I'm new here!
Hi, my name is rearips. I'm looking for anyone with DID, please. I'm a teenager and I have been diagnosed with DID. I'll be honest and say I had no clue DID was a thing- I thought it was fake. Only a few months after I got diagnosed I realized it was real and that's what my alters were trying to say. My therapist teaches me about terms like dissociation and switching and I learned more online. I don't know where to go because nobody is really... with me? I feel alone. I'm in the Middle East so basically learning about mental health is non existent. If you have this please talk to me. I never used this it automatically put some of these tags.
#MightyTogether #ADHD #AutismSpectrumDisorder #OCD #Grief #PTSD #DID #Dissociation #DissociationDisorders #DissociativeIdentityDisorder