My “Daily Bread” Has No Denomination #ADHD #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Fear #Jesus
Yesterday was Sunday in my part of the world. I had to run two important errands and the trip took longer than expected. Therefore, I missed attending my typical church service. I asked the Lord if there was another church service I should attend. To my surprise, I realized that I could attend a Catholic Mass at a local parish. But I am a so-called Protestant. Thankfully, I was never raised in a church—as a child—where I had to learn all of the proper religious practices. So, to Mass I went!😁
The Catholic service was great! But the homily, or “sermon” according to us non-Catholics, was the very message I had to hear. The young priest shared how the New Testament story about the “Rich Young Ruler” shows us how that young religious law abiding man missed out on all the things the Lord could have done with his life because he simply did NOT want to give up, or sell, his possessions (Matthew 19:16-22). And the Lord could have used him to touch many lives…if he only surrendered his possessions. Sad.
The priest then encouraged his flock by telling us how obedience to God and Christ might require us to loose EVERYTHING. However, when we do surrender all, the Lord can work through us to fulfill his purposes in our lives. And being used by the Lord surpasses the value associated with the items/possessions we might lose or “sell.” His words addressed an ongoing challenge I have encountered after a 2017 move involved losing my home and pets, to my shock and surprise. I often still ask the Lord, “Why did that happened?”
After the service, the Lord allowed the priest and I to converse. That was so cool! I shared how the Lord used his message to help me understand an experience I had to face. Also, the priest allowed me to share my story of how the Lord “saved” me, which is a word Catholics typically do not use because salvation is ongoing rather than a one time event: i.e., I ‘was’ saved. However, the priest was greatly impacted by this testimony of the Lord’s redemption, especially since this emotionally troubled teen had one goal in life: suicide!
As our conversation came to an end, the priest gingerly asked if he could pray for me when he learned that I have two physical health issues, and one will require an upcoming major surgery. I was pleased he asked to pray for me, and gladly accepted his offer. So he prayed.
When I drove home I said, “Lord, I think you designed this entire morning.” My extended trip allowed me to converse with the priest, tell him how the Lord used his message in my life, and receive his prayer. Thank you LORD!
I am therefore SO GLAD the Lord breaks the traditional politics associated with attending church. He is more interested in showing his ability and desire to relate with us rather than making sure we subject ourselves to denominational differences.
May you have a wonderful week of obedience to Christ! His directions will bless you above and beyond your imagination! #TheMighty #Christian