Each episode we explore stigmatized topics with various guests, all the while sipping on a cup of delicious tea. Our subjects range from Anxiety, to Asexuality, to PTSD, to Autism. We do not claim to be experts— just two advocates that want to learn and share others’ stories, with the hope that we might begin to break the social stigmas surrounding mental health. Join us for tea on Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more!
#mentalitea #mentaliteapodcast #mentaliteatalk #mentality  #Podcast #mind #MentalHealth #ADHD #Stigma #Anxiety #Depression #Autism #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Disability #Cancer #Holistic #Medication #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Therapy