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Hi, my name is rearips. I'm looking for anyone with DID, please. I'm a teenager and I have been diagnosed with DID. I'll be honest and say I had no clue DID was a thing- I thought it was fake. Only a few months after I got diagnosed I realized it was real and that's what my alters were trying to say. My therapist teaches me about terms like dissociation and switching and I learned more online. I don't know where to go because nobody is really... with me? I feel alone. I'm in the Middle East so basically learning about mental health is non existent. If you have this please talk to me. I never used this it automatically put some of these tags.

#MightyTogether #ADHD #AutismSpectrumDisorder #OCD #Grief #PTSD #DID #Dissociation #DissociationDisorders #DissociativeIdentityDisorder

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This is distressing…TW…abuse mentioned.

I have been dealing with a situation that has culminated in my son facing criminal charges as well as civil penalties involving vulnerable adult abuse against me. It is all finally coming to a head and hopefully the end is in sight without completely distorting our parent child relationship. My current situation is that the extreme distress has caused my first physically overwhelming consequences. A week ago today I broke out in hives that keep getting worse. Some of them started blistering yesterday. I am in an assisted living facility and a histamine diet is not possible. The residence claims they can’t do that and stay within state mandates. Benadryl is not doing anything. I don’t know what else I can do for some relief. Suggestions and ideas no matter how crazy they might be? I do not have a current physician that is familiar with MCAS. I have an appointment with a new allergist/immunologist but not for another 6 weeks! I have so many symptoms besides this both mental and physical health related. But this is the most urgent at this point. ANY and ALL suggestions are welcome… #PTSD #MastCellActivationDisorder #Histaminediet #vulnerableadult #Abuse # #Hives #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #DID #MentalHealth #Insomnia #MajorDepression #HEDS #AutonomicDysfunction

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Disappointed #groups #MentalHealth #DID

I have to say that I’m really disappointed that many of the groups I joined aren’t really very active. This is such a great platform for support. I wish more people would use it consistently.

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osdd and vampire alters

hii hiii, im looking for friends, and people who also have vampire alters as to learn how they deal with some of the urges said alter has.(i think i might of accidently roposted this) #DID #osdd


osdd and vampire alters

hii hiii, im looking for friends, and people who also have vampire alters as to learn how they deal with some of the urges said alter has. #DID #osdd


vampire alter

is it common to have supernatural type of alters? I(storm) am a vampire demon thing; the host is confused on if this is common and if anyone else has a vampire alter. myself im just curious on how they deal with the difference of not needing certain things.#DID #osdd #Alter


Wulff system

So I'm gonna be in the process of creating somewhat of a video diary to track my journey with DID on FB. I hope to capture my alters on video so that 1. I have a record of when I switch 2. Educate people about DID. If any of you would be interested in watching please don't hesitate to reach out to us on Facebook at the Wulff System. Leave me a message on messenger and I'll add you directly just to limit spammers and ridiculous "miracle cures".
#DID #DissociationDisorders #Awareness #videodiary

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#DID , #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder

One of my parts broke down today. It was sad and difficult. I wrote this for her - Melissa - who is 12 years old.

like a fist,
pulling at her skin,
on the verge
of tears.
She wants to see
the inner pain
on her body -
rivulets of blood
dripping from
her hands,
welling up from
the cuts on her arms.
I do not allow it.
I sit with her,
sharing an agony
that has lasted
from the beginning.
We let the notes
of the music
embrace us,
soothing our
fractured minds.
Each song carries
us to a better place;
to a hidden shore,
and I wash away
the tears still
trailing down
her face.
Lay your head
upon me,
and I will be here
when you awake.


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