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"Open your Heart To Their Suffering"

As we journey through life, we encounter people from all walks of life, each carrying their own burdens and scars. But how often do we truly open our hearts to their suffering?

In a world where empathy is often in short supply, it's easy to get caught up in our own struggles and forget that others are fighting their own battles. But what if we made a conscious effort to change that?

"Open Your Heart To Their Suffering" is more than just a phrase - it's a call to action. It's a reminder that we have the power to make a difference in someone's life simply by being present and compassionate.

So, let's make a commitment to ourselves and to others to:

Listen without judgment
Offer kindness without expectation
And to see the humanity in everyone we meet

By opening our hearts to others' suffering, we can create a ripple effect of empathy and understanding that can change the world.

*Reflection Questions:*

- Who in my life is struggling, and how can I open my heart to their suffering?
- What are some ways I can practice empathy and compassion in my daily life?
- How can I create a safe space for others to share their struggles and feel heard?

*Take Action:*

- Reach out to someone you know who's struggling and offer a listening ear
- Volunteer your time to help those in need
- Practice mindfulness and self-compassion to increase your own emotional capacity for empathy

Let's conquer our minds and open our hearts to the suffering of others. Together, we can create a more compassionate and empathetic world.

#compassioninaction #mentalhealthmatters
#KindnessMatters #listenwithoutjudgment

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"Goodness is not a destination, it's a practice."

Let's make a conscious effort to spread kindness and compassion every day. Let's choose to be the reason someone smiles today.

Remember, every small act of goodness counts, and together we can create a ripple effect of love and positivity.

Share your own acts of goodness in the comments below and let's inspire each other to be better every day!

#goodnessisapractice #spreadlove #KindnessMatters

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Making a not so good health day better #KindnessMatters #ActsOfKindness

Although my body felt very worn down today, muscles and joints hurting, and a great deal of fatigue, my day was made better by random acts of kindness from strangers. At Target the man wrangling carts saw me getting out of my car parked in a handicap spot and offered me a cart to lean on and told me to have a good day 😊. Then when I called to make two of my specialist appointments the two people helping me were so nice and accommodating and the one also told me to have a wonderful rest of my afternoon ☺️. It’s random acts of kindness like these that help me pick myself up when I may not be doing so well. So when you think the world maybe hopeless, just remember that kindness does matter!


In need of a good deed

Yesterday, on my way to work, there was a homeless man standing on the corner by my house. His sign read, "I'm in need of a good deed." I gave him some money and we had a very pleasant exchange.

His sign stuck with me throughout the day. It keeps popping in my mind. I think we are all in need of a good deed.

So many people are having a hard time right now. Almost everyone I talk to says how burned out they are. Being a social worker, I hear very personal things from people on a regular basis. People are going through things that you couldn't even imagine.

We never know what those around us are going through in their lives.

Please be kind, be generous, be a listening ear, be supportive to everyone you come into contact with. Go out of your way to help others.

Because I think we are all in need of a good deed ❤ #gooddeed #Bekind #KindnessMatters #Kindness

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Be Kind to Yourself #KindnessMatters #Depression #affirmations #Forgiveness #resilience #IfYouFeelHopeless #quotablemagnets

Why is it so hard to be the best that we can be to ourselves? We suffer from chronic conditions already yet we focus our energy on others or outside forces. We ultimately suffer in the end! I feel I don’t have the energy most days to do all the things I need to do to live my best life. I saw this magnet on my refrigerator today and I lit up!

This quote makes me feel a little bit stronger.
It gives me a little more hope for today.
It allows me to look to tomorrow without fear!
A little... is a step in the right direction.

I HOPE this helps some of you, too! #fightyourfear #loveyourself

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Supporting Trigeminal Neuralgia Day #Chatspace #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe

Hello Mighty Family n Friends 🖐

How are you all today

I do hope you are warm n tucked up inside if its anything like the weather in The UK today very wet and windy 🌧🌫

This week is international Trigeminal Neuralgia day on October 7th . As you can see by the picture the colour is Teal.

It is one of my rare diseases and by sharing this with you I'm trying to raise more awareness.

There are other facial neuralgia's but this is the most common rare one. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I also have glossopharyngeal neuralgia too, I'm so lucky 🖐🦓

The best part is they make the names so hard to pronounce .
Its face pain, its already hard to talk why make the disease name unpronouncable!!!!! 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️REALLY
The pain is like being hit in the face by a baseball bat or a train or an electric shot. Again n again. Over n over . For hours or minutes.
Pain meds don't work as its nerve pain. Only anti seizure meds work which come with a whole host of side effects and don't always work for each person. It never takes the pain away.
There is no cure.

Thanks for listening guys

Love n hugs Tj 🦓🥰🤗💜💙🧡🐕🧚‍♀️🦷
#Hope #Love #selfcare #Anxiety #KindnessMatters #Bekind #Chatspace #MightyTogether #Family #Friends

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Hello Everyone #Howdy #Hiya #GoodDaysBadDays

Good Morning or hiya
How are Ya Today

I love the words let go of what you cant change. It's hard to do sometimes. But boy is it good to do.

Like life right now.

Make the most of today.
Much love to you all. Hugs all round. Tj 🤗❤💞😘🌞😎😌🌹🥀🌺🤛 #NeverAlone #Alwaystogether #LIVELIFELOVELIFE #Bekind #Hugs #Love #loveyourself #ChronicPain #RareDiseases #checkonyourneighbours #Stayinghome #stayingpositive #mightywarriors #KindnessMatters #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #TrigeminalNeuralgia #kindnesscounts


Helping an elderly lady

There was only a few boxes of baking soda left due to everyone stock piling them.

Yesterday while I was at Hy-Vee grocery shopping, there was an elderly lady who needed help getting baking soda. She grabbed a container of chips to try to get it. I said “let me help you get it.” I asked her how many she wanted and she said “just one.” I told her to have a good night. The look on her face was shock. Like she was thinking, someone would actually help? To the elderly lady, there are still people out there that will help. But seems like they’d only help during a crisis or let alone take all the supplies off the shelf and leave nothing for the ones that are most susceptible to getting sick. Glad I could help that lady and show her that kind and helping people are still around. #helpthoseinneed #KindnessMatters #jaseminesjourney