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The Scapegoat’s Lament

Lies upon lies, deception upon deception —

Secrets buried beneath secrets, a layered infection.

Crimes whispered in corners, dark shadows roam,

While the innocent are told to suffer alone.

They call it family, call it love,

But what god above could watch from above?

To silence a soul with a single demand —

"Stay quiet, stay loyal, don’t bite the hand."

But loyalty isn’t the cage they built,

It’s a noose made of gaslight, resentment, and guilt.

And silence — they say it brings peace —

But the truth screams louder, it will never cease.

They sharpen their words like blades in the night,

But it’s the scapegoat’s blood that’s bathed in their spite.

A sacrifice, bound and spun on the flame —

Laughed at, discarded, yet burdened with blame.

They drink and they feast as I burn in their view —

A ritual of torment, the role I outgrew.

But still, I’m served up on a platter of shame —

My suffering their comfort, my pain their game.

"Choose life," they sneer, "But live it our way."

Or bow to the devil, let morals decay.

But I’d rather be pierced by a thousand cruel lies —

Than live in a world where the righteous disguise.

Because freedom’s no gift from the hands of the damned —

It’s claimed by the broken who dare make a stand.

And if I must fall for the truth to survive —

Then let it be known, I lived — truly alive.

No martyr, no savior, no saint in disguise —

Just a soul who refused to be swallowed by lies.

So strike if you must — but remember this cry —

The scapegoat you slaughter will rise from the sky.

#scapegoatsurvivor #healingjourne #healingjourney #survivorpoetry #emotionalhealin g #frompaintopower #soulhealing #TraumaRecovery #poeticexpressio n#MentalHealthAwareness #strengthenwithin #healingthroughword #ReclaimYourPower #boundariesmatter #EmotionalFreedom #healingispossible #youarenotalone

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This Is My Poem About Rising From The Darkness

From Low to Rise

In the depths, I felt so small,
Drowning in darkness, ready to fall.
But a spark ignited deep inside,
A whisper of hope, my heart’s guide.

With each small step, I found my way,
Rising from shadows into the day.
Though scars remain, I stand tall and free,
A journey of strength, reclaiming me.
In the depths, I felt so small,
Drowning in darkness, ready to fall.
But a spark ignited deep inside,
A whisper of hope, my heart’s guide.

With each small step, I found my way,
Rising from shadows into the day.
Though scars remain, I stand tall and free,
A journey of strength, reclaiming me.

#MentalHealthAwareness #PoetryCommunity #healingjourney #TraumaRecovery #Inspiration #resilience #emotionalhealing #Selflove #RecoveryIsPossible #youarenotalone #mentalhealthmatters

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Dad Died 😢 Feeling very alone!!#TraumaRecovery #PTSD #MightyAdoptionInsights #CheckInWithMe

My Dad passed away july 10th. I was estranged from my family for the last 7 years. I still texted with Dad, we would both watch you tube and send a song to one another to listen to, too sweet!! We also played Words with friends!!
I had to leave my family because they were not helping me, I am sick and disabled. Just me my Sister and Dad.
Poor Guy Had to raise 2 Girls on his own. Mom abandoned us at 7 & 9 years old,and me & my sister did not get along, Ever!
I left my family 7 years ago because I needed help if I stayed there I do not believe i would be alive today.
My Older sister is a Narcissistic Psychopath!!! Even after having surgeries and having to cath to urinate she tells everyone that they did not want me around because im crazy. Not Sick!! It's Bad, she has hurt me so much, I don't understand why, guess that's another post.
I thought maybe after 7 years of her having my Father to herself things might be a little better. WHAT WAS I THINKING!! She is worse, if that's possible....
Anyway I called my Mother because I thought she should hear it from 1 of her Daughters, another error in judgement. I have not talked to her in years, but 15 days after my Dad Died she blocked me for not calling her for 3 days. I had talked and texted with her for about 12 days, I needed a break.
I really didn't need her blaming me for her being sick and for the last fight we had years ago...
I did not need this on top of dealing with my Narcissistic 🤪crazy ass Sister and my Dad dying.
I thought I felt alone before, now I really feel alone, he was all I had to hold onto. And I have not received much support from anyone, is it because I moved away from them, he was an alcoholic, mostly emotional abuse from him and my sis. Do people think just because I did not live in the same area as he I loved him amy less...
Sorry so long!
How do I hold on? I'm sick, I have noone and I don't know what to do this alonr😥😢😭
And now I need to find a good state to move to in another state that i know nothing about, Ill need new Dr's and what if they don't fill my scripts.
I here my Dad in my sleep. He had a real deep voice, he was a good singer, I think obout him almost every hr. I've left msgs on his phone.
I really need a hug from my Daddy just one more time...

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Sober & Secular

Here's a beginning list of secular or non-religious resources:


The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk

Alcohol Explained by William Porter

Empowering Your Sober Self by Martin Nicolaus

The Twelve Steps for Agnostics by Andy F

Waiting by Marya Hornbacher

Humanly Possible from LifeRing Secular Recovery

Twelve Secular Steps by Bill W.

From Junkie to Judge: One Woman's Triumph Over Trauma and Addiction by

Mary Beth O'Connor

The Little Book: A Collection of Alternative 12 Steps by Roger C.

#sober #Sobriety #TraumaRecovery #MBSR #Recovery #soberfellowship #sobercommunity

AA NA Secular Recovery Online Meetings for Atheists Agnostics and Freethinkers

Bringing the Secular Recovery Community together!
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Secular & Sober

Dismayed that there does not appear to be a section devoted to recovery/sobriety, trauma responses, MBSR, peer support, etc. Here's a beginning list of secular or non-religious resources:


The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk

Alcohol Explained by William Porter

Empowering Your Sober Self by Martin Nicolaus

The Twelve Steps for Agnostics by Andy F

Waiting by Marya Hornbacher

Humanly Possible from LifeRing Secular Recovery

Twelve Secular Steps by Bill W.

From Junkie to Judge: One Woman's Triumph Over Trauma and Addiction by

Mary Beth O'Connor

The Little Book: A Collection of Alternative 12 Steps by Roger C.

#sober #Sobriety #TraumaRecovery #MBSR #Recovery #soberfellowship #sobercommunity


AA NA Secular Recovery Online Meetings for Atheists Agnostics and Freethinkers

Bringing the Secular Recovery Community together!
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Retraumatized by the mental health system

I was involuntarily hospitalized last week... It was horrific. I'm currently unable to go into more detail because I'll dissociate and I habe trouble managing the anxiety attacks too.
I already suffer from CPTSD due to childhoof trauma. The symptoms since this incidents have peeked at a new level. My normal skills don't work as well as they did. I don't really know how to deal with a fresh trauma. I was able to see my therapist this week. But I was really scared to go see her but she wasn't even involved in all of this. I'm afraid of the police, hospitals and all mental health institutions in my area. So it's hard for me to get the help I need.

I am fighting but I am in a very bad place right now. And advice/tipps how to handle a fresh traumatic experience? And I wonder if there are other people out there who got retraumatized by the mental health system or if it's just me being vulnerable and overly sensitiv...?

Thank you all... #Trauma #Anxiety #AnxietyAttacks #TraumaRecovery #PTSD #CPTSD #PTSD #Depression #ChronicDepression #AnorexiaNervosa #EatingDisorders #struggling #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts


My Letter to Little Me


Dear Me,

My dear little Lisa, I am letting you know that you deserved better treatment. You deserved better. You deserved to be held, cuddled, loved, and treated like you have value and appreciation. You deserved to feel unconditional love, to feel accepted, to be acknowledged, to feel adored, to feel appreciated, to experience healthy affection and admiration, to feel approval, to feel understood.

Instead, you grew up feeling judged, that you should feel guilty and shamed for being who you are, that you’re not good enough - because none were attuned enough to notice that something really serious happened to you. No one, it seems, put forth the effort to try to understand you, to try to really *see* you and love you for who you are. All this plus the other abuses caused a LOT of damage.

It seems your primary caretaker was just too busy and distracted with many responsibilities [she had 6 kids after all!] As you learned later that for many reasons she didn’t have the time nor the wherewithal to be attuned to you and what you desperately needed from her. As a little girl you ended up feeling and believing you were a nuisance, annoying, in the way, too needy and unloved and especially without value and worth. You developed mother hunger.

I am so sorry that you felt this way for soooo long, way too long. Too long that it became a core belief and a mindset that deeply impacted your way of being - how you showed up in life. I’m sorry that you felt unappreciated, needed to play and be small, that you weren’t appreciated for your sparkle and valued for who you are. Instead, you felt ashamed of yourself. You felt guilty for things you did that were symptoms of the complex trauma you were experiencing. You even took on guilt and shame that didn’t belong to you. Your nervous system was just too sensitive. I am so sorry that you carried this for all these years.

Little Lisa, you are not the problem. You are not at fault. You deserve to feel unconditional love. You deserve to feel safe and protected. And it’s ok and good that you seek out those who will provide this for you.

It’s not your fault that you didn’t grow up feeling safe and protected. I’m sorry you felt invisible until you made a mistake or you did something to help someone else. I’m sorry that you were criticized or were simply emotionally abandoned. Sometimes severe punishment would ensue. And then you read it as shame and guilt for just existing. You read it that they were ashamed and embarrassed of who you are. Your poor nervous system.

Of course with adult wisdom, in looking back you understand it all now and are forgiving. But don’t forget you were a little girl, with little girl needs that weren’t met. You were trying to navigate a world that had shown itself to be scary and unsafe. It was an emotional mine field for you. All this piled onto an undeserving little body and a heart that only wanted to be loved. This and a highly sensitive nervous system created your insecurities which added to your various traumas.

I really feel for you my dear little one. I offer you my deepest compassion.

It wasn’t your fault.

I am so sorry that you experienced this and that now as an adult you must do the work to heal from the scars all this created.

I am here to be with you, to hold you and love you as you never felt. You deserve to feel unconditional love.

Yes, as an adult you understand your parents and see and accept their imperfections. This is good. However, it is important to your healing that you acknowledge how you felt and what you suffered. And as an adult you’ve acknowledged and own your unhealed childhood wounds and that they were passed on down to your two sons too. I’m proud of you for healing this much and being self-aware enough. I am proud of you for being as transparent as possible in your healing journey so your sons can understand themselves and you better.

It is time to release this unwarranted guilt and remember that all this damage resulted from Adam and Eve’s stupid decision. They passed on this imperfection to their children and on it went down to me and little you.

People don’t know what they don’t know – yet it is each one’s responsibility and obligation to become aware so their toxic behaviour doesn’t keep getting passed onto others.

It wasn’t your fault. Remember that.

It wasn’t your fault.

Your existence matters. God believes you are valuable, that you are worthy. He is there for you and is with you. Please remember where this imperfect and self condemnation comes from – it’s not from Him.

Please keep on letting your light shine. Keep helping fellow childhood trauma survivors see and feel that they are not alone. Please be accepting of yourself and others’ imperfections, knowing that most are trying to do their best. And those who choose denial, who refuse to learn, grow, be open to self awareness – that is on them, not you – these ones be careful of.

Please hang into your hope. Please keep recovering from your childhood trauma so that the detox continues, and the projection stops with you.

I think you’re doing great! So proud of the work you’re doing. It is HARD work and I believe you made the best decision – to heal. The sense of freedom that results is so worth it!

I love you, little Lisa. I am so proud of you. 😊 I admire you so very much and am super glad you’re still here.

#Childhoodtrauma #TraumaRecovery #itsnotyourfault #CPTSD #cptsdhealing #Selflove #Selfcompassion #Selfworth

Lisa B Hilton is an Advanced Certified Trauma Recovery Coach who has lived experience. Through coaching she supports fellow adults transform their travesty into triumph. Please read her blog: Is Trauma Recovery Coaching Right for You? and reach out to her if you feel this modality of Trauma Recovery Coaching will be a good fit for you. Thank you.

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Let her speak

This is a deeply personal poem. I don't think I'll ever finish it because the interpersonal work it reflects will take a whole lifetime to work through. Those of us on a healing journey through CPTSD may figure out along the way that it takes time to learn how to unlearn the byproducts of abandonment, neglect, and abuse. This undertaking is deeply personal and unique to the situations we've survived. So far, the most impactful aspect of healing for me has been learning not to abandon myself. Realizing that I've been acting out my inner life where the central message of abandonment lives. That message being unworthiness and has morphed itself into self abuse, self contempt, self blame, self criticism and self doubt. These have been the dark lenses through which I have viewed and lived my life. As I continue the work that healing requires I am encouraged by the moments I have chosen to stay yoked to my true nature; loving, accepting and encouraging myself. These sprouting moments will grow deep roots and will eventually become a more natural way to live.


Let her Speak

By: Stacey Gensler

There’s a girl on the porch on Cottonwood street

Invisible to those nearby

She’s come outside where rabbits graze and things that live are growing

Inside her room with bed and dresser are dead and splintered parts

With outstretched arms she wants to speak with songs like the wild birds sing

Unburdened, unfrozen, unraveled from the belly and free

Inhaling, her chin toward the sun, she calls forth the caw of the black crow

And spills out the secret that was never hers to carry

This child speaks of the dark burden

Born from loss

Tethered to the secret sins of ancestors

Whose flesh she’s never touched

Their cells, Their DNA,

Ancient binding shadows that carried her life into birth.

Of play

she cannot speak, only the absence of innocence

Lost among the tall green grasses with butterfly and pony

Carried away with the freshness of Lilac and Lilly


In the woods

following the slow-sloped winding trail

along train tracks with slow moving rusty boxes

marked with city art

she walked

and tried not to think

she looked for herself past thundering, threatening, bare-black oaks

with needle sharp limbs and knots felt deep in the gut

downward, fixed gaze her strides

led to the edge of the cat tail swamp, inhaling the stench of decay and sunless earth

her feet sink into fear and fate

the cattails frozen by mud and stagnate wind

their movement abandoned

under the weight of grief

She walked around corners

where ticks steal

while wild deer graze in tall dry grasses

their innocent bodies no longer their own

then, past the empty soybean field once bursting with tenderness

holding its residue

a by gone crop

its season yielded

barren by the heat of neglect

Above the deep worm burrows

rests soil ripe with longing to be fertile

Listening deeply, she hears the call of surrender

To be turned over and over again

To endure the blades excavation

Preparation for the new seasons harvest


Follow the scent of innocence deep into the landscape of budding trees

where violet blooms hang heavy

left in solitary stillness to reach their full potential

Announce your presence tenderly the way the wind approaches the sleeping sea.

Or be silent

And watch at the shoreline as I wade into unknown waters

and stare at the disfigured reflection

left by your absence.

Feel the burn of your squinting eyes

straining to focus through the mist of sea spray

tethered to the tears of 1,000 different disappointments

Watch with shame as I dive through the dark abyss

to rescue what you’ve left behind





and irrelevant


Turn away

Leave me to gather myself from the depths of this ocean

#CPTSD #Poetry #TraumaRecovery #PTSD

*photo credit, Gaëtan Werp

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