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The picture says it all #CheckInWithMe

I wish there was more I could say other than I am frustratingly the same. I do everything I can and nothing has changed. IIH is unrelenting and as I’ve said before, it’s basically a waiting game for now. Only the waiting game is not a very fun game. It’s actually quite painful. And exhausting. And lonely.

The only positive thing I can add is I did purchase this crewneck for myself and I can’t wait to get it. Any Harry Potter fans out there?

Anyway, I wish I had more to add to this, but I want to say I’m still hopeful for the future. There is hope for remission for me. I’m not going to be stuck at home for the rest of my life, and I truly believe that. It might not be exactly be the timeline I expected, but I believe in the life I’ve been dreaming of.

#IIH #IdiopathicIntracranialHypertension #IntracranialHypertension #IH #ChronicDailyHeadache #ChronicIllness #ChronicFatigue #chronicallyill #chronicallyillteen #chronicallymighty #RareDisease #ChronicallyHopeful #CheckInWithMe #HarryPotter

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Working While Sick

Working full-time can be tiring for anyone but working with a chronic illness can be especially draining. our bodies use up so much energy fighting off symptoms and dealing with chronic pain that there is little energy left to deal with work. Additionally, concentrating while chronically ill can be extremely difficult. Brain fog is real and hard to fight.

On top of the symptoms, keeping a smile on your face while fighting a chronic illness can be hard at times. I’ve found myself in the bathroom crying on several occasions. But, you feel like you have to keep a straight face like everyone else around you.

So be kind to your fellow co-workers. You never know what someone else is going through. and to everyone out there with a chronic illness, you are not alone. And, know that you are so strong.

#ChronicIllness #Workingwhilechronicillyill #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #chronicallyillandstrong #ChronicIllness #chronicallymighty


My #ChronicIllness sometimes manifests itself as #anger

Like a lot of people with chronic illnesses, I get frustrated by how mine, I specifically have a #RareDisease called #Vasculitis , limits my day to day life. I'm not happy with it, but with the #ChronicPain I deal with and other symptoms on a daily basis, I sometimes lash out at people because I'm just so frustrated with how my life is going.

#MentalHealth #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #Depression #PostconcussionSyndrome #keepgoing #CheckInWithMe #chronicallymighty


My dog is why I'm pushing through my #ChronicIllness

I know he would be devastated if anything every happened to me, as I'm his human, and he's gotten so much more attached to me after I had a near fatal flare roughly a year ago. He's the sunshine I need to keep pushing through all my crummy #Vasculitis + other symptoms.

#ChronicPain #MightyPets #keepgoing #chronicallymighty #MentalHealth #Anaphylaxis #Fibromyalgia #TraumaticBrainInjury


I'm grateful for the support system I had when #Undiagnosed

During my first three semesters of university, I battled symptoms from a #RareDisease called #Vasculitis . Doctors were not trying hard enough in the city where my university was located, so I had to leave. I was rather quickly diagnosed after this, but being home was HARD. Despite finally having a diagnosis, my #MentalHealth was declining because I was no longer with my support system. All of my friends believed that I had an undiagnosed illness when doctors were telling me that it was "in my head." Trying to find a new one where I live now, as support is crucial when you have a #ChronicIllness . One thing I love with at The Mighty, we're each other's support systems and are #MightyTogether .  
#ChronicPain #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #chronicallymighty


My dad's new way of wishing me good luck #MightyPets

Instead of wishing me good luck or telling me to break a leg (I'm a former theater kid, so this is relevant), he sends me a photo of my dog Lucky and says "Your Lucky Charm hopes you do well." It's a very effective method. #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #CheckInWithMe #chronicallymighty #ChronicPain #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Vasculitis #Lupus #Arthritis #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia


What do you do to relax after a long day? #myrarelife

I’m wrapping up a long day of traveling to meet a new doctor out of state and meeting up with old friends. I plan on starting to read the two books I bought. #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MentalHealth #chronicallymighty #Vasculitis


Having to travel out-of-state for treatment #myrarelife

I am traveling from New York City to Philadelphia to try and pursue better treatment for my #Vasculitis (HUVS to be specific). Before I became a rare disease patient (after being #Undiagnosed for over a year), I never thought I would have to travel more than an hour to see a doctor.

#ChronicIllness #RareDisease #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #POTS #Fibromyalgia #chronicallymighty #CheckInWithMe


What Makes Me #chronicallymighty

The endless barrage of appointments.
The temple-twisting pains.
The "here one day, gone the next" hamster wheel of symptoms.
The escalating guilt.
The hard conversations.
The unanswerable why's and the worsening what's.
The fact that I'm still here.

#ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Migraine #Disability #RareDisease #Undiagnosed #MightyTogether