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Dear parents/guardians: If your kid(s) is a teenager or if they become one, please listen to them | TW family, misrepresentation

I’m so sick of the common trope seen in media like many TV shows and games that portray teens as “they think they can do whatever they want”, as folks with an attitude, or as folks who just talk back to their parent(s). I’m 20 1/2 years old, I don’t have kids or teens, but even I know that this is bullcrap.

Please listen to teenagers, and for goodness sake, do not assume that them defending themselves or standing up for themselves is the pure same thing as having an attitude (my mother always made that same mistake when she used to be mentally abusive)!

Especially if they’re not fully straight/heterosexual, if they’re transgender/non-binary/genderqueer/etc., polyamorous or non-monogamous, struggling with or identifying as a part of anything else that’s outside the societal norm, struggling with illnesses, struggling with neurodivergence/disabilities, or struggling with mental health and/or trauma. Please, I beg you. Don’t ignore them or excuse them for these ignorant stereotypes!

#TeenagersDeserveBetter #Family #psa #MentalHealth #Teen #teenager #teenmentalhealth #LGBTQIA #listen #misrepresentation #Anxiety #Trauma #misunderstood #Stereotypes

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Misdiagnosis? #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #AnorexiaNervosa #ChronicPain #Misdiagnosis #Undiagnosed #teenager

I was recently diagnosed with POTS, after a lot of appointments, but something doesn’t feel right to me. My main symptom is pain in my legs and arms, a lot of the dizziness and lightheadedness doesn’t seem to apply to me. I also feel like my previous history with anorexia shadowed my doctors diagnosis… I trust her, and I know she is very educated. However, my gut is saying it’s something else. Does anyone have any advice? I’m also willing to talk more about my symptoms if anyone has an idea that might not be POTS…

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I was todays (16) years old when I...

...realised, that the german phrase "wie geht's?" (how is it going?) often doesn't NOT mean "how are you doing (feeling)?". For example it could mean something like "how are you getting on with your assignments/to-do's?".
Germany is my mother tongue and I always lived (and still do) in Germany.
#SocialInteraction #Neurodiversity #teenager


Finally a wheelchair!

My first wheelchair arrived today and I'm so thrilled. I want to scream it into the world, because it will make my life so much easier and means less pain. I just wanted to share this #happymoment 🤩
#Wheelchair #AmbulatoryWheelchairUser #WheelchairUser #happy #Disabled #Disability #ChronicIllness #chronicallyill #ChronicPain #teenager #disabledteenager

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Bad Day

Yesterday I went to the ER. I haven't kept food down in days, and I was severely hypoglycemic with my blood sugar at 51.

I'm at such a loss for how to deal with this, especially as a teenager. Its really hard knowing I'm not getting better and it's overwhelming.

When I got there I had no anxiety, but when they put my IV in,and started pushing fluids, I felt this overwhelming sense of anxiety like I was trapped in this room and I couldn't move. It was so hard.

I just want answers.

#Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Gastroparesis #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #teenager


We support each other through all kinds of anxiety. Don't go through it alone.
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I can't wait to be 18 and make my own decisions...

I only have 542 days until I can make my own choices. Until she'll let me go out into the world, let me get a job. Be free..

#Depression #Anxiety #Birthdays #freedom #teenagers #teenager #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #PTSD #LGBTQIA

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Things are (finally) starting to look up

I want to start by thanking @chrislynn1 for all that she has done for me!! She's giving me a chest binder and I can't thank her enough 😄

Then my mom's boyfriend is finally starting to move away from using she/her pronouns and is using he/him and they/them!! It's a slow process, but at least the process has started!!

I'm getting caught up on my school work too! I wasn't able to really do any of my work due to my #Depression getting increasingly bad.

The rape case against my abuser is going through, and they're thinking that the least amount of time he's going to be getting is another 45 years!!

#Survivor #Anxiety #trans #LGBTQIA #finally #Family #ThankYou #Love #Accept #teenager