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Me, Migraines and Mobility Aids

Hi Mighty community. I hope all are having a nice start to 2023. I have an article that discusses my migraine diagnosis, ruling out other conditions and aids that have helped me over time. I hope that you will take the time to read it. Feel free to comment and share if you can relate to anything. #chronicillnesswarrior #PatientAdvocates #Migrainewarrior #NotAshamed

Don’t Judge Me by My Mobility Aids |

Chronic migraine and vertigo aren't a great combo for ease of movement.
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I Am #NotAshamed for Having Bi-Polar Disorder Type II.

Dear Friends and Community,

I am a person who has type II bipolar disorder. This means, I am a person, just like any other. Not anything else. Despite what you may imagine, think, or perceive about me because of what I’ve just said, my basic humanity remains the same.

Do you know of the fact that despite my illness, I remain a writer, a mixed media artist, a photographer, and a dedicated activist for mental wellness, domestic violence and for youth rights? Not really. You might also be unaware of the fact that I’m starting my own business, that I’ve also been working on making music, building my skills in a foreign language, and actively improving my awareness of intersectional disability rights.

You might also not know me on a day to day basis. I crack a lot of jokes - some funny, some not so much. I’m a fan of different tv shows, movies and music. I enjoy spending time with close friends and family, and like playing with cats and keeping cactuses. But you probably don’t know that about me. It’s time to focus on the fact that I am a person, despite my condition. In spite of my condition and will remain one for as long as I am alive.

My essential humanity hasn’t changed. My ability to have a busy, fulfilling life hasn’t changed. My varied activities haven’t changed, and my basic personality hasn’t changed. I’m still an MBTI INFJ, an Ennegram Type 4, and a highly sensitive person. I am still a left handed person, and someone who is a Feeler-Thinker-Doer.

My life hasn’t changed, it’s become more focused on my mental wellness. A diagnosis helps classify how to move forward with my mental wellness. Not label me or my personality, my activities or interests, or reduce my essential humanity. I remain as human, as personified, as diverse, as unique as I always have been and will be. Nothing about me in my essential humanity has changed.

My name is Becoming Human and I am #NotAshamed for having type II bipolar disorder. My essential humanity remains the same.

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How I learnt to talk about the inside of my head #MentalHealth

Notes, drawings and recordings.

I started to record my life, my episodes and everything I wished they knew about. I took photos of my room being trashed, I took photos of my face after I had sobbed my eyes out, I recorded myself screaming that life wasnt fair.
I wrote down the words in my head even if they didnt make sense and I kept hold of shopping lists where I had written the same word over and over instead of the list I had meant to.
I took screenshots of my search history after I had been on destructive websites and I kept them all in a photo folder.
Sometimes I wanted to destroy it, sometimes I tried to. I set fire to it once and another time I ‘drowned’ it. So I made digital copies, or I made a second and third folder. Eventually I learnt that I was always going to have a backup, so why destroy it?

I mourned.

I mourned my past life, I mourned the life I had before my illness had ruined me. I mourned the grades, the friends and the hope. I mourned the part of me which was open and extroverted.
With mourning comes acceptance, and without acceptance I wasn’t ready to speak. When I accepted my current life I was a step closer to changing it. And without those steps talking becomes very hard.

I told myself what I wanted to say 5 times.

I’d love to say it was infront of a mirror, but in reality my reflection was in the mirror and I just get triggered by my reflection. But instead I lay in bed at night and imagined I was talking to my Physciatrist, I created a whole little scene in my head and practiced what I wanted to say. I said it again and again until it became second nature to reply to some questions with these pre-prepared answers.
Now Physciatrists don’t always follow the script, so it didn’t always work, but the times it did? Well they changed my life.

That leads me onto my 4th point, Accept that talking will change your life.

Now this is scary. Truely terrifying. And I am not exaggurating when I say it took me nearly 2 years to get to the point where I was ready. Still to this day I fall backwards when this takes over again, I go silent, I refuse to speak honestly to anybody and my lies begin to protect myself.

I started to practice self-respect.

Before I did this I didn’t feel like I was worth talking to, I wasn’t a functional enough person to be bothered about opening up. I was a wreck, a write off, and I didn’t deserve help.
But why not? Why do I deserve help less than my Mum, Dad or Boyfriend. Why do I deserve help less than the person sat next to me or the woman I shared my ward life with. Why am I less worthy than the man in the street?
I deserve this.

I deserve to speak, you deserve to speak.
Don't suffer in silence.
I am with you. 💛💛 #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Together #Donotsuffer #NotAshamed #notalone

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I don't care!

We've all done it, decided we didn't want to take our meds and stopped. Those times typically end with me being ashamed of myself. So I don't care, I will take my meds! #idontcare #NotAshamed #medsarelife #EndTheStigma


Rape poem

I was brutally raped 9 years ago this month. This tells a piece of it in hopes of being a light for others that have gone through similar situations. I do not ever post for pity or sympathy, but for awareness, understanding, and for others to know they’re not alone. I am a rape survivor and I am not ashamed anymore. 👇🏻😉 #Rape #RapeSurvivors #Survivor #NotAshamed

His hands locked tightly around my throat
Is what I seem to remember the most
That and the taste of his blood in my mouth
Once I took back control and for him things headed south
When I finally found my keys with my hand
The only reason I’m still alive, best believe and understand
If I hadn’t been able to stab him repeatedly
He would have continued to choke and beat on me
This man I so narrowly escaped
Was eventually found on tape
With one of the unlucky victims
Right before she went missing
She didn’t fare as well as me
He murdered this poor girl plus two others you see
And to think in my brain that was almost me too
Life can be so utterly cruel
But I survived for a reason you see
Perhaps to be a beacon of light for thee
Thee that has also been brutally raped
Thee who also narrowly escaped
A death so right there in your face
Him marking you full of his disgrace
His eyes are dark, cold, calculating, dead
“You’ll pay for this, Bitch” is exactly what he said
Before he went off clutching his cheek
Men who do this shit are weak
But I got off the ground before he made it back to me
I jumped in my truck and inserted my bloody keys
I drove as fast as I could to my house once more
I cried in the driveway for hours before entering the front door
I was covered in bruises all over my body and neck
How does shit like this happen to me- what the literal fucking heck?

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What #PTSD Looks Like

It's seeing the face of your abuser in a random stranger or even your partner, knowing realistically they look nothing alike.

It's trying to push it out of your head in an instant. Fighting to hold down those raw emotions that force their way to the surface.

It's telling yourself you are in control, that they can't harm you anymore, that he isn't even the abuser, just someone who looks like him.

It's learning to accept, not challenge, your mind's response to fear. It's flight after fight.

It's a silent panic attack in a crowded library. Fearing your work will now be tainted by the memory of this moment. Being frozen in your seat. Rushing out, running away from the trigger, and breaking down moments later.

It's box breathing and thoughts flooding in like tidal waves, crashing against your already-broken body and dragging you down under.

It's coming up for air and fighting once again.

It's trying again. And again. And again.



I am a survivor of severe abuse.

I am #NotAshamed of being a #Survivor of severe and organised physical, sexual and emotional #Abuse including #mindcontrol . I have not done anything to deserve that, it is not my fault. In order to survive I've had to use #Dissociation as a strategy, and I am not ashamed of doing so, nor will I apologise for believing my own memories.

I'm weird at times, since I didn't have a chance to learn proper social skills growing up and dissociation doesn't deal with ' not being weird' unless it's a matter of survival. I'm okay with not being 'normal', whatever that means.

I am and will #staymighty .

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Moving on from trauma #NotAshamed #TraumaSurvivors

October being Domestic Violence Awareness Month has brought up some things in conversation and on social media that trigger emotional flashbacks. I was in an abusive relationship for almost two years. My ex-boyfriend manipulated me into believing that I don't deserve to be loved, and he assaulted me several times. I suffer from #PTSD and #Depression because of this but have a hard time talking about it. I never know how someone will react when I bring it up for the first time, and I worry that my friends and therapist are tired of talking about it.

I've carried shame and guilt for a long time. It's time for me to let those things go and accept that I was not responsible for my abuse. I don't think I will ever be the same person I was before, but hopefully the new me is stronger in the end.