Is this normal?
I don’t know how to feel again
My partner and I went out last night
First of all before even going out he had a bpd moment and shut me out
Still at his parents house so he was in his room and asked me to leave so I just waited in the kitchen
It’s very uncomfortable getting into arguments at my inlaws because when he needs space
I’m unsure where to go
I did come in the room to ask him if he still wanted to go out and he was sleeping
I assume we weren’t anymore
I was okay with that
But then he wakes up and tells me to finish getting ready
Then I ask him about rent and i tell him i have 800 so basically my half
He only sends me 600 so we’re missing almost 500
That day i tried to go to a consignment shop to sell some of my clothes
Because one thing about me
I really hate asking for money but sometimes i have to
I just try to avoid it
But i guess he spoke to his mom while i was getting ready about not being financially secure
The two of us
I hear his mom crying and my partner calls me into the kitchen
She says she wants to help us which is so sweet
My partner also tells me that him and I can move to his parents house and leave where we are living now
But obviously I’m not comfortable with that
I don’t even know where or what to do at my inlaws when my partner is split or arguing with me
Which is multiple times a day
I’ve always been moved out of my own family house since 2019 and my partner has never really lived outside of his family house
Maybe 6 months with an ex in 2023 and 5 months so far ish with me
So I’m very much used to my own space and not having to think about being considerate to anyone else in the house
Meaning family dynamics
Anyways we leave for this party and I ask him if he remembers the text conversation when he said he’ll have 900 for rent
He said yes
I said i budgeted to make sure I’d have the rest of what we would need for rent based off him saying what he’d been paying
He also makes a lot more money than me
I was told that was an irresponsible way for me to budget.
Eventually we make it to our friends house and it was really nice seeing them really nice being out with my partner
But throughout the night i’m noticing he’s making an inappropriate amount of comments and joking around and saying he’s single or just talking about exs and whatnot
We then go to a club
Something I was not even aware of
I don’t think either of us did
But it’s our friend’s birthday and we were all drunk and celebrating
At this club he keeps telling me he’s noticing attractive people checking him
Which is fine because it happens to me too but why are you constantly telling me
and in front of our friends our coupled up friends
It was embarrassing having them hear my partner talk about other attractive people
Like my friends are so in love it’s just eyes for each other
I am also like that
If you’re in a relationship with me it’s just you and me I don’t even have the thought to notice if I’m noticed
My attention is on my person and the vibes around
So I’m feeling pretty down
Self esteem is low
Anxiety about rent
Have to try to get through the day
Even though I so badly want to not be on earth
#Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #20s #Anxiety #whatdoido #help #Relationships