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Dogs playground

Looking at them enjoying their walk and "dog time" is always very relaxing for me.
Fishing some floating wood can be a lot of fun.
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #makemefeelbetter #Selfcare

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Binary, really?

I was browsing on internet a few weeks ago, probably on Pinterest, during my routine morning, looking for inspiration when this picture appeared. ☯️

We, in general, are familiar with it under the name of Yin-Yang (which is not the real one, but commonly admitted) nor its original shape. It is indeed it's latest shape.

You should be familiar with it as a Chinese's philosophy symbol of cosmic balance.

But did you ever figured it was intended to you? You and me? We BPD people? 🤔

Haven't we ever be trying to walk the thin line accross both sides if this symbol?

But "they" did not noted it was not completely black or white, simply because without white there is no black, without bad there is no good, without darkness there is no light, etc. It is all about balance.

My real point in this thought, is they got it wrong. While some claim life is a shade of grey instead, we are not binary. There are more than two colors in our minds;

Black, light black, dark white and white. 😁

That is. 😋

Warm hug. 🧡

#BipolarDisorder #makemefeelbetter #makesmesmile

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Julie Nolke: why doesn't he want me? 🤔

I would like to share a YouTube video that will fit many people. It is indeed turned as a comedy. 😁

That's what Julie Nolte is a comedian and writer.
I am a subscriber of her show. Though she has an accent which can be difficult to deal with to me from time to time. Damn Canadians. 😉

As you may not be familiar with the show, here is a hint; she owns a magic mirror in whicu she can speak with her alter-ego that is quite... hmm... I let you discover it. 🤫😋

And I learned a new word today. Please comment about the situation in this video and about that meal. I am very curious about it.

Warm hug. 🧡

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #makelaugh #makemefeelbetter #makelaugh #makeadifference

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For our group leader 😉 (aka grrrGirl)

Stumbled upon this morning. Made me laugh and thought straight to our group leader's post... 🤣

And BTW, ladies, men do have same hair problem that's why they keep them very short. 😜

#makemefeelbetter #MakeMeLaugh #Humor


I’m wondering why people are so mean to me I’m nice and caring and help others and people for whatever reason don’t give me a fair chance to be their

Friend and I feel like somehow I’m not good enough when people tell me I won’t follow you on Instagram but I’m ok chatting with you on messenger it is very mean and hurtful.makes it sound like they are ashamed of me as a friend who says that to someone? Am I worthy of friends or do I somehow seem like I’m not friends material or are some people just tbst cruel and hurtful?? I would appreciate any positive feedback and help? #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #BipolarStigma #Bipolar1Disorder #BipolarDiorder #ADHD #AspergersSyndrome #Aspergers #PinchedNerve #sciatica #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #CheckInWithMe #Upallnight #TheMighty #MightyQuestions #TheMightyTakeaway #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #pcosfighter #acute chronic sinusitis #Friends #Selfcare #sad #lonely #Lonliness #Photography #Art #Yoga #Sports #Musicandfriendshavehealingpowers #musicians #Humor #makemefeelbetter #MakeMeLaugh #Film #help #BorderlineStigma #Borderline Bipolar depression


I Am Not Okay with This

Hello everyone, there's been a wail since I posted something, but I just descovered a new Netflix Series, which named is : I Am Not Okay with This, It's the story about a girl named Syndie, and trully it quite a chocked, I never see a series which illustred so good panic attack and side effect of depression. So if you want take some good time, just go watch it, it's trully amazing!

https : // ? v=GTC37yusijU #series #PanicAttacks
#Depression #makemefeelbetter