I have had disabling POTS for 13 months, and am SO CLOSE to getting real help! After 6 different doctors, I've tried 4L of water a day, waist-high compression, salt tablets, 2 electrolyte drinks a day, 20 physical therapy sessions, the CHOPS exercise protocol, and have tried metoprolol tartrate, metoprolol succinate, and propranolol. 7 months ago I was told I am "out of options until you see a POTS specialist" who at the time, was booking out until 2024. I have lost my ability to work, my independent living, my ability to drive, and so much more. From friends, to routine, to income, this year has been a year of loss.
While I hate that I am "excited" for 16 different tests (valsalva, QSART, Tilt table, sleep oximetry, endocrine testing, exercise testing, echo, holter, blood, urine, and more), I am genuinly so READY to finally get to the bottom of what is wrong (is it JUST POTS, or what's the deal?!), and to find a treatment plan that WORKS. I am so grateful that Mayo accepted me, and that their wait times were less than the only specialist in my state.
Only 10 days until we go. 7 days after that, I'll have my answers. Can't wait to report back.
#PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #LivingWithPOTS #Dysautonomia #finally