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× " Be F.I.E.R.C.E On Your Mental & Physical Health Journey " × #don 'tLetADiagnosis#DefineYou

× " Getting A Diagnosis For Your Mental Or Physical Health... Can Be Unpleasant And Beyond Scary AF.... But We Must Not Let This Disabilty Or Health Scare... Not Define Who We Are... Or Who We Wish To Become For The Rest Of Our Lifetime... We Must Think Of Ourselve's As Not H.O.P.E.L.E.S.S.. But One True Thing That We Truly Are Is " U.N.I.Q.U.E " And A True F.I.G.T.E.R.. In Our Struggle's With Chronic And Physical Pain... Yes Life Can Be Damn Stubbornly Hard At Time's When It Involve's.. Our Many Diagnose's & Disabilitie's.. But One Thing Is For Sure Is That... " WE ARE ALL MIGHTY STRONG "... Sincerely, ☆ ▪︎☆ S. K. ☆▪︎☆


The person who changed me for my betterment ❤ #don 't_be_afraid_to_try_out_therapy

I had my session last night. My therapist is a goddess i feel. She has helped me throughout and I have known her for 7+ years now and I have gotten better in the process.

You may feel like nothing works for you. For instance I had to move from therapist to therapist to find the right one. And at first i never saw any improvement. But with time everything gets better.

I just wanted to post something about my therapist. She is probably the best therapist anyone could ever have. Maybe my improvements are solely because of my respect and love for her. But I think its coz of her talent in identifying my problems and helping "me" find solutions for them.
Trust me, I know how therpists are. Some are mean, some are judgemental and some don't 'click' and some may even leave you.

This is an appreciation post for my therapist and for the service she provides me with. She definitely will not see this. But I'm sure my message will encourage some out there to seek therapy, if they are double guessing whether or not to go for therapy.

I was afraid at first too. But now my sessions are what keeps me alive. ❤


Navigating Emotional Quagmire #navigatingemotionalquagmire

I started my own Facebook group called "Navigating Emotional Quagmire" at the urging of my therapist. The theory is that by helping others, I'll heal myself. See, I want to ultimately be a mental health awareness advocate and this is the first step to attaining that goal.
So many struggle in silence, not knowing they have options and avenues to pursue that will help them. I want this group to be a place where one can freely express themselves without fear of judgement, ostracization, nor callousness. A place to ask questions, offer assistance, or just vent.
If you are someone struggling, with or without a diagnosis, please join my group. We welcome you! #don 'tstrugglealone #ifitbothersyouletitout


#don ’t know what I should do

I have a friend who is elderly. Her adopted daughter bullies her into paying for her rent and luxuries. She is in her 50s and has a non working husband. When my friends husband was alive he would protect her from this unstable daughter. My friend transfers money to her at least monthly so as to keep her at arms length. Even the banker has asked her if she is transfering funds willingly, she just admits it’s better that way etc. This is abuse of my friend and her former therapist says so too. She won’t help herself, won’t get another therapist and this continuing abuse is discussed frequently. She has money for a dr or therapist but won’t seek one. I have PTSD and I’m very anxious when she tells me about this abuse. It brings back my own former abuse situation that lasted many years. My therapist says to lessen the communication more as I can’t seem to help. I feel like a failed friend


#Sadness #Pain #Loneliness #hurtfulwordspeoplesay #Survivor

Okay I am fairly new here and I would like to share my story... Well... at least one aspect of it. Just when I thought things had settled down after yet another hit of shaming, hurtful words, toxic people and fake people who claim to be friends. I share this because I refuse to let all the hurt and abuse I have endured, I am still here and I continue to fight. Just because there are some (okay most) people that seem to enjoy putting others down, mistreating, talking about them and ridiculing them for the sheer purpose that they are Evil and need to do such horrible things to others so that they can live with themselves and "put themselves on a pedestal" and so they can have some sort of twisted life. I have never been able to understand those type of people as am a firm believer in Karma and what goes around comes around. It does not take any extra effort nor does it cost any monetary amount, just be kind. (Okay, so maybe a little more breath to speak) But why not use kind words, a polite gesture, a smile or a compliment?? Geeze, hate is already destroying so much is something so small as a smile so hard? I had net a very toxic Pandemic "Friend" whom was aware of my Health issues. And because after 2 years of their joking, ridiculing, hurtful words and hate finally decided that I was the "problem of Damaged goods" and they ended the friendship with very violent and hateful, hurtful words. My Heart literally Broke like the hurt I felt when I lost My Mom. I cried myself into an Asthma attack and Prayed for GOD to help and deliver me from this pain. The tears still fall from the Hurt that anyone can treat another human being that way and not even be bothered by it in the least little bit. But, the odd thing is, I feel relieved. As if this Huge weight has been removed and I can run a marathon. I also realized that I know who I am, I Love me even when know one else does and GOD Loves me. I refuse to let those Toxic damaged people change me and change who I am. I will never be like them. I love to laugh and I want everyone to be happy. Happiness helps you over the rough spots. Positivity brings results. I am sorry if I have offended anyone, I just wanted to share a moment in hopes that it will help someone realize they are Special no matter what anyone says. We are all created in a very unique way... Half the fun is finding out what it is. For those that are hurting too... I wish you Healing Hugs 🤗 #Prayerchangesthings
#don 'tGiveUp

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#don 't know what to do#Way to survive

#I am feeling alone. Even I am showing my people that I am strong to not showing my emotion, but they get the wrong idea about me. I am not crying in front of them that doesn't mean that I am a heartless man! they teasing me, mentally harm me but, I don't have the right to get mad at them.

I am feeling alone. My sibling is continuously spied on me, but I don't have the right to complain about him to my parents. and more important is that I am a girl so I have to tell about everything about my life to my parent and also my sibling who is younger than me. It's frustrating me .still I am surviving.

Like my childhood, my parent is not allowed me to make friends so now I don't have anyone friend in my life. There is no one in my life to speak about my personal life and also no one is interested in it. it's not like that I am not trying to tell people about my problem or sharing with them but they are not interested to hear I am alone.#finda way to survive#Feeling alone #lonly