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Is this normal?

I don’t know how to feel again
My partner and I went out last night
First of all before even going out he had a bpd moment and shut me out
Still at his parents house so he was in his room and asked me to leave so I just waited in the kitchen
It’s very uncomfortable getting into arguments at my inlaws because when he needs space
I’m unsure where to go
I did come in the room to ask him if he still wanted to go out and he was sleeping
I assume we weren’t anymore
I was okay with that
But then he wakes up and tells me to finish getting ready

Then I ask him about rent and i tell him i have 800 so basically my half
He only sends me 600 so we’re missing almost 500

That day i tried to go to a consignment shop to sell some of my clothes
Because one thing about me
I really hate asking for money but sometimes i have to
I just try to avoid it

But i guess he spoke to his mom while i was getting ready about not being financially secure
The two of us
I hear his mom crying and my partner calls me into the kitchen
She says she wants to help us which is so sweet
My partner also tells me that him and I can move to his parents house and leave where we are living now
But obviously I’m not comfortable with that

I don’t even know where or what to do at my inlaws when my partner is split or arguing with me
Which is multiple times a day

I’ve always been moved out of my own family house since 2019 and my partner has never really lived outside of his family house
Maybe 6 months with an ex in 2023 and 5 months so far ish with me

So I’m very much used to my own space and not having to think about being considerate to anyone else in the house
Meaning family dynamics

Anyways we leave for this party and I ask him if he remembers the text conversation when he said he’ll have 900 for rent

He said yes
I said i budgeted to make sure I’d have the rest of what we would need for rent based off him saying what he’d been paying
He also makes a lot more money than me
I was told that was an irresponsible way for me to budget.

Eventually we make it to our friends house and it was really nice seeing them really nice being out with my partner

But throughout the night i’m noticing he’s making an inappropriate amount of comments and joking around and saying he’s single or just talking about exs and whatnot

We then go to a club
Something I was not even aware of
I don’t think either of us did
But it’s our friend’s birthday and we were all drunk and celebrating

At this club he keeps telling me he’s noticing attractive people checking him
Which is fine because it happens to me too but why are you constantly telling me

and in front of our friends our coupled up friends
It was embarrassing having them hear my partner talk about other attractive people

Like my friends are so in love it’s just eyes for each other
I am also like that
If you’re in a relationship with me it’s just you and me I don’t even have the thought to notice if I’m noticed
My attention is on my person and the vibes around

So I’m feeling pretty down
Self esteem is low
Anxiety about rent
Have to try to get through the day
Even though I so badly want to not be on earth

#Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #20s #Anxiety #whatdoido #help #Relationships

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Confused pt2

I guess I’ll start with trigger warning
If you are someone who struggles with BPD related relationships, suicidal ideation, and relationships trauma which puts you in a not good mindset maybe don’t read this

So I guess I’m confused
Confused about how to feel
How to react
What to even say
So i guess this may be a rant a vent I’m not sure
My partner who struggles with BPD and potential DID and a Bipolar disorder
Has told me he has friend(s) who want us to break up
Im assuming this is because of whatever he shares with them
I did manage to bring it up to him just now
I’m not sure how the conversation started but I did share my thoughts about it finally
He said it was very honest of me
I told him that it was unfair of him to share that information with me
Especially because it was after I told him I’ve been extra depressed and suicidal lately
Personally I feel like that is an “off side” thing to tell your partner in general and just bad timing
Kind of something you keep to yourself and your friends i guess
Maybe I’m crazy for thinking that
I’m not sure it’s just my opinion
He told me that it was someone in his system that told him that
But yesterday I overheard heard his conversation with someone saying “but I love her and you don’t leave when times get hard”
Something along those lines not verbatim
And I am jumping to conclusions maybe but i feel very sure that conversation was about me
In general i think that’s not an okay conversation to have infont of me especially if it’s about me
(I feel crazy and self absorbed writing about this)
It’s hard for me to believe that it was just someone in his system telling him this and not a physical person in his life

This is just something that has been on my mind since he said it
How should I feel if he has friends telling him to leave me
I love my partner very much and have done basically everything in my control to be supportive of him
I mean in and out of hospitals
Reaching out to his best friends to check in on him
Tried my best to defend him when people in my life had something negative to say about him
Non verbal time
Bpd moments
psychosis episode
Much more
I just don’t feel heard or understood i guess
I feel like I try
All I’ve asked for resently is to be home for a little bit so I can decompress in my own safe space (we’ve been staying at his parents)
But even that has not been respected
I feel like if i could fill my cup just a little bit I could be a better partner
But I just haven’t gotten the opportunity to actually do it and constantly being shut down
I feel like I have no voice anymore
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDepression #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #alone #whatdoido

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Great /vneg | TW Family, one all-cap text

My nephews are home again today, and because my autism hates it for some reason (because of external stimuli and being overstimulated), I’m leaving. Again.

- Finding a quiet space

- Potentially being misgendered as someone who’s not non-binary (especially being misgendered as a girl)
- One of my triggers are the words c/v/d-19 (o, i), p/nd/mic (a, e), and q//r/ntine (ua, i) ⚠️(please, please, no one say these words in the comments 🙏🏽) ⚠️, and UNFORTUNATELY it’s pretty common in advertisements (which are almost freaking everywhere - thanks America /sarc) and I can’t even look at advertisements or even the outside world anymore since 2020. Once I accidentally look at a post or whatever (because I do that often) and one of those words appear, there goes my mood. It’s happened twice the last time I went out.

But I feel like I have nowhere else to go but outside in order to not feel overstimulated. This is ridiculous.

#fml #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #Family #why #whatdoido

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A Poem I Made: "Ready To Go"

I’m breaking

I’m shaking

Wishing I wasn’t waking

To a life full of anger

A life full of pain

I don’t want to die

But I can’t stand to live

A life full of mistakes

And a life of wrong turns

These roses are red

Covered in blood I’m lucky enough

To call mine

My world I want to redesign

My tears I only want to dry

‘Cause all I do is try

Try to be happy

With my fake smiles

And laughs full of lies

I won’t do drugs

To fix my pain

I’m addicted to that pain though

I’ve been on it for so long

Don’t know how to put it down

I have to have it

Or I feel like I’m dyin’

Keep sayin’ I’m done

I’ll change, I’ll quit

When I die

I wouldn’t be surprised

If they went to my grave and spit

I’ve done nothin’ worth praisin’

Nothin’ worth rememberin’

I’m just a person

Ready to go.

#Depression #Anxiety #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar #LGBTQ #whatdoido

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New Relationships!! 🏳‍🌈 🫀🤔

Okay, so I met this girl, right? She's super sweet and kind and funny....I could go on forever. And I told her a few weeks ago that I was I (and I quote:) "hella into her". Then she told me that she thought I was cute - 🤯

We started talking everyday and got kinda close. About a week ago, she asked me to be her girlfriend. And, of course, I said yes! But I'm scared.....I have a tendency to push people away. Especially when they have any emotion towards me that is in any way positive. I don't want to push her away 😞

I'm scared to lose her, she makes me happy...what should I do?

#whatdoido #scared #LGBTQ #queer #PTSD #BPD #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Love #Girls


What are ways to help people you love out of their dark place? #helping #ineedhelp

My boyfriend is really struggling with wanting to stay alive. I don't know exactly what is going on because he says he doesn't know how to describe it. But I, myself, have been through a good amount of unfortunate events and I know it was scary. I didn't have much help so I don't know how to help him. If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it. #whatdoido

1 comment

#Depression My husband is not supportive, he is worse.

I've battled trauma, Multiple Sclerosis and all the pain and worry that goes with it, mental health etc my entire life. My husband makes fun of me bc I'm on medication. He makes me feel so small everyday. He doesn't understand bc I look normal. He has never been to a doctor's appointment with me. I have imagining and proof. He calls me mammaw and I'm 35. I am beginning to hate him and starting to plot my way out. With covid around this is much harder. The fact I have zero money, everything is in his name and I don’t have a full time job. I do deliveries when I feel well but with Covid-19 being at it's worst it isn't worth it right now. I have a senior in high school to be a role model for. I honestly don't think he will ever understand and even more of a punch in the gut is, he probably doesn't care to understand. I put my life on the back burner for my daughter and needed to survive. I don't want to just survive anymore because it is killing me. #whatdoido #SOS #Divorce ?


#Depression My husband is not supportive, he is worse.

I've battled trauma, Multiple Sclerosis and all the pain and worry that goes with it, mental health etc my entire life. My husband makes fun of me bc I'm on medication. He makes me feel so small everyday. He doesn't understand bc I look normal. He has never been to a doctor's appointment with me. I have imagining and proof. He calls me mammaw and I'm 35. I am beginning to hate him and starting to plot my way out. With covid around this is much harder. The fact I have zero money, everything is in his name and I don’t have a full time job. I do deliveries when I feel well but with Covid-19 being at it's worst it isn't worth it right now. I have a senior in high school to be a role model for. I honestly don't think he will ever understand and even more of a punch in the gut is, he probably doesn't care to understand. I put my life on the back burner for my daughter and needed to survive. I don't want to just survive anymore because it is killing me. #whatdoido #SOS #Divorce ?


When someone tells you to do a chore you’ve never done before, and you have no idea how to do it (and the person that said it knows that you don’t know how to do it). Is that someone who is setting an unrealistic goal for you? #whatdoido #Chores #help #Autism #differentnotless


I dont know how to feel.

My biological father is an abusive alcoholic. We never get along when we seldemly do talk. Yesterday my nana called me and told me that while he was drunk he decided to snort an entire baggie of heroin. He was given 4 doses of Narcan by the EMTs to revive him. He called me that night ddunk and was just talking about non sence. (Which is normal for him.) I am confused on how to feel. Of course i feel terrible for my nana having to deal with that and i dont want him to die but i want him to get scared enough so that he changes his life. A year ago he was on life support due to congestive heart failure. He made it out alive with his heart only functioning at 17%. What makes him think that he can just go back to what he was doing before and starting new drugs he has never done before. He has never been there for me. He only calls me when he is drunk. So why do i have this need to care? I know it sounds cold hearted but i dont want to care anymore. I dont want to worry anymore and most of all im tired of my nana dealing with this on a daily basis with him living in her home. ##Addiction ##why ? #NumbToThis #whatdoido ?