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Woke up with another migraine. I took a sumatriptan, 2 aspirin, a Norco, and 3 hydroxyzine pamoate. I am hoping to feel better soon. I might try to meditate for a bit.

I'm getting groceries today from Instacart. The shopper hasn't started yet but I said I wanted it between 10am and 1pm so it's gonna come early. I ordered some really yummy food. I found GF Dino nuggies! Now Pauley and I can eat them together! I also ordered a 10 pack of sugar free starry and a few bottles of bolthouse juice so I can make sparkling juice.

I'm kinda sad about missing the cupcake crawl this weekend. But I can't push myself when I'm struggling or pauley will get upset. Next weekend I'm gonna try to do a belated Valentine's Day outing. Maybe a lunch date and bubble tea. Bubble tea is my favorite drink. It always makes me happy. I get taro and caramel. It tastes like caramel popcorn.

Today's coffee adventure was the same as yesterday. It's just so yummy. Peanut butter flavored coffee with snickerdoodle flavored coffee and 3 squirts of sucralose and topped with oat milk. It's my current favorite blend. But I've got some really good coffee still to try. I can't wait to share my adventures with you!

#Adulting #Migraine #foodieadventures #coffeeadventures

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It's groceries day 1

To ensure we don't have to go to Aldi tomorrow, we ordered groceries from Instacart and they'll be delivered soon. We ordered 160 bucks worth of food. I've got a very short list of things I need from Meijer. I need to get the ingredients for bacon and cheese quiche. And I want to stop by trader Joe's for some blueberry lavender almond milk for my blueberry rooibos tea. It's so yummy.



ADHD Makes Everything Feel Like Work

Living in my ADHD-infused world feels like riding a rollercoaster designed by a mad scientist. Throw in a dash of complex PTSD, a sprinkle of severe anxiety, and a dollop of major depressive disorder, and you've got yourself a mental health carnival. It's not just a journey; it's a wild, unpredictable ride.Imagine attempting to tackle everyday tasks when your brain decides to play hide-and-seek with executive function. Chores become these epic sagas, and the to-do list looks like a novel you never signed up to write. Social interactions? Well, that's a carefully orchestrated dance of preparing for potential distraction-induced tangents.
ADHD, my dear friend, makes even the simplest things feel like solving a Rubik's Cube blindfolded.Now, let's talk about the "ADHD tax" – the extra costs I rack up because, let's face it, adulting is hard. Late fees? Check. Takeout instead of cooking? You bet. And don't even get me started on hiring someone to tackle the never-ending laundry mountain because, frankly, wrestling with a fitted sheet is an Olympic-level challenge.And then, like the plot twist in a quirky sitcom, enter PTSD, anxiety, and depression. It's like having the emotional equivalent of a petting zoo inside your head. Tasks that others breeze through become monumental achievements for me. It's not just navigating life; it's herding a bunch of emotional llamas through a maze.But hey, here's the kicker – acceptance. I've learned to embrace this chaotic circus. Sure, I might not be juggling balls; I'm juggling mental health conditions.
It's not about being a superhero; it's about being a badass for surviving this daily this neurodivergent, mental health carnival, seeking support isn't a weakness; it's the golden ticket. Friends and family become the sidekicks in this wild adventure, helping me tackle the rollercoaster with a bit more swagger.So, here I am, riding the ADHD coaster with PTSD llamas, anxiety acrobats, and depression jugglers. It's not a sitcom; it's my life. And honestly, it's a hell of a show. #ADHDInGirls #Adulting #MentalHealth #anxiey

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Weekly Emotional Rollercoaster

I'm wondering if it's just me and if I'm right it's probably not. So I've noticed that each day of the week carries with it certain pressures and feelings that come about for me. Friday, I am calm. I feel at ease that the week is over and I'm going into the weekend. Saturday, I sleep in and hide from the world but then somehow come alive and feel vibrant enough to do something. Sunday, I begin feeling angst and feeling guilty for what I haven't done and panicked about all that I have to do. It takes a toll on me sleep-wise and intensifies my negative self-talk. Monday, I am drained before I even get out of bed because my mind has exhausted and raked me over the coals all night. Tuesday, I am afraid that I won't make it through the rest of the week without being confused and unmotivated. Wednesday, I feel the desire to hang on just a little bit more because I'm halfway there and it's almost over. Thursday, anxiety kicks in because I haven't really accomplished anything worth discussing and the vicious cycle continues on and on, week after week. Have you experienced this? Do you have any advice that could help me? #Anxiety #stressful #Adulting #Bipolar #mood #MoodDisorder #Depression #Bipolar2 #SocialAnxiety #sundowns #wellness #stressfuldays #harddays #StrongerTogether

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FRIYAY! #Adulting #Work

Well, it is Friday. I usually don’t work in Fridays but I am working today. I really gotta stop messing with my work schedule because I always end up mad about it. Annoyed with myself for moving things around. How great it would be if I could stay home today. And if I didn’t need the hours soooooo badly I totally would. #Sarcoidosis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Depression #Anxiety #ADHD


Adulting Sucks #Work #Adulting

Wednesday morning, why do you hate me? 😂 Man Oh man I woke feeling horrible this morning. I know it is because of my monthly friend (though that friend isn’t too friendly). I REALLY wish I didn’t have to go to work and I could totally call in but I know I shouldn’t. It is soooooo tempting. I could just lay back down in my comfy bed. Man….that would be great!!! Oh well, I guess I have to go adult now. Adulting is so totally over rated. Ugh! #Sarcoidosis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Depression #Anxiety #ADHD #Autism


Drowning in debt and mental health struggles

Does anyone else feel like they're on a really scary hamster wheel? I've made poor financial choices because of my mental health and because of my mental health I'm in debt and I'm in debt because of my mental health and it just keeps going round and round and round. I can't get out of this cycle of debt. I can barely see the psychologist on a regular basis because I can't afford my copay every other week. The sad part is I make decent money but I can't manage it because I have mental health issues. I don't know what do at all because I'm drowning in bills from my inpatient stay, I can't get caught up on bills, credit card debt or medical bills and it makes my anxiety and depression worse. I feel like I'm never going to get out of this cycle and there's no hope or help. I don't go out with friends because I never have any money left over after bills and my friends don't understand and think I just don't want to hang out with them. I'm 34 and I have no savings no 401k nothing. The future scares me and I feel like I'm a financial mess and a failure. I have a hard enough time dealing with my emotions, depression and my anxiety on a regular basis when things don't creep in and I don't let my mind run away with me. But the worries of financial stress on top of everything else has made life a living nightmare. #financialnightmare #Anxiety #everydaylife #lifestruggles #Adulting

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Hi, it’s been a year #Anxiety #FunctioningDepression

Well holy moly, it’s been a year since I’ve posted anything on this app. So, let me reintroduce myself…Hi again! My name is Emily. I’m now twenty seven years old and like many, I still struggle with depression, anxiety and other parts of the emotional rollercoaster called LIFE.

I feel over the past year, parts of me have gotten better at dealing with my highs and lows. I don’t feel I dip as low as I used to or hit high peaks as often as I once did either. I find I’m starting to manage being in the middle of it all. Which I guess is good? I’ve spent many years chasing a happiness that I thought every person had to constantly be. But that’s not how life is. I’ve found people who seem overly happy-go-lucky all the time really annoy me.. because it’s so far from any type of real. At least in my opinion. But atlas, here I am. Im learning to be okay with not being okay some days and also accepting just being. Now don’t get me wrong, some days can be significantly more difficult than others..but, overall I feel more at peace with myself than I have in forever. That may also be due to the fact that im getting older. Whatever the case, im happy to just be and to understand that it’s okay to be just as I am. Im not an overly happy person, but im also not as sad and gloomy as I once was. Im just here. Going through the motions. Trying to live and “adult” as we all do. Yea, I do have happy moments and times, but that doesn’t have to be always. And that’s completely okay. Hope everyone is doing well. Hopefully I’ll make more of an effort to post more again. #ChasingLife #Adulting #Anxiety #MoodDisorders #DepressionIsABitch #Cheers

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I’m 57. I should be able to adult by now, no problem. But I still struggle to speak up for myself, especially to my children. I get nervous. I act like a child who’s waiting for dad to get home from work because mom called him to tell him I got into trouble. Geez, I don’t know why either.
Last night my daughter didn’t ask me if she could use my car, she just asked me where my keys were because she’s taking it to work and didn’t want to wake me looking for them. I started to say why she couldn’t use my car but it didn’t go well because I got nervous. This morning I told my son-in-law about my insurance coverage. I didn’t have enough money to put everyone on it (I used my small inheritance from my dad to pay for insurance because my daughter couldn’t pay for it as she promised). I hardly drive anywhere so my coverage cost $738 for six months coverage. I’m hoping that they will be caught up on their bills by then to pay my insurance by then. Anyway I explained to him I have an excellent record and if she gets into an accident in my car they’ll have to pay out of pocket to repair it (because they’re not covered)
My daughter came home early and isn’t speaking to me. 😟 I won’t change my mind and cave but she sure makes living hell
#stressed #Adulting #beingresponsible


Feelings of envy and depression

For the last three weeks, I’ve been dealing with yet another work injury, but this time it’s upper body; entirely pulled my latisimis dorsi muscle. I’m so freaking done. I know that this is my life and I have to deal with the aspect that my body will not allow me to be as physically inclined as others are. I legit cannot afford a lower paying full time job as a cashier somewhere. I’m trying to move out (finally) with my boyfriend of almost 5 years and I’m no going to throw that away. I thought about getting disability, but then again I can’t because of the abundance of lawyers I’d need. It’s just every time something starts to go right in my life, something else comes back around to make everything worse again. My medical condition is the one thing keeping me back from destroying my depression. I envy those who can do whatever; I know I’m not as bad as some other people are limitation wise, but to me with what I wanna do is killing my youth. I feel like I have the body of a 50 year-old woman and the mental stability of…well.. I’m not too sure tbh. I just want help finding solutions and kind of plan out what I need to do in order to feel better. I feel like it’s getting harder to stay positive. #Anxiety #Depression #Independence #help #BodyPositive #Misery #Adulting