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It's been awhile... #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Bipolar2Disorder #rhumatiodarthritis #RheumatoidArthritis #Fibromyaliga

It's been awhile since I've posted anything. Lately I haven't been feeling well. Everything is acting up and my heart hurts , my body hurts, my mind hurts. I feel so unmotivated and just want it all to stop so I can feel normal. But I don't even know what that means anymore. Just need some encouraging thoughts/words... thanks for reading.

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How do you overcome #Depression lack of desire and motivation

I’m so frustrated. I just had a really long post and lost it so I will be more brief. I’m #exhausted in #Pain ALL THE TIME. Knees, back, feet, hands. I’m obsessed with crafting and get to be my granddaughter Ayla’s art teacher during the #COVID19 school closing and #HomeSchooling The above photo is her with the leprechaun trap. I haven’t felt like doing anything today and not much yesterday. I’m trying to use the self quarantine to finally purge Declutter clean organize and rearrange my home. right now my living room and dining room are basically piles of random things that need to be relocated since I made some changes and created a home management/family control center/planning area between my kitchen and dining room so I have stuff everywhere. I so much want a clean fresh open home and I have Monique (my son’s fiancée and Ayla’s mom) here helping me and I just need the motivation because I know we could accomplish A LOT. she’s tall and strong so she is truly helpful. in fact she’s gone to Walgreens to pick up my medication because I’m not allowed to go anywhere. I’d love to hear what motivates you and how you overcome perfectionist, if I can’t do it right I don’t do anything
I’ve also passed 3 kidney stones in two weeks with no doc or medication because I don’t have the money
#Lupus #Fibromyalgia #rhumatiodarthritis #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Fatigue #BackPain #MedullarySpongeKidney #KidneyStones #SeizureDisorder #sjogrens #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Osteoporosis #duodenalulcer #DegenerativeDiscDisease #PinchedNerve #CarpalTunnelSyndrome #InterstitialCystitis #Pleurisy #Anxiety #ADHD #ObsessiveCompulsiveandRelatedDisorders #PTSD

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Hope #rhumatiodarthritis #Pain #remicade

Had my first dose of Remicade yesterday. I truly hope this will bring some relief in the months to come.

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