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Overwhelmed and Lonely

What do people typically do when they feel overwhelmed and lonely? I can't get ahold of my therapist and I wish I could talk to someone I know and trust. My heart is so very sad and broken. My motivation and spirit are crushed. There is alot going on right now. I'm so very low.

#feelingoverwhelmed #Heartbroken #lonely #NeedSupport #cantfindmotivation #crushedspirit #missmytherapist #lookingforhope #mentalhealthmatters #reachout

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Open invitation-Revolving Post

Hey all. So I got this app a couple days ago after my fist panic attack because I NEEDED support. I am shocked at the time that it is taken to recover. Granted my mental health obviously wasn’t the best, but still.

That being said I am doing better because I got over that fear of reaching out. If anyone ever needs to talk in a safe space please reach out publicly or privately!!!

I will post this occasionally because I never want anyone to feel hopeless, and stuff can get lost in such a large feed.

We all deserve to feel safe ans supported. (Also I take suggestions on hashtags)

#reachout #IGotYou #strongertogther

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I don’t have many friends and I’m really lonely I used to message my partner all the time and I guess became codependent would anyone be my friend?

Hi sorry I’m going through a tough time everything in life is wrong right now and I’m just trying to survive and start from zero again. Would anyone be ok being friends or checking in on each other from time to time ? DM Chat or comments ? Thank you if you don’t mind, I’m really struggling and need to reach out for help,

Gonna do my best to check out counselling if free or something I could afford as I’m unemployed and struggle to keep a job. Thank you for any kind words or anyone who doesn’t mind checking on each other everyone now and then. It would mean a lot during this hard time. Thank you everyone, and any help really means so much. #Selflove #Trying #Pain #inpain #Crisis #Tryinghard #hurt #anger #disappoinent #Unexpected #breakup #notcopingwell #ThankYou #lonely #friend #praying #hopeallworksout #ThankYou #reminders #Anxiety #Trying #future #Fear #Pain #Depression #help #self -help #needtobestrong #counselling #reachout #cheerup #DistractMe #needafriend

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I could have written the initial blog.
I have attempted over 20 times and hospitalized almost 35 times.
I understand that my family will be better off without me.

For a few days oe and it is getting worse I feel like I am am going to see my family around the corner. I see my dog as the dog I had as a child.
Needless to say I am terrified.
Is there anyone else out there that can relate?
#scared #depressed #reachout



Sometimes we all need a break from our everyday pressures and for someone to help us carry our burdens.

Remember to ask if you need help. Even if it's just to have someone sit with you in silence, or to support you mentally or physically. It's what keeps us strong and able to move forward.

#AskForHelp #bekindtoyourmind #bekindtoyourbody #ASK #reachout #neverfeelalone


How are you doing?

It's been a while and I want to check in with everyone, this is a community and it's my goal that here we can be a safe space for peers to support eachother
#Support #reachout
Share something positive
Or ask for help


ALSO don't forget to look at the saved posts


How are you doing?

It's been a while guys and I want to know
How are you all doing, anything positive to share? Do you need any support, then feel free to reach out
We are a community, and so together we help eachother
#Support #reachout


My brain 🧠 and the rest of me went on a journey that I hadn’t experienced before. April 5, 2021 I ended up in the Crisis Center, and the ultimate decision was to put me up into the inpatient behavioral health unit.

I was up there for five days and got the care I needed. The depression piece of my Schizoaffective Disorder was acting up for awhile, and to say the least was not making myself feel very great. However, I had a wonderful experience, and unfortunately I know not everyone has a wonderful inpatient experience, so I really consider myself lucky.

Everyone that I encountered on the staff team was wonderful, caring, and seemed to love what they did. They also cared about ME and didn’t just think of me as a number to be discharged. Heck, before I left everyone asked me if I felt ready, but for the most part I was. Luckily, I will also be set up with the aftercare program I’ve been with in the past, and scheduled appointments with my psychiatrist and psychologist.

I can’t specifically (literally can’t because of HIPPA, and plus that’s THEIR story) tell you how just amazing my fellow residents of the inpatient unit were, but I will never forget them. I sincerely wish them and nothing but the best on their journeys. They were all such beautiful people, and they deserve the best. 💕

As all of you know I try to advocate for mental health and wellness and I feel it is best if I share my stories, hoping it’ll help someone else. I hope my story shared the fact that not every Crisis Center/inpatient stay has to be horrible. Please if you’re having a mental struggle don’t hesitate to ask me questions or whatnot. If you aren’t able to do so please call one of the numbers below or go to your nearest ER or Crisis center for an evaluation if your mental health is feeling overwhelming and unbearable.Your life is important and you have some much more to do. There are people rooting for you to overcome your illness, and so am I! You can do this! You’re a beautiful soul and you got this! Stay strong my wonderful friends. ❤️💕

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

National Hopeline Network

National Alliance on Mental Illness 1-800-950-6264

Crisis Text Line

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependance (NCADD)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Sexual Abuse

National Domestic Violence Hotline

#MentalHealth #mentalwellness #reachout #Inpatient #crisiscenter #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Depression #Psychosis #Anxiety #Advocacy #mystory

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I Also drew this last year

“Go Away” is just a lonely persons way of saying, “Show Me That You Care Enough To Stay.”…I drew this last year because so many times I have pushed people away when my mental health was at its worst & a part of me didn’t want to be around anyone, let alone be social because so many people have walked out of my life & turned their backs on me & I didn’t want to reach out because I wasn’t about to run anyone else out of my life or scare them away so I hid away from the world to try & conquer my demons alone…..But all the while of dealing with my inner demons, I felt alone & I needed someone, Anyone to still show me they cared by reaching out to me to show me that they still do care & are Always there when & if I needed them……Am I the only one who has done this? Has anyone else ever struggled with this?

#WhoisYourSupportSystem #MentalIllness #MajorDepressiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #SocialAnxiety #Anxiety #iseeyou #youarenotalone #reachout #itsOkayToAskForHelp #YouDontHaveToDoThisAlone