acid reflux

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Just woke up on the couch

I waddled to the bathroom cuz OMG and my right foot was swollen so bad. It's double it's normal size. I'll be able to show my PCP today and try to figure out what to do instead of lasix. I'm gonna try to make time to go back to the hospital for binsons to get compression socks in the next 2 weeks.

I didn't have therapy yesterday cuz my appointment cut into the time. We rescheduled for today at 4pm. I didn't do any journal prompts this time but I did some last time and we didn't go over them. But I'm sure with the cardiologist appointment and my PCP appointment I'll have plenty to talk about. And I'm so burnt out. We'll be fine as far as topics to discuss.

I'm gonna have a bunch of labs done today. Prolactin levels, testosterone, CBC, and A1c at the very least. Originally this appointment was for checking my urine for cultures cuz I had a UTI but I feel better.

I'm so thirsty. My tongue burns. My mouth is dry. I'm craving coffee. Except it's 530am and I can't have coffee right now. Pauley decided to wash dishes and accidentally chipped my starbarks mug.

I'm burping up stomach acid. I ate a little bowl of GF Velveeta Mac and cheese for dinner. It was delicious but it had quite a bit of salt. It's what made my feet swell up.

Today we're gonna place an order for groceries. I already picked what I want. I'm excited about some of the stuff I ordered, like the pork carnitas and the chocolate chip banana waffles and the cod. We're gonna eat the cod Wednesday night. Ooooo and the Dino nuggies are on sale! I ordered 2 boxes! Rawrrr

I've decided I'm awake for the day. I'm having pauley make me a bottle of IQ Joe. It'll help me feel more alert and less foggy. I'll also make a cup of juice when I finish drinking the coffee.

#Lymphedema #GERD #AcidReflux #HiatalHernia #Dehydration #foodieadventures #coffeeadventures

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Appointment with my doctor today

I have an appointment with one of my doctors at 330pm today. We're gonna increase my dose of tramadol and pantoprazole. I've been using 2 50mg tramadol every 4 hours and we have about 260 of them but we both agree I need to get the 100mg pills. And my acid reflux has been bothering me for a while. I've got gerd cuz I have a hiatal hernia. It's really annoying and painful. My caregiver also said I need a refill of my lantus pen. I should get all my meds by Friday.

#appointment #GERD #AcidReflux #ChronicPain

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Part 2. #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicFatigue #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #AcidReflux

I have gone to THREE DOCTORS in less than TWO MONTHS and finally this action is taken. My main doctor is so busy like every main doctors in Iceland. So this is what I will be doing today. 🛏🫖📻📱🥪🍫🙋‍♀️😔😔

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#Depression #Anxiety #Fibromyalgia #Anxiety #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #ChronicFatigue #AcidReflux

So guys; yesterday I went to a doctor who diagnosed me with SURPRISE SURPRISE NOT pnynomia, he ordered a computer photo (I don't know the English word, you go into somekind of a ,,doughnut") and I will get the results later today or tomorrow. I talked to my sister earlier, she mad because I

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Scared of what’s next

GORD is getting worse and PPI stopped keeping the symptoms at bay. Doctors doubled my medication and I have another gastroscopy this week. I won’t lie, I’m scared.

My partner’s grandfather passed away from cancer that had probably been a result of his acid reflux/ heartburn. He passed away within 2 months of dx (he was dx after having an endoscopy). My MIL actively documented how he was doing, his symptoms etc, and still talks about it all afterwards.
It’s super selfish, but I’m scared like anything of it happening to me knowing that it’s a real possibility. It’s taken my mind to some dark places, and the closer we get to the gastroscopy the worse it gets.

Of course I’m trying to think positive and remind myself what the doctor said (that he was elderly and that it wasn’t likely anyway), but it’s beginning to be a real battle in the run up to it. I’ll just be glad when it’s over. Again it’s super selfish to think about it like this, but I feel like here’s a safe place to express it.

#AcidReflux #reflux #GORD #GERD #Heartburn #Anxiety #MentalHealth

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How do I explain myself to my dentist…?

So, when I was 7 years old I had a pretty horrific dentist experience. Basically, I had to have a tooth removed. But the dentist said that because it was a baby tooth, I wouldn’t need any numbing injections. He was dead-fricking-wrong. I remember some nurses holding me down, my mum shouting, and what I can only describe as a pair of pliers. I remember screaming, and there being a lot of blood.

So for years I’ve been terrified of them. I couldn’t even walk on the same street as a dentist’s office without having a panic attack. In the last couple of years I’ve had to have my GP give me diazepam (Valium) just so I can sit in the damn chair. I’ve slowly built trust with my dentist, and I don’t need a huge dose to get me in the chair anymore.

Anyway, late last year I finally got to a point where I no longer needed to have any more work done. I’ve had four teeth removed (thankfully back ones), and several fillings. At least 9 of them. Since I started going regularly a couple of years ago, I’ve learned how to brush and floss properly. And according to the dentist at my last appointment last year, since brushing and flossing properly, I’ve managed to reverse the remaining decay I had left. Or, the start of the decay that was there.

But here’s the thing… The last 3-4 months have been so so stressful. I really stopped taking care of myself. I stopped washing regularly, I stopped eating properly and consumed loads of sugar (I’m type 2 diabetic), I stopped brushing and flossing my teeth, I barely took my medication… I was spiralling into an abyss. I felt angry and hopeless literally 24/7…

Then 6 weeks ago I spoke to my GP who then increased one of my antidepressants. Finally, a few weeks ago I started to feel a bit more like myself and I started taking care of myself better.

I’m overdue for a dental checkup and I’m just so scared. I’m worried they’ll be mad, and lecture me or judge me. And I’m also worried that I’m going to have to have more teeth removed… Any time I think about making the appointment I panic all over again and get really overwhelmed… What should I do? How do I explain myself in a way they’ll understand?

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated and welcomed.

#AutonomicDysfunction #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #POTS #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #EDS #jointhypermobility #NAFLD #LiverDisease #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Diabetes #Migraines #InterstitialCystitis #IBS #GERD #AcidReflux #Dentist #mouthproblems #Advice #Depression #Anxiety #panic

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#Anxiety #Depression #ChronicFatigue #AcidReflux #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Grief
Part 2.
Three days ago, June 4th, it was 31 years since my dad passed away suddenly. This year it didn't hít me as hard as last year and I know the reason why. These days are much more balanced, I feel 80/85 % good and etc. 🌼🌼🌼 💖💖💖

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#TheMighty #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicFatigue #ChronicPain #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #AcidReflux

I truly believe that these Woods are true, but sometimes less so. Last Sunday I had a great day with my brother's daughter and hér daughter who will be six next fall. ❤️ Often when I have been spending time with my family and return home to a empty appartment; the lonelyness just comes

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Does anyone else's chronic pain flare up when they're *just* about to sleep?🥺

I'm noticing that even if I've taken all my nighttime medication, I still keep getting flare ups as I'm about to go to sleep.

And it's not even some of them flare up, it's every chronic condition seems to take turns to flare up just as I'm bedding down.

Which means I have to either try to heavily distract myself with YouTube videos or if it gets too bad, then eat something (leaving me more likely to binge 🙄) to take stronger or more meds.

Resulting in me going to bed in the morning and doing nothing with my days 😪

Would really appreciate any help or advice lovely people 😊

#Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #InterstitialCystitis #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #Depression #Anxiety #BingeEatingDisorder #BackPain #Jointpain #AcidReflux #Insomnia

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Ugh feeling really yucky tonight

I did a dumb thing today. I ate an entire bag of sea salt and vinegar pork rinds. Now I don't usually have problems with them but I got a new brand to try and they were sooooo acidic. They burned my mouth and brought me to tears. Within an hour I had the worst acid reflux / #GERD symptoms ever! I'm burping up stomach acid and having chest pain.
I get acid reflux because I have a hiatal hernia. I scheduled my appointment for the barium swallow esophagram for March 3rd. We need to see if I need surgery. Meds have never helped make me feel better.
My hips are stiff and hurting but I've got some Percocet so I should feel better soon. I also took an olanzapine to help me sleep tonight. I want to be clear headed for tomorrow cuz I have to do some major cleaning of my apartment. I've got plans for Sunday and will be hosting a guest.
We're going to get my haircut and then we will go to the grocery store. I'm gonna get food for the month. But we're also going to get the ingredients for naan pizza. After we make pizza we are going to watch a movie (or we'll end up watching Bluey, cuz I've never grown up). It's going to be a good day. I'm very excited. I don't see friends very often, maybe once per month if I'm lucky, so this will be nice.
#CheckInWithMe #GERD #AcidReflux #HiatalHernia

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