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In a bad place right now... (picture: because who doesn’t love a cat in her own stroller? Lol)❤️💕🐱🐶💪🥰🤗

I’m anxious. I’m leaving in an hour to go to the hospital for an urgent MRI on my brain. I’m having the MRI at 10:30pm. The symptoms I’m having, of course, are scary in itself and the fact I need to go now, but that’s actually not what is bothering me the most. Covid is pretty bad where I am right now. The hospitals are over run with Covid admissions and they are trying to make as much room as they can by sending patients to field hospitals and anywhere else that there’s room. I’m pretty much walking into a burning building as far as infection goes because the one I have to go to is one of the worst out breaks in my province. I can’t have anyone come with me for support so my husband will drop me off and wait the few hours in the car. If anyone has had a brain MRI, it’s more terrifying than most MRIs because you have to wear a cage-like contraption on your head/face while you’re already trapped in a tiny space for up to 60 minutes and you can’t move. I’m hoping I won’t have to wear a mask inside the machine as well. The last time I had one done 5 years ago, I was able to take an Ativan to calm (and it was still scary!). But this time, because of my symptoms and blood issues I can’t take anything. I’m have terrible coughing spasms (not Covid related) so I don’t know how I’m going to manage that when I’m not supposed even move. I think this is warranted anxiety, but obviously still unpleasant. My parents had to take my dog to look after her for me for a couple days, so I don’t have that important support. My cat is wonderful but she gives love on her terms only lol 🤷‍♀️ Any kind words or wishes would be appreciated ❤️💕💪 #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #ADHD #PTSD #EatingDisorders #SensoryIssues #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #Allergies #SinusTachycardia #Hypertension #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #ChronicPain #Nerve and joint pain #geneticblooddisorder #chroniccough #nausea #involuntarymovements #rashes #Fatigue #AutoimmuneDisease #DryMouth #Nightsweats #Endometriosis #kidneycysts #OvarianCyst #enlargedlymphnodes #Virus #Infection #CannabisCorner #MedicalCannabis #Isolation #Loneliness #nightterrors


Suggestions for involuntary muscle spasms due to Seroquel (quetiapine)?

My boyfriend has bipolar type II and twitches in his sleep. He takes a dose of seroquel to help him fall asleep every night but I’ve noticed that the twitching is frequent throughout his sleep. I’ve attempted to do some research but I can’t seem to find much on the subject. I did come across something called tardive dyskinesia if anyone is familiar with this term or if it’s associated with seroquel I’d love to find some answers. We believe the twitching is due to the seroquel but we’re not sure where to turn.

It can get frustrating for both of us since his twitching often wakes both of us up, so I am wondering if there are any options out there we could try to help him with these involuntary muscle twitches (the twitches basically jolt his whole body)

The only thing we’ve tried so far was a prescribed muscle relaxer, but that didn’t seem to help. Any suggestions or light on the subject is much appreciated.

Thank you! #Bipolar #Bipolar2Disorder #seroquel #involuntarymovements #musclespasm #Sleep #help #Quetiapine