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Pain Flare: How do I get control of the pain?

My pain has been steadily climbing this past week. Around 1pm each day it starts ramping up & by 6pm I have exhausted all my options & am bawling as I writhe around, trying to find a less painful position. I can't talk to my doctor until next week. I really don't want to go to the hospital, but the receptionist encouraged it. I will likely be accused of "drug seeking behaviour" because I am on opioids. The breakthrough pain meds I have, I can only take for 5 days at a time & they make me sick. My heating pad is a godsend as are blankets & pillows. If anyone has any advice on how to get the pain under control, I would really appreciate it! I don't remember what I did before. I don't remember it lasting this long.

#Pain #PainScale #ChronicPain #Opiods #Fibromyaliga #MajorDepression #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #CPTSD #ChronicIllness #Narcotics

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Why won't doctors give you the help you need when they are looking at your MRI?

#ChronicPain These Drs make no sense to me. My spine is shot. Arthritic they tell me, like an 80 yr old and disc issues, nerve damage. And no help for the pain is offered. Its the #bone not muscle so therapy I doubt will work. #chiropractor no way with the shape my discs aare in , lol Idk could break my back. I cant take #Narcotics and didnt ask for them. But I know people who have arthrictic pain tht take something for it? I have to switch hospitals I guess Cleveland Clinic is useless. I cant sit for long. Cant stand for long. I have to lay dwn. Its ridiculous. Im only 44 yesterday.


Frustration in choppy waters

After an abusive upbringing and a particularly abusive & manipulative relationship I’ve semi-recently been diagnosed with cPTSD.
In the last few weeks my long term GP has moved out of my area and so I am now in the search for a new GP.
This has been immensely frustrating with my cPTSD as I find it extremely hard to trust people and feel like I’m getting judged by everyone. However, I may have narrowed it down to 2 choices.
My schema therapist has been keeping me stable and I’m finding schema therapy extremely fascinating and powerful after a number of years in CBT/DBT/ACT therapies, it is quite different to anything I’ve ever done and while I can’t explain how it works, it is clear that this therapy is the most powerful work I’ve ever undertaken.

The final issue that is causing severe issues is chronic back pain due to scoliosis and TMJ pain which has only just been diagnosed but I’ve already been told that Panadol and Celebrex are all they can give me for the pain. This is highly frustrating and discouraging. I am finding relief from dōterra oils and their ice blue rub but need more relief than what I’m. currently getting.
Going to request a referral to the pain clinic and try and get some other pain relief to help with the pain, I want to try to avoid narcotics at all costs but if I need to go on them I will but will be insisting the dosage is kept low. I want to train as a psychologist and need my brain clear. Not to mention being intoxicated will inhibit my gym training and weight loss efforts.

I think the most frustrating thing about all this is being looked at sideways as thought I’m a drug seeker as soon as I mention pain. Considering I already don’t trust people this is the exact opposite of helpful.

Sorry, long post, just needed to get that off my chest.

#CPTSD #frustration #Schema #Therapy #chronic #Pain #TMJ #Scoliosis #training #Narcotics #clinic #dōterra #relief #CBT #DBT #ACT #Celebrex #Panadol #GP #New #choppy #waters


Frustration in choppy waters

After an abusive upbringing and a particularly abusive & manipulative relationship I’ve semi-recently been diagnosed with cPTSD.
In the last few weeks my long term GP has moved out of my area and so I am now in the search for a new GP.
This has been immensely frustrating with my cPTSD as I find it extremely hard to trust people and feel like I’m getting judged by everyone. However, I may have narrowed it down to 2 choices.
My schema therapist has been keeping me stable and I’m finding schema therapy extremely fascinating and powerful after a number of years in CBT/DBT/ACT therapies, it is quite different to anything I’ve ever done and while I can’t explain how it works, it is clear that this therapy is the most powerful work I’ve ever undertaken.

The final issue that is causing severe issues is chronic back pain due to scoliosis and TMJ pain which has only just been diagnosed but I’ve already been told that Panadol and Celebrex are all they can give me for the pain. This is highly frustrating and discouraging. I am finding relief from dōterra oils and their ice blue rub but need more relief than what I’m. currently getting.
Going to request a referral to the pain clinic and try and get some other pain relief to help with the pain, I want to try to avoid narcotics at all costs but if I need to go on them I will but will be insisting the dosage is kept low. I want to train as a psychologist and need my brain clear. Not to mention being intoxicated will inhibit my gym training and weight loss efforts.

I think the most frustrating thing about all this is being looked at sideways as thought I’m a drug seeker as soon as I mention pain. Considering I already don’t trust people this is the exact opposite of helpful.

Sorry, long post, just needed to get that off my chest.

#CPTSD #frustration #Schema #Therapy #chronic #Pain #TMJ #Scoliosis #training #Narcotics #clinic #dōterra #relief #CBT #DBT #ACT #Celebrex #Panadol #GP #New #choppy #waters


Frustration in choppy waters

After an abusive upbringing and a particularly abusive & manipulative relationship I’ve semi-recently been diagnosed with cPTSD.
In the last few weeks my long term GP has moved out of my area and so I am now in the search for a new GP.
This has been immensely frustrating with my cPTSD as I find it extremely hard to trust people and feel like I’m getting judged by everyone. However, I may have narrowed it down to 2 choices.
My schema therapist has been keeping me stable and I’m finding schema therapy extremely fascinating and powerful after a number of years in CBT/DBT/ACT therapies, it is quite different to anything I’ve ever done and while I can’t explain how it works, it is clear that this therapy is the most powerful work I’ve ever undertaken.

The final issue that is causing severe issues is chronic back pain due to scoliosis and TMJ pain which has only just been diagnosed but I’ve already been told that Panadol and Celebrex are all they can give me for the pain. This is highly frustrating and discouraging. I am finding relief from dōterra oils and their ice blue rub but need more relief than what I’m. currently getting.
Going to request a referral to the pain clinic and try and get some other pain relief to help with the pain, I want to try to avoid narcotics at all costs but if I need to go on them I will but will be insisting the dosage is kept low. I want to train as a psychologist and need my brain clear. Not to mention being intoxicated will inhibit my gym training and weight loss efforts.

I think the most frustrating thing about all this is being looked at sideways as thought I’m a drug seeker as soon as I mention pain. Considering I already don’t trust people this is the exact opposite of helpful.

Sorry, long post, just needed to get that off my chest.

#CPTSD #frustration #Schema #Therapy #chronic #Pain #TMJ #Scoliosis #training #Narcotics #clinic #dōterra #relief #CBT #DBT #ACT #Celebrex #Panadol #GP #New #choppy #waters


Going through withdrawal. #

I'm currently getting off of opiods and in acute withdrawal. Anyone have any tips or tricks to make this easier? I am so happy to be off of them I just need to get through this! ❤ #withdrawal #Withdrawing #Opiods #Opiodsforchronicpain #Narcotics #fentanyl #embeda #morphine #Fibromyalgia #Pain

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Drug addiction. AKA, my white, icy cold, Devil

I have lost everything in my life to drugs. It has destroyed my very existence! I lost my 4 children, my wife, my house, my family, my friends, my mum, my job, my savings and my pride because of the cold devil.... so please can someone tell me why I can’t stay sober??? Why can’t I stop? Why do I need it? Why is it my best friend, now my only companion? Rock bottom keeps kicking me in the vagina, really effing hard! But I keep running back to the devil, why? #Drugs #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #Narcotics #bad Habbits #selfdestruction #SaveMeFromMe #Madness #selfshame