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Save the date: Facebook Live with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)

🗓️ Do you have plans on Thursday, March 14 at 3 p.m. ET? Here’s a Mighty recommendation for you:

In honor of Women’s History Month, AFSP’s Senior Vice President of Research, Dr. Jill Harkavy-Friedman, will be joined by Dr. Maureen Zalewski, an AFSP research grantee who is the director of clinical training and an associate professor at the University of Oregon. Dr. Zalewski is a licensed psychologist who is Linehan board-certified in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Her work focuses on understanding risk, protection, and treatment approaches for parents who experience emotional dysregulation and suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

From motherhood to daughterhood to the emotional impact of women’s place in society and other psychological considerations that impact women — including any questions you send on this important and fascinating topic — we hope you’ll join us for this enlightening conversation on supporting women’s mental health.

RSVP here:

P.S. Share your questions for Dr. Jill in the comments below!

#MentalHealth #Suicide #virtualevents #Anxiety #Depression #Trauma #Bipolar #OCD #Parenting #Caregiving #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability

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On Thursday June 8, Meet the hosts of our new podcast, "Health & (un)Wellness: Mighty With Migraine"

Need a little hot migraine mess in your life? Join podcast cohosts (and “professional” neurology patients) Kat and Skye as they kick off Migraine and Headache Awareness Month with their signature brain pain banter and tips. They’ll introduce The Mighty’s new Health & (un)Wellness podcast and share what’s to come during their season, Mighty With Migraine. Learn more about their migraine stories and bring your questions — sunglasses, ice hats, and sarcasm welcome!

RSVP for the event here:

P.S. To be the first to listen to the new episode (especially if you live with brain fog and love a good reminder like we do!), head here to listen to the trailer and hit subscribe on Spotify or Apple Podcasts:

#Migraine #facebooklive #virtualevents #MightyEvents #chronicmigraine #ChronicPain #Pain

Health & (un)Wellness Presents Mighty With Migraine by Health and (un)Wellness

Welcome to Health and (un)Wellness — a podcast brought to you by The Mighty, where we put the human back in health. For our first season, Mighty With Migraine, join hosts Kat and Skye — who have over 33 years of lived migraine experience between them — as they lead you through 12 relatable, educational, (and sometimes self-deprecating) conversations. From brutal misconceptions to accessibility in the workplace, we are here to give migraine — a neurological disease which affects more than 1 billion people globally — its very overdue spotlight in the shade. No matter how you’re feeling today, we’ll travel to meet you — just as you are. Because we’re here for you in sickness and in health.
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Our new podcast releases soon, be the first to listen!

The inaugural season of Health & (un)Wellness — Mighty With Migraine — kicks off with this well-rounded primer on the common yet disabling neurological disease. Meet hosts, Kat and Skye, as they explore some foundational migraine vocab and rant about barometric pressure changes. Come for the brain-bending info, stay for the laughs!

The episode releases Monday, June 5!

#Migraine #Podcast #chronicmigraine #acutemigraine #episodicmigraine #ChronicPain #virtualevents #ChronicIllness

New Podcast Episode: Migraine 101 | The Mighty

Virtual Event - Sign up to be notified when episode 1 of our new podcast series drops!
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Shout out to everyone who attends Color & Chat!

I just genuinely wanted to extend a thank you to everyone who makes time to come to Color & Chat on Tuesday evenings!

Last night’s hangout was full of lively conversation and just being in the room with other people with a variety of artistic mediums and walks of life is so helpful in focusing in my creative energy. It’s especially helpful as I try to jump back into “normal” while grieving a loss.

Our chats remind me how incredibly resilient this community is, despite whether or not it’s fair that we need to be. Thank you all for continuing to show up to something that's so helpful for my own mental health.

If you want to join the next one, you can RSVP here:

#MightyEvents #colorandchat #virtualevents #hangout #Art #MightyArtRoom

Art Events | The Mighty

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Welcome to Mighty Events!

Here's everything you need to Know About Mighty Events!

Over on our event site,, you'll see events hosted by Mighty staff, the community, and some of our nonprofit partners.

You'll find public and private events as you scroll through the event lists. Here's what to expect out of each of the event types you may see:

❤️ Support Group:

Support groups are private events for people who share a similar experience to connect and support one another. Support groups are not a substitute for group therapy.

✍️ Workshop:

Workshops are private events led by a host who provides prompts, teaches a skill or leads an activity. These types of events are one of the most interactive.

🎨 Hangout:

Hangouts are private events around a shared theme or concept. Typically the conversations are more casual with no set agenda and are led by a trusted host.

📚 Webinar:

Webinars are private events with a host or hosts presenting on a particular topic, usually with time allotted for a Q&A. There is typically minimal audience interaction in this format.

🎥 Facebook Live & Instagram Takeover:

Facebook Lives & Instagram Takeovers are public, speaker-led events that anyone can attend. The audience may join the discussion or pose a question in the text chat. Public events do not require registration to attend, but you can still do so in order to get helpful reminders ahead of the event.

Any other questions about events? Drop them in the comments!

#MightyEvents #virtualevents #DistractMe

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You're invited to a winter-themed Color & Chat!

The holidays and winter can be tough on a lot of folks. And if your found family is online, it's tough when everything shuts down for the holidays.

That's why I want to invite everyone to a special winter-themed Color & Chat on Monday, 12/27/21 at 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. ET (1:30 p.m - 3:30 p.m PT).

Stay for the full 2 hours or pop in for the entire event. I've created some wintery self-care activities we can enjoy together (and you can always bring your own projects instead) and you can download & print them here:

The holiday season can be lonely, so what better way to spend our time than by finding connection, warmth, and support from yourself and others!

Be sure to RSVP here:

#virtualevents #MightyEvents #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicIllness #BipolarDisorder #52SmallThings #selfcare #Selflove #CheckInWithMe #Disability

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Meet one of the co-hosts of 'Mental Health Happy Hour' (and learn more about their event)!

When does Mental Health Happy Hour take place?

-Monthly at 1 p.m. PT/4 p.m. ET on Thursdays! (We currently have no set week of the month)

Why do you host?

To connect with the Mighty community, to provide joy and humor to anyones' day who needs it, get the joy of hearing the small and big wins of everyone, and find a way to support those in our community who want to be heard.

What happens during the event?

-We share our mental health wins, share community mental health wins, uplift those who want to be heard with what they are going through, and share the good news people may be missing out on in the world!

What's expected of me?

-Join live and if you feel called to leave in the comments your mental health wins and what is on your mind and we will support and celebrate you.

To sign up for Mental Health Happy Hour, go to to find upcoming times!

#MightyEvents #CheerMeOn #virtualevents #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicIllness #Disability #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

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Meet the Host of 'Color & Chat' (and learn more about the event!)

When does 'Color & Chat' take place?

-Every Monday evening we meet on Zoom starting at 7:30 p.m. ET until 9 p.m. ET.

Why do you host?

-As someone who finds Mondays particularly draining and realizing creative time is vital to my self-care, building in time and committing to it is really hard. I wanted a space I could hold myself accountable while also holding space for others who need the same or a place to hang out. It's been a true delight to host!

What happens during the event?

-Exactly what the title suggests! In all seriousness, we focus on self-care, light conversation, and working on art in all forms. We'll change topics if something is triggering or too heavy, and there's time to share at the end of each session (if you want to!).

What's expected of me?

-Participation is never required at these events. As someone with a lot of social anxiety, I know how difficult it can be to feel pressured to speak or show up in a new space. You are welcome to keep your camera and microphone on or off as well as use the chat! Or you can just listen in to test it out. I won't be upset if you leave a few minutes in if it's not your thing! Besides that, bring whatever creative project you're currently working on or looking to start!

To sign up for Color and Chat, go to to find upcoming times!

#MightyEvents #selfcare #virtualevents #Art #ArtTherapy #52SmallThings #colorandchat #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression

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Mark your calendars for this week's Mighty events!

Week of 11/15/21-11/21/21

Here's a snapshot of this week's virtual events!

You can head to to see the latest additions, sign up, and learn more about what you can expect at each event type!

#virtualevents #MightyEvents #MentalHealth #DistractMe #CheckInWithMe #supportgroup #hobbies #Art #ArtTherapy #Journaling #Writing #PTSD #ChronicIllness #MightyTogether