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Need Cuddles and my Mighty Family 💖

Have been very ill for 2 weeks almost. Feeling miserable.See the doctor today. Waited to long. Still got days ahead to find out what's wrong and get better.. Would appreciate very much a kind word or a prayer. A ❤️ from my Mighties would even do.Dealing with Severe Migraines along with a infection and to many painful symptoms to describe. Don't really know but sicker then I have been in many years. A little scared . Thank you all for being you. Prayers I send to each of you today as well.🙏💗🌞🐈 #RareDisease #sjogrens , Tachycardia #chronic Fatigue #chronic Lyme #Depression #pstd SuicideSurvivor #Disability #backinjuries #InspirationalQuotes #virtualevents #Family #Friends #Support animals, #postive Thoughts

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Beautiful - https://F.L.Y #MentalHealth #postive #Autism

This is beautiful https://F.L.Y - First love yourself and I know probably the eye roll give this post but stop. Take a breath and think of something you like about yourself anything . Here I go - My Eye colour blue like the ocean or ask family member or friends to write list of thing why they love you and read it xxxx Be anything hobbie etc..
#postive #MentalHealth #Autism #cute

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Perception #postive

To move forward you must let go,
To accept change you must be willing to Grow,
To find beauty in the pain you must remember even after the rain, the sun will come back out,
You cannot loathe in your doubts,
You must accept it’s not your fault you feel this way,
You must stay strong and keep fighting for your babies each day,
You must never forgot to take care of yourself,
Because without good mental health ..
The days seem to never end ,
The thoughts seem louder and darker like a gymnasium full of kids,
But instead of laughter it’s hatred,
Instead of love it’s pain,
Please be Strong Momma you aren’t alone,
I’m here for you, I’ll hear you even with a soft tone🖤


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Find one positive that your mental illness has taught you :)

Mental illnesses can bring so much pain and suffering into our lives. It’s so hard to see anything positive at the best of times.

I have Bipolar and while fighting my doctor about meds recently, I realized I like who I am. I like the vibrant, creative, thoughtful person I am. I feel everything deeply and never want to change this.

What’s something positive your experience with mental illness has opened your eyes to?

We are all such unique, strong, resilient individuals. I hope we can all feel some pride that we continue to get up and fight every. single. day. 🖤

#BipolarDisorder #MoodDisorders #Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Suicide #Selfharm #Psychosis #Pain #Grief #sad #Healing #postive #Hope #hopeful


I will or ... I am getting there ❤️ Which one are you? #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Autism #postive

“I will be a Powerful Person and have a Powerful Mind” or
“ I am a Powerful Person and have a Powerful,wonderful strong mind” #MentalHealth #Autism #CheckInWithMe #Gettingthere


Naturally Autistic! #Autism #postive #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth

Natural Mental Health is just as beautiful as natural beauty. I am naturally Autistic and I accept it! ❤️💙 #CheckInWithMe
Also make up,piercings, tattoos to express yourself the way you feel your natural beauty is also Naturally Beautiful your being yourself! Xxx #MentalHealth #Autistic #Autism #MentalHealth

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This is me and my little hero!!! #Autism #Pets #power

This is me x
I have a superpower form my autism and that is animals get me and I am so glad they do because with out autism I wouldn’t of found this little fella xx #postive


Healing #Healing

I am powerful person I can do great things even thou I blip sometimes I can always get back up x
Got a part time job, got running and hoping to travel as well in near future x
#future #strong #postive

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Honest! #honest #Autism #MentalHealth

Always be Honest. #Rain
I know everyone tells you always be honest and tell us when your happy because everyone wants to know but what about when your sad.
Tell them when your sad! At least try and build yourself up to it because you will see the light at the end of the tunnel and feel sunshine in stead of rain? Xx #Depression #Advice #postive #Care