What do I sabotage my chance of a relationship?
I’ve been single for a long time, I divorced my abusive husband in 2006.. since then I’ve never been able to keep a relationship. Either my choices were bad, or the guys I met only wanted one thing!
Now I’ve been given many chances of meeting guys only to sabotage before I even meet them, I’ll be weird in hopes that it will put them off, I’ll pull away and make up excuses for why I can’t meet them. I’ll use my illnesses as another excuse.
The thing is I long for a good, healthy relationship. I just never think it’s going to happen. I’ll even push a guy away as if I’m testing him, just to see if he sticks around. Then when he don’t that just proves I was right all along. I’ve gotten used to the fact that I’m single and have been for a long time.
Why do I sabotage any chances I get?
#selfsabotage #BPD #ChronicPain #Relationships #single #Sabotage #Loneliness #Anxiety #Depression #EUPD emotionally unstable personality disorder #healthymind