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#Fibromyalgia does anyone else with fibromyalgia also have chronic sinusitis? It's always there and flares up to the moment where the pain spreads from my face down my neck and into my upper chest. Its horrible. #acute chronic sinusitis

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I challenge you to do my 21 day challenge what are you grateful for? #Gratitude #grateful #Chatspace #Bipolar2Disorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

What are things you are grateful for and why? Reword your brain heal your inner child. #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Chatspace #Flareup #Upallnight #Disability #Art #Photography #Yoga #mightywarriors #MightyTogether #mightyartists #MightyMoment #MightyMinute #MightyBookClub #mightyartists #MightyDads #MightyFeatures #MightyQuestions #MightyMoms #MightyFeatures #Depression #TheMightyTakeaway #MightyReviews #MyMightyMonth #TheMighty #CheckInWithMe #Chatting #Selfcare #selflovecomesfirst #Selflove #52SmallThings #30daysofselflove #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #HashimotosThyroiditis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Spoonie #SpoonieProblems #Spoonies #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #Yoga #Healing #healingjourney #Photography #ArtTherapy #Sports #Love #sad #lonely #Loneliness #Anxiety #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #acute chronic sinusitis #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #DatingWithAChronicIllness #Dating #EatingDisorders #BingeEatingDisorder #bed #datingdisabilities #Hacks #LongDistanceRelationship #Dateday #LoveLetters #LoveOnTheSpectrum check in with me let me know how you are could use support today!!


This is only place I feel safe venting my mom back story is a very emotionally and mentally abusive person when I had all my health problems last year

and almost died twice she visited in hospitalr barely present knitting or on her phone. I cut contact with her since Jan because I could no longer deal with her verbal or emotional abuse. My stepfather apparently abused my step siblings growing up and he never did that to me but he did physically when I was 13 throw the book cases on wall above my bed on top of me in an angry rage. So back in feb his ex wife passed away my mom decided to secretly get a Catholic Church wedding in July to my step dad never inviting me or taminmy youngest sister or sister er twin. So a month ago I needed help going for my upper gi so I ask her to help bring me. The last 3 weeks I’ve gotten together on Friday with her today she’s being a jerk getting in my face scary screaming at me about her made up lies in her delusional mind. She’s talked bad about me and my I’m dealing with her being a 💩and to be horrid denies my stepfather ever abused me as a kid. Gaslighting me. And she wonders why I’m so upset or why I go so many months cutting her off it’s because of her behavior.she stresses me out makes me anxious and upset. I can’t give her power over anymore.i need support friendship advice and words of comfort? #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Bipolar2Disorder #HashimotosThyroiditis #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlineStigma #PinchedNerve #acute chronic sinusitis #sinusitis #Survivor #sad #ADHD #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Anxiety #DatingWithAChronicIllness #CheckInWithMe #TheMightyTakeaway #TheMighty #Pledge2EndBullying #MightyQuestions #Flareup #Upallnight #Humor #Music #Yoga #Art #Photography #Sports #Aspergers #AspergersSyndrome #Love #ChronicPain


I’m wondering why people are so mean to me I’m nice and caring and help others and people for whatever reason don’t give me a fair chance to be their

Friend and I feel like somehow I’m not good enough when people tell me I won’t follow you on Instagram but I’m ok chatting with you on messenger it is very mean and hurtful.makes it sound like they are ashamed of me as a friend who says that to someone? Am I worthy of friends or do I somehow seem like I’m not friends material or are some people just tbst cruel and hurtful?? I would appreciate any positive feedback and help? #PTSD #CPTSD #CPTSDinrelationships #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #BipolarStigma #Bipolar1Disorder #BipolarDiorder #ADHD #AspergersSyndrome #Aspergers #PinchedNerve #sciatica #Fibromyaliga #Fibromyalgia #CheckInWithMe #Upallnight #TheMighty #MightyQuestions #TheMightyTakeaway #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #pcosfighter #acute chronic sinusitis #Friends #Selfcare #sad #lonely #Lonliness #Photography #Art #Yoga #Sports #Musicandfriendshavehealingpowers #musicians #Humor #makemefeelbetter #MakeMeLaugh #Film #help #BorderlineStigma #Borderline Bipolar depression

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I JUST WANT TO GIVE UP TRYING #AnxietySymptoms #acute chronic sinusitis #acute chronic pain and fatigue. No appetite, don’t care 🤷‍♀️


#acute Ischamic Infarctions ...

Hi. I'm not sure which group I've shared my news on. Possibly up all night?
I've been experiencing a noise in my head for the last two or three months. But because of COVID-19 I didn't see my Dr about it until last Monday.
She wrote a referral to an audiologist and also as a matter of protocol to have a MRI scan on my brain. I had the scan last Tuesday, 3 June, and arranged to see my GP on the Friday. Anyhow the doctor's surgery called on the Thursday and said I must see my GP immediately.
My doctor broke the news I'd had some mini-strokes. She said she'd already had a conference w a neurologist in Brisbane and that nothing immediate needed doing.
The doctor asked me to have a Computerised Tomography Angiogram- CTA, with contrast. I had this on Tuesday and will receive the results tomorrow morning. It is hoped this scan will reveal the source of the issue, e.g. a clot in the carrotid artery. There will be a referral to the Neurology Department at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane
Then I need to travel to Brisbane for an echocardiogram in relation to my heart condition, cardiomyopathy.
I was only there last month for a review w my haematologist/ooncologist-being in remission from non Hodgkin's lymphoma. Then I received Rituximab IV.
This is simply too much.
It's the second time I've had lymphoma.
Plus I have three chronic mental health issues to manage.
I'm numb. Another 'register' of words to learn.
I'm already known to haematology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, cardiology and now neurology.
May God grant me the wisdom and endurance and help the specialists design and implement a plan that will determine a major stroke.
(I know I need to work on having another sleep study in preparation for a CPAP machine. I'll be able to afford this next month).


I was assigned to a psychiatrist #acute stress disorder

Omg for the first time this doctor understood fibromyalgia I was in shock he explained everything I had FaceTime appointment that I love since my anxiety keeps me from driving but anyway this Dr. Fallar was amazing I felt for the first time like someone understood me and I Im not crazy 🙏🏻 I’m so thankful to find him and to have hope again in life and be able to find peace within I also know that the pain is going to be there but he told me that I need to learn how to cope with the pain and the stress that comes with it not just to me to my family and how it afect everyone around ,
I was all was told to suck it up and deal with it or wait till my kids fall sleep so I can fall apart I fake it at work home take pain pills to make it happen I push my body to the limit after the 3 spinal surgeries I was supposed to take it easy but now I pay the price .
For the first time in 6 years a doctor understand me and I’m blessed for that 🙏🏻