Woke up with another migraine. I took a sumatriptan, 2 aspirin, a Norco, and 3 hydroxyzine pamoate. I am hoping to feel better soon. I might try to meditate for a bit.
I'm getting groceries today from Instacart. The shopper hasn't started yet but I said I wanted it between 10am and 1pm so it's gonna come early. I ordered some really yummy food. I found GF Dino nuggies! Now Pauley and I can eat them together! I also ordered a 10 pack of sugar free starry and a few bottles of bolthouse juice so I can make sparkling juice.
I'm kinda sad about missing the cupcake crawl this weekend. But I can't push myself when I'm struggling or pauley will get upset. Next weekend I'm gonna try to do a belated Valentine's Day outing. Maybe a lunch date and bubble tea. Bubble tea is my favorite drink. It always makes me happy. I get taro and caramel. It tastes like caramel popcorn.
Today's coffee adventure was the same as yesterday. It's just so yummy. Peanut butter flavored coffee with snickerdoodle flavored coffee and 3 squirts of sucralose and topped with oat milk. It's my current favorite blend. But I've got some really good coffee still to try. I can't wait to share my adventures with you!