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New Member Introduction

Hi everyone, I'm new here and a bit nervous about sharing too much or too little. But here goes!

I'm a lifelong heart patient who's been through 4 heart surgeries, an artificial valve, congestive heart failure, AFIB, shortness of breath, HepC (dormant until a 2010 heart surgery, of all things), 2 back surgeries, chronic pain, and fibro. It was tough—I was housebound for over 10 years. Medical marijuana changed everything. It helped my depression, manages my pain, helps my insomnia, and allowed me to live again.

Ironically, my health improved just in time for me to become a caregiver for my 77-year-old mom, who's been healthy her whole life. It's a rollercoaster, and I struggle with feeling like there's not much I can do. When it's my own battle, I can at least fight, but it's different when you're caring for someone else.

In this group, I hope to both give and receive support as we navigate our mental health journeys, learn from each other's experiences, and grow stronger together. Let's conquer our minds, one day at a time! 🧠💪

#MightyTogether , #conquery #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness , #painman , #Depression , #anxietysupport

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"Emptying a space for the new to be revealed." So that is what happens when we take a vacation! Word Baths are my morning meditation, I ask for a word for the day, write down what pops into my head and then define it. (My husband Ron (and sons) built this beautiful wooden kayak.) #dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse #CoerciveControl

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The Ocean as Support for Grief

The ocean has been a reliable companion when I've struggled with grief. Its immense presence seems to help contain my tears. Word Baths are my ritual of defining my word for the day. (Thankfully not sad today, but offering for those who are.)

##dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #writingcommunity #Writing #writingprompts #memoir #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse #CoerciveControl

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Tenderness to Self

TENDERNESS is so much easier to find for a sweet fuzzy animal than for our wounded grumpy selves. (Not that these wallabies were about to lash out at me!) Asking for a Word for the day is my writing ritual, I then bathe in whatever definition arises. What is your definition of Tenderness?

#dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse #CoerciveControl

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Tolerance for a Friday

Tolerance - a good word for a Friday when the tank refill is very very close....

Meanwhile, there is always a cup of tea. My Word Baths are my definitions of a word that pops up for me first thing in the morning. A great writing ritual as at least I have written something before breakfast.

#dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #writingcommunity #Writing #writingprompts #memoir #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse

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#Anxiety #anxietysupport

If you battle anxiety and/or paranoia, I recommend this as a mantra for when an attack takes over you. Just repeat this while you do some deep breathing. 💕

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#nlpcoaching #PTSD #anxietysupport #mindsetshift #cronicpain #Trauma

If you've had to live through any form of trauma from birth to date then you understand how difficult everyday tasks seem to feel like the most daunting, exhausting experiences. To get up, to get dressed, to shower once a week at times! You take medication after medication. You are expected to travel to a specialist for everything you get diagnosed with. Right? Do you feel sick and literally feel like you can't breathe day after day turned year after year. Are you labeled an addict? Are you considered a difficult case? Do you feel you will never find anyone that can help you? I was stuck in this loop for over 15 years! I worked as a registered nurse for 5 years having no idea how horrible the patient side truly was! I started on a journey 4 years ago to find answers online. Despite my efforts in January 2020.... my whole world flipped for the worst! I literally was at a loss. How can this happen? Seriously it got worse! I couldn't believe it! Relationship of 10 years in shambles, my teenage daughters a mess, 17 surgeries to date. Wanting answers to my pain, anxiety at an all time high. I felt I completely lost my mind. My "husband" just lost his job, he had to sell our house we just completely remodeled the past 6 years. First day on the market "sold" a brief moment of peace.....
March 16th final signing of the house. I went to Florida with my sister, mom,my 2 girls and 3 nephews. COVID 19 was shutting down the world.. my oldest went back to freshman year college. My other daughter a sophomore in high school and myself forced to move in with my mom, a town house with 13 steps up, 13 steps down from living room and kitchen. While my "husband" chose to live at his parents and collect unemployment benefits. Never around. By May I was ready for a padded room in a mental facility. I knew I was going down a hole that I wasn't sure I could climb out of again. I'd been doing this 15 years. I didn't want to leave my daughters to this ugly world alone. I was utterly pissed off at everyone. I was seeing Drs to Amputate my R ankle and wanted pain management again. After medication free 5 years. Tried supplements, diet changes, CBD, Kratom.. I've tried everything. Been put on everything. I've fought dependency for meds and alcohol. Labeled an addict! Drug seeker! Demean by those who were my colleagues... I lashed out angry and cried everyday then July 2020 I received a call from Australia! The first 3 sentences I knew I had to make the biggest choice in my life in 20 years. So I try this NLP what the heck is it and how can it Seriously help my issues? A list of complicated untreated Dx for decades.
After my first session I could freakin walk up and down the stairs, to the bathroom without crying! What the heck 😳! I was like this is the same ankle 98 year old arthritis, fused and little pain. 4 sessions. I'm 90% better, No meds. Mastery level Coach! Pm me for info!! Story in detail to be cont.. SERIOUSLY CONDENSED VERSION! Right!

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What we don't Heal, REPEATS!

Do you find yourself in the same situations over and over and over again? Maybe a bad relationship? Friendship? Maybe its weight gain or weight loss? Maybe is smoking, drinking, sex, using drugs (unhealthy coping).
There are so many of us that find ourselves on repeat and wonder why.
I found in my own life, that it was due to NOT healing the underlying causes that drove back to these situations.
You see what we refuse to heal, repeats. Oh yeah sure we can fake for a bit. You know like the euphoric feelings when you meet that new guy/girl. Life is great! Or that excited feeling when starting a new job. But over time those feelings fade, and we find ourselves right back on repeat.
Want to stop the cycle? Heal the real the issues!
#beatanxiety #empty #Aloneness #Onlinecoach #asmrtist #Loneliness #CPTSD #Trauma #triggers #anxietysupport #enlightenment #mentalhealthmatters #Healing #relationship #Mindfulness #changes #classicasmr #RelationshipGoals #Sadness #healingtrauma