Unexplained Pain and Vitamin D
Yo! My Lupie people with chronic pain. A thought. Spoonies!
I have been dealing with a lot of unexplained excess pain lately. Yes, I have Lupus. Yes, I have fibromyalgia. All the constant pain still didn't make sense for a myriad of reasons. Mainly, because I have a pretty good idea of what my triggers are.
Finally, my doctor decided to check my Vitamin D levels even though I live in Southern California, already take a Vitamin D supplement, and walk most mornings for a couple of hours (with sunscreen and a hat). Nonetheless, my Vitamin D levels were super low.
He gave me a prescription level Vitamin D. In less than two weeks, I am feeling much better.
I don't care where you live or how active you are. If you are having lots of constant unexplained pain, consider having your Vitamin D levels checked, especially if you have Lupus.
No, I do not have stock in the company he wrote the script for. I am simply amazed at how this helped. It may be the answer for some.of you, too. Not all, obviously. We are a complex group.
I wish relief to you all.
Humor In Chaos