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January is 10 Days In!

Hello Everyone.
Welcome to another episode of #WhatOnEarthIsHappening ! 🤣

My emotions nose dived today like as if I was flying in an air plane circus show. #emotional time periods are not the best times, but they can be #Valuable when we have #Anxiety . I started to #think about all of these things that I have experienced so far since my father had died in March 2022.

When my #Dad passed away... I lost my favorite pain in the @$$. I was his favorite too. I #Love and #MISS my Dad so much. #Death is not an easy thing to #handle . But while I was #dealing with the #Lose of my Dad, I had them lost my job right after coming down with a terrible #illness .

It was a nightmare for me how I #lost my #Job and my #daddy all in such a short time span. I haven't found another job since because I have not mentally been #prepared for #MentalHealth is something that needed to be worked on as I am still #grieving over my father and my job.

So... Here I am... #RidingTheWaves that come in and out in my mind. Sometimes I just need to #RollWithIt and do what I need to do in the best way I can,.. even if it isn't my usual best. #Trying is better than #denying and #Procrastinating .

I must start small.
If I want a #Job ... I should try a small part time job somewhere. Maybe a retail job.. but.. even #Retail can be #stressful these days. It's getting #worse now that #AnxietyDisorder is getting stronger or more intense with me. But I will do my #best to #KeepWalking onward.

Do you have any words of encouragement for me?


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Weekly Emotional Rollercoaster

I'm wondering if it's just me and if I'm right it's probably not. So I've noticed that each day of the week carries with it certain pressures and feelings that come about for me. Friday, I am calm. I feel at ease that the week is over and I'm going into the weekend. Saturday, I sleep in and hide from the world but then somehow come alive and feel vibrant enough to do something. Sunday, I begin feeling angst and feeling guilty for what I haven't done and panicked about all that I have to do. It takes a toll on me sleep-wise and intensifies my negative self-talk. Monday, I am drained before I even get out of bed because my mind has exhausted and raked me over the coals all night. Tuesday, I am afraid that I won't make it through the rest of the week without being confused and unmotivated. Wednesday, I feel the desire to hang on just a little bit more because I'm halfway there and it's almost over. Thursday, anxiety kicks in because I haven't really accomplished anything worth discussing and the vicious cycle continues on and on, week after week. Have you experienced this? Do you have any advice that could help me? #Anxiety #stressful #Adulting #Bipolar #mood #MoodDisorder #Depression #Bipolar2 #SocialAnxiety #sundowns #wellness #stressfuldays #harddays #StrongerTogether

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The "daymare" I am living within.

This is a place where we can share our #Thoughts and our #feelings to one another. I have been #Trying hard to make things right with my life, and I know that it is difficult. I think a lot of us in this world feel a bit #lost right now. It is understandable because of what is happening in #ukraine and #russia at the moment. It is also #difficult to deal with #MentalHealth at the same time when you have a #MentalIllness that does not ever take a break. #Medicine can only take you so far in this world to make things #stabilized in the mind.

When #stressful situations occur, it is more difficult for those who have mental health conditions to handle than that of someone who does not have it. It is because we are already battling a mental war trying to use our #Therapy skills to apply to the #behavioral aspect of things while the medication helps take care of the #Neurological aspect of things. However, on the right kind of #Medication we are able to handle things a lot better. Of course we will always have some kind of #Sadness in our lives, as it is not the #Goal of medication to make us #robotic . However, the medicine we take does help to ease the existing conditions we already have so that we are less #sensitive to the #Extremes we would feel without the medicine.

I have #BipolarDisorder so this is something that is already a #Battle since I was about 16 years old. Sometimes all I can do is put on some lipstick and handle it the best way that I can, even if that means I need to take a few extra #Naps in the day. Whenever you are faced with #extreme amounts of #Stress things are not going to be easy for you. That is #normal . I just #wish that life were a lot #easier to handle though for those of us who have pre-existing mental health conditions that create more conflict and blow up the #emotional responses.

So - If you are #Reading this, please #DistractMe and give me something to think about other than my Dad's liver #Cancer

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#distraction #OppositeAction #Selfcare #BPD #struggle #Lifeishard #robin #Art #hobbies #Christmas #stressful #DBT

So haven’t been on here for a long time but found it really helpful last time. Currently doing dbt and struggling to use my skills I have learnt already. Gave in to self harm a few times the last couple of weeks. My partner and kids have been unwell and still are so I have had no time to myself and everything is getting on top of me. Trying to be positive today but I really just want to give up. Put some washing on, went to see my mum who is also poorly, made a pasta sauce and got my drawing pad out. Couldn’t think what to draw so decided on a robin, my favourite bird. Yet to see one in my garden they always give me a sence of peace when I do and I feel like I’m getting a sign from a loved one who is no longer here. I really need hobbies or art ideas they would be much appreciated. My life is ruled by being a mum and I have no sence of who I am. I literally just spend each day just struggling to get through to the next one. I really neee a purpose.


#stressful day

I am exhausted today. Physical and emotional exhaustion. One year ago we lost a very beloved pet. My mom and brother were very affected. I have tried to remain upbeat, but did not help much. On top of this stress, my mom looked at me and noticed the dark circles under my eyes and that upset her because she feels guilty about me being sick. I managed to hidden how bad I truly felt. # ready for bed. #glad today is over. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea, I am very thankful for so many things. I just need a place to rant.


Interviews tomorrow

So, I lost my seasonal job I had. I hoped it would go to permanent, but no. Anyway, I'm going to interviews for things like bank teller, or data entry. I'm trying to get out of retail. It's a very #stressful week. I'm trying not to #worry Since 2017, I've moved cross country to be closer to my ailing mom. I got a job, the store closed, my mom died, and since then I've had several other crummy jobs. Here's to #Hope

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No time to think clearly

Just stumbled upon #52SmallThings , and the weekly challenge. I love journalling and have bought a huge journal I'm still learning how to use, and am not so good at keeping it daily, especially on the days as #stressful as today. 1. No shower this morning due to shortness of staff where I live, 2. chasing up a late order of emergency #OstomyBag supplies, 3. while wearing the last remaining ostomy bag and knowing I had no spares. Afterwards, fatigue had me dozing, and then rushing around pre-taxi for an appt. Forced stillness at said appt watching an engineer re-build the back of my wheelchair. Greatful for rest, food and meds at the end of all that. Oh, and I finally got my shower, so I'm more relaxed despite not feeling remotely sleepy. Relieved this day is at an end! #3minutejournal