Sweet Thoughts
Just a short and sweet little poem of the thoughts in my head. #Anxiety #lonely #wisdom #Inspiration #solitude #Depression #MentalHealth #MightyTogether
Just a short and sweet little poem of the thoughts in my head. #Anxiety #lonely #wisdom #Inspiration #solitude #Depression #MentalHealth #MightyTogether
Any wise wisdom you’ve learned from life, good and bad, self love messages, your journey through mental health, etc ? :) feel free to share or explain, what you would like others to know or recommend to them to remember when going through tough times, positive messages, so on. #MentalHealth #TheMighty #newhere #MightyTogether #notalone #Mindful #positive #itsokaytonotbeokay #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #wisdom #Selflove #Thinking #Deep
I heard this yesterday. Brilliant
When I am at fault I need to repent. When the devil is causing the problem we need to resist. In all situations we need to trust in God and relax.
The thing about being the light is that you are naturally surrounded by darkness.#TheMighty #MightyTogether #light #darkness #Inspiration #Motivation #wisdom #Understanding