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Being; #authentic

How do you become an
authentic person?

•Strategies to develop Authentisity,

~Define and embrace Your

~Explore your values. ...

~Acknowledge external vs internal

~Notice and name your “emotion”.

~Practice mindfulness,,, .

~Build your social support system.

~Develop the courage to face fears.

Take daily actions towards


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I can't connect with my children unless I'm connected to myself

I've just joined The Mighty community and was thrilled to find this group! I love all the real and honest reflections.

I'm mum to two beautiful, adopted children who are both exquisitely sensitive and struggle to regulate their intense emotions. The greatest gift they have given me is bringing me to the end of myself to a place where I've had to search deep within to be able to meet them with the genuineness and authenticity that they so badly need.

I've realized in such a profound way that we need to love and embrace our own inner child if we are ever going to be able to connect with the children in our care. #authentic #Parenting #SpecialNeeds #SpecialNeedsParenting #MentalHealth #connecting #Children #Grace #genuine #innerchild

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Who am I ?

"Who am I", my therapist said, "use adjectives". I have not been able to get that idea off of my mind...
How do I uncover who I am ? What if I have always been an extension of someone else ? What if my authentic self has never existed ? #authentic #self

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Started a Group for #therapists who have #MentalHealthIssues

Hi everyone! Thank you for accepting me.

I am a licensed #counselor in New York State.

I have been in #Therapy since I was 16. I’ll be 41 this year.

As a #mentalhealthprofessional , I have found that one way to #endstigma is to be more #authentic and #Vulnerable .

What does that mean? Well… therapists needs therapists, too! #Burnout is real. I know I especially do a horrible job with #selfcare . The last two years have been especially hard on almost everyone, and the need for more funding for MH in our country is not where we want it to be. :(

I have #generalizedanxiety and #MajorDepressiveDisorder . I had horrible #postpartum anxiety and depression for a year after my son was born.

I invite anyone in the helping professions to join our group. Let’s support one another and lift each other up. Thank you. :)
#socialwork #Counseling #Psychiatrist #psychologist #Nurse #Therapist #endstigma #Support

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Coming out...

I have a confession...I haven't been so open and honest about my chronic health condition. I don't share a lot of what I go through with others, even close friends. When they ask, my usual go-to-reply is 'I'm doing okay' or I'm alright'. I just don't have the juice most days to get into it, and quite frankly, nothing that would come out of my mouth is uplifting or joyful about my condition - so I just deflect. I would rather just listen. (Of course, there are times when you know you need to just be acknowledged or understood. This could be one of my times.)

So here it is. I'm all about transparency and standing in my power and my truth...

I have concealed my illness for the most part, for several reasons. I have more recently accepted that I have fibromyalgia. I have been chronically ill since the year 2012. Although I've had symptoms off and on my entire life - and just didn't know 'what' it was.

I haven't been myself really since 2015 when I started experiencing global atypical migraines that lasted for weeks, the ones where the toilet/shower is the only place you ambulate to and fro. Oh except for the Emergency department because you are beside yourself.

I've found a protocol that has helped tremendously. (Gratitude) It takes time to reverse the symptoms and although I'm so much better than I was even this time last year..I still feel like I'm in a flare, and subject to every earth changing anomaly. Ugh.

Raising two teenagers to be responsible, respectful and competent adults while in bed yet still managing to keep the house clean, fridge full, bills paid, and home made meals (for the most part) can take the piss right out of you. Yes, I have taught them how to cook and clean. Still..

The closet has limited space and is quite lonely. Which I've become all too comfortable with. Well world, here I AM.

I am looking forward to some better days and great months where I can re-invent Lana, the most authentic Lana - who has Fibromyalgia.

#Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Disability #authentic

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Hands down, without a doubt, these make THE BEST chili and enchilada sauce! #driedchilis #mexicanfood #authentic

These are dried California Chilis. They make heavenly, authentic enchiladas sauce and awesome chili. They are a bit time consuming, but I promise you the work is well worth the finished product.

Take the stem off the top of the chili and empty out the seeds. Do this to 10-12 chilies. Steep the dried chilies in hot water and let sit for approximately 6 hours or until chilies are soft. (I usually do this before I go to bed and let them soak overnight).

Sauté an onion until clear but not caramelized. Set aside.

Remove the chilies and set aside approximately 1 cup of soaking water. Place the chilies and onion in a blender or food processor and purée until liquid. Add water as needed. Add cumin and salt to taste.

This can be added as a base for chili and used as an enchilada sauce or on top of anything else you think would be tasty.

The dried chilies can be found in the Mexican section of your grocery store or at Mexican grocers. I use the “California” chilies because they have a bit of a bite but not too spicy.

Let me know if you have any questions. This is definitely worth it and when you taste it I guarantee you’ll never go back!


#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder and #Bipolar Progress in This #pandemic

😬😰 My #moodswings are getting tougher and tougher but I know I have to go through the process of feeling my emotions to determine what needs to be addressed in order to recover and #heal . That was a long sentence. Dropping my guard and being completely honest with my therapist weekly has been helping tremendously. My highs are incredibly great and I love life and the people in mine; ready to take on my next steps, knowing the huge #progress I’ve made. But the lows, eeph! They are not getting any easier. When I’m low, I am loooowww. Meaning, the jumps from subject to subject on any #SocialMedia with various tones to them... they’re all very real. I’m trying to be as #authentic as I can be when it comes to sharing my #MentalHealth “career” 🙃 as a #peer and, hopefully soon, as a state certified specialist.

I don’t know what’s going on in the world, but all I know is that I have #goals I’m working towards. In this climate, what I find helps is seriously just taking it day by day and listening to your body when it’s done. I read in a study by the APA, (American Psych. Association), [I need to look up if the APA did this study or another organization] at the beginning of the #pandemic that we should be #Mindful of how far ahead we try to make concrete goals or plans. It basically said to take it slow because in cases like these, making those permanent decisions are being affected by pandemic #Anxiety and may set yourself up for #failure due to the uncertainty and instability of a #Crisis . AKA the goals might not be #accessible due to a,b,c #Shutdowns etc.

-I’m all over the place and I appreciate anyone and everyone’s #patience with me while I’m going through this... process.
-Having some #attainablegoals for yourself is helpful for taking things one day at a time
-Listen to your body. #rest if you can.
-Be proud of your progress even when no one knows.

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