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Flare up cart ideas!

Do you have a flare up cart? If so what do you put in it so it’s easily accessible to you during bad days and flare days? #Flareup #Fibromyalgia #UCTD #AutonomicDysfunction

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Interstitial cystitis #ic

Does anybody have any flare up tips for IC? Im newly diagnosed and looking for some tips on how to alleviate some of the symptoms even a little. #InterstitialCystitis #Flareup #ic

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Hardest times and beautiful places

On Monday it was my birthday, I was in such a wonderful place with siberian deers and does walking in front of my window ....but...I had and still have a Multiple sclerosis flare up...I feel horrible ..plus all the situation in my country is getting unstoppably worse and hardly bearable at all....plus some personal issues with my relationships upset me much....
All in all I feel very very much down this week....😔 Only my pets, kind words and small gifts from kind people I'm lucky to know keep me from drowning in the darkness....
#Depression #Anxiety #ChronicIlless #MultipleSclerosis #Flareup #Fear #IntrusiveThoughts #darkness

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Coping Mechanism Distraction(s)

What do you use as a coping mechanism to distract you from you. So your body can get some sort of piece.

I use candy crush, I know it sounds silly but for me it’s a mindless task. Keeps my brain entertained enough but doesn’t require a lot of mental copacity. Physically non demanding unless I am having a bad flare and it’s effecting my hands. #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseaseMCTD #Depression #Anxiety #Childhoodtrauma #Trauma #Flareup #raynauds #Arthritis #chronicmigraine #Stepmom

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Fighting a flare

I'm just returning to social media after going through a nasty Psoriotic Arthritis Flare. Thr thing was I could see it coming, and I knew what was happening but I failed to stop and put myself first. I kept going and going. I'm got stuck in a whirlwind of having too much going on and trying to spin the plates. Luckily I've got a really understanding GP and while I was seeing her for something different she spotted that I was not well. Her asking 'was I alright twice?' was enough to crack my shell.
So I took a month off work and rested and slept and rested. I'm now starting the upward journey but there's still a steep climb ahead. Oh the joy of a chronic condition, 2 steps up the hill and then you slide 3 back. Now it's time to concentrate on self care. #psorioticarthritis #ChronicIllness
#Flareup #Selfcare


I’m in another flare up #Fibromya

I went for a 10 minute walk for the first time since having covid (I deliberately made sure not to push myself for the whole month). I sat down multiple times, I made sure that I slowed my pace down and walked slow. I made sure that I paced myself. It didn’t matter, I’ve been in extreme fatigue since. I can’t think straight, I can’t focus on anything or retain any information. Even better I’m still waiting on my rheumatologist letter from early December! I’m exhausted and in pain. I’m also scared that I won’t be able to continue working. I just started an apprenticeship for teaching. I don’t want it to take away that dream, not when I’m so close. #Fibromyalgia #ChronicIlless #ChronicFatigue #ChronicPain #Flareup