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I don’t have many friends and I’m really lonely I used to message my partner all the time and I guess became codependent would anyone be my friend?

Hi sorry I’m going through a tough time everything in life is wrong right now and I’m just trying to survive and start from zero again. Would anyone be ok being friends or checking in on each other from time to time ? DM Chat or comments ? Thank you if you don’t mind, I’m really struggling and need to reach out for help,

Gonna do my best to check out counselling if free or something I could afford as I’m unemployed and struggle to keep a job. Thank you for any kind words or anyone who doesn’t mind checking on each other everyone now and then. It would mean a lot during this hard time. Thank you everyone, and any help really means so much. #Selflove #Trying #Pain #inpain #Crisis #Tryinghard #hurt #anger #disappoinent #Unexpected #breakup #notcopingwell #ThankYou #lonely #friend #praying #hopeallworksout #ThankYou #reminders #Anxiety #Trying #future #Fear #Pain #Depression #help #self -help #needtobestrong #counselling #reachout #cheerup #DistractMe #needafriend

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Just had a really bad break up could you distract me or cheer me up with pet pictures or quotes?

Sorry I just had a complete blindsided break up of someone I really loved and thought was going to end up with. Could anyone comment anything that may distract me from this. I can’t stop crying, but they don’t care for me anymore so I don’t want to cry when they have turned cold, just want to forget and focus on something else and remember it’s their loss too, if it’s not mean to be it’s not meant to be and I’ll be strong and just as great with or without them even when it doesn’t feel like it. Thanks for the distraction #breakup #help #sad #devasted #Trying #Comment #cheerup #MentalHealth #sad #cold #theychanged #360 #ThankYou #petpictures #Memes #ThankYou

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Important to remember

I love quotes and these are what get me through. Remembering there is no possible way to fail because I'm human and I will forever be learning #Depression #cheerup #ADHD #StayStrong