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Does anyone even care about actual artists anymore? | TW AI “art”, swearing, some all caps, suicidal ideation (please stop this madness)

I’ve sent a concern last year to Padlet about something that suggested that they were planning to implement something AI-art generated. When someone replied, they said this as part of their response:

“We aim to make Padlet a platform that is inclusive and respectful of all users, including artists. I apologize for any distress the template has caused. Your concerns about the ethical implications of AI art are important, and we take them seriously.

I will share your feedback with our team for consideration. Your input helps us improve and ensure that we meet all our users' needs and values.”

I was so relieved. I really thought that they’d cared. But a year later, aka today, I saw that Padlet’s comments included the option for “AI art” aka “I can’t draw”. Of course, I’m very pissed off. It’s as if my concern last year meant ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING to them, like it was some sort of joke of something!… so of course I sent feedback about this again just recently, will wait for a response. Unbelievable. It’s NOT an accessibility tool. It is just fucking stealing! What about that can some individuals not get through their heads?!

Please, world, just stop this fucking unforgiving “trend” called AI art…. so many attacks towards us and so many of our artwork is being used without any of our permission, CAN YOU FUCKING HEAR ME WORLD?!

(please don’t call me human, it actually gives me dysphoria, I non-pessimistic ally and spiritual identify as other, thanks!)

(Edit as of 3/2/25 - So I received a response and told me that they do in fact emphasize and will forward it to their product team. Thank GOD, I pray that something is done about this!! I literally almost planned to kill myself yesterday because I am so fucking sick of this. I’m so sick of this damn world already. One more disappointment from this society and I’m back to feeling suicidal again. I can’t deal with that rn.)

#StopAIArt #ScrewAIArt #ActualArtist #Anxiety #PleaseStopThisAwfulTrend #ArtistsAreHurting #angry #Furious #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #SuicideAttemptSurvivors

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I feel like everything sucks rn | TW swearing, all caps, mentions of cryptocurrency, problematic AI, politics, inflation, all caps, angry

You ever just wanna throw your hands in the air and say “fuck it all”? Well that’s exactly what I’m feeling right now. I feel like everything fucking sucks rn. America’s insane for having Trump TWICE (we could’ve have our second chance for a woman president BUT NOOOO, a Neo-Nazi got president again instead!), I’m so sick of everything being “AI”’d purely because of harmful shit like AI art for existing and not caring whether something labeled AI or not, CRYPTOCURRENCY LIKE BITCOIN IS HARMING THE FUCKING ENVIRONMENT, NFTS STEALS ART WITHOUT ARTISTS’ PERMISSIONS… I can go on. To the point where it’s becoming FUCKING UNAVOIDABLE like in Apple’s AppStore and of course there is ABSOLUTELY no way to turn these suggestions off, LIKE NO, STOP SUGGESTING ME AI ART GENERATORS AND CRYPTO!!!

I don’t fucking trust or like Microsoft or Google anymore because of the shit they’ve done (including AI art generators).

Still can’t even get a FUCKING DISABILITY PAYMENT after all of these FUCKING YEARS let alone get a lawyer because WE AREN’T RICH LIKE THAT, ESPECIALLY BEING SOMEONE OF COLOR! Even then, I’m sick of having my autism being the reason, because it is NOT a disability/disorder, my anxiety and trauma disorder are the real disorders!! Next time, it will NOT be autism as A reason, but honestly I just want to say fuck this process in general because I’m so sick of it and possibly being misgendered all over again (I’m non-binary).

Many things I used to like/go to I cannot anymore because of the fucking inflation and higher/change of free plans (which I do understand that plenty of it is thanks to 2020 event and virus that shall not be named).

Things could’ve been better this decade, but NO. THINGS HAVE NOT BEEN FUCKING BETTER!!!

(Don’t call me human, I identify as something else non-pessimisticly and spiritually. Words relating to the 2020 event trigger me, like highly upset me and will bring up bad feelings. Thanks for understanding.)

#VentPost #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #AutismSpectrum #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MyAutismIsNotADisability #angry #fedup #unfair #triggerwarning #venting #OSTD #OtherSpecifiedTraumaDisorder #DoneWithEverything

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My disability benefits have been taken away from me again… | TW all caps, swearing, anger, feeling unseen

Honestly, what the FUCK! I CAN’T FUCKING WORK! What is it that they can’t seem to understand?! My anxiety is a disability, damn it!!!


Honestly fuck everything. I feel like I’ll just never be truly seen by this US government. I’ve only just wasted my fucking time with them, and so really don’t feel like HAVING TO EXPLAIN TO THEM FOR THE 50TH TIME THAT I’M NOT MY BIRTH GENDER AND I AM NOT A BINARY GENDER!

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MyAutismIsNotADisability #MYANXIETYISADISABILITY #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #FeelingIgnored #thissucks #Trauma #angry #disappointment #LGBTQ #Loneliness #sad #Vent #venting

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I want to scream and cry

I had such a good therapy session today. I did some homework last night and my girlfriend helped. My therapist said he was very proud of me for doing such deep work. It was a deep dive into the shadows. It even helped me bond with my girlfriend.

So naturally I wanted to tell my mom. I called her and was so bubbly. I told her about doing the work with flutter...

and her immediate response was "but I don't understand why she had to be involved. It's YOUR therapy. You shouldn't need help from anyone".

I just don't have adequate words for how upset I am. I didn't argue, I said I will talk to you later and I hung up. I just couldn't wrap my head around how she's so clueless and closed minded.

I wish I could cut my mom out of my life but when my daughter turns 18 in November this year I will need my mom to help me connect with her. So I gotta play nice.

#angry #MentalHealth

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It feels like I am #angry all the time. It feels like I live in Anger. I know I’m suppose to notice the Anger, not avoid it, accept it & then it decreases. But then I do something else and I’m angry all over again. I feel like anger controls me. I’m also am in recovery from an Eating Disorder & feel I use food as a way to cope with my constant anger. I know people say it’s a “secondary emotion” and I feel angry about that they say that too (lol). I just wish it would leave me the ….. alone… I have thoughts that I’m tormented by it. I am in and use DBT and still really struggle with the emotion of anger. I know “they” say underneath anger is sadness or fear…. I hate it. I feel angry at my interactions, at my friends, I’m intolerant & snap at people, inpatient. I grew up with a parent who raged a lot at us kids. It feels like I can’t get rid of the anger. Maybe I should f….. marry it! :)
I just don’t understand it and feel I’m one of the only ones who deals with this 90% of the time. I feel sad, angry & intolerant of being angry. I wake up angry. My name could be Debbiewhodealswithangerineffectively! 💜

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One (RANT) DAY at a TIME

I’ll have #Gooddays & I’ll have bad, though I’m still constantly struggling with my #innerself daily. There are a lot of things I know I have to do, but either my #Anxiety gets worked up, or I’ll try to get it done, or I tell and/or give myself reminders & still somehow end up forgetting about it or I’ve become distracted.

I’ve noticed that my train of thought can now go all over the place. Which is why I now have a lot of notebooks that I could use if I needed to let it out.

When it comes to phone calls I need to make, or appointments to schedule… I spend hours worrying about the #Start - #during - & #End of the whole thing. Before I know it, I can’t call because they’re now closed. Of course now I’ve become #Irritated & #angry at myself.

It never used to be this hard. I know I need to find a job, even IF the job I had #terminated me in part of my #MentalIllness . I feel stuck with no #Positivity in site. & It doesn’t help that even with or without my anxiety ramping up, my #Pride will not let me ask for help.

•I give myself a ‘thumbs up’ daily for getting out of bed.
• I cheer when I have motivation to shower.
• I pat myself on the back, in my mind of course… when I do laundry & put them away.

I still struggle with driving anywhere if I’m alone. Hunter, who is my furbaby soulmate, but also my #esa is always by my side, & either one of my sons or sometimes both would join me so I’m not freaking out while driving on the road.

I feel #Guilt that I’m not being the mom that they need me to be. I feel bad every single time I ask them for help (when I’m getting #overwhelmed trying to tidy up the house). I am mad that my #breakdown caused me to fail in my performance at work & that I #Struggled to do the things they asked of me (because I was never informed from the start that there was info that they could show me & help me with #FMLA ‘cause it would’ve been easy back then to get things in order than it was a couple of months ago). I felt #invisible . I felt my #Voice didn’t matter. I tried… all by myself… in the end, the company I loved working at didn’t give a … about me.

I’m sorry for ranting about nonsense. :(

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I'm angry right now. Ash and I might be broken up because I messed up... I said something wrong and now she's not talking to me... dang please anybody help me like I feel dead inside... I need Ash like really bad... I never needed anybody like I needed. I feel stupid. #angry #depressed #Dead

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Feeling angry

I kind of had a fight a while ago with my “best” friend (if I can call her that right now). She verbally attacked me calling me lazy, saying she has to speak to my like a child, saying I only care when people spend money on me and so many other things. She tries to dictate my life and doesn’t understand what I’m going through at all. She pressured me to break up with my boyfriend when I wasn’t ready, she tries to tell me where to live, she used to tell me what to do and what to like. I fed into it but as soon as I started becoming my own person problems started to arise.

My point is that I’m pissed off at her and need to set boundaries to protect myself and my peace. I don’t need anyone telling me what to do. I don’t need anyone committed to misunderstanding me. I don’t need anyone who has no empathy towards me. She thinks she knows me better than I know myself but she doesn’t.

I just had to vent this out. I keep splitting on her and this time it’s lasting a while. Right now I want nothing to do with her and I know I’m just seeing things in black and white but I can’t think any other way right now so how dare she?

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #angry #Depression #Anxiety

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My Mom

My mom doesn't accept me for being LGBTQ+ and she is being ridiculous. I was talking to my dad about my volunteer job and how I like to ask the people what country their families are from. My mom said asking the people where they are from is intrusive sorry but WTF is intrusive and also I wasn't talking to you. She's getting on my nerves right now. #angry #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #Autism

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My Job

Hi everybody so here's my problem. Someone at my job at the hospital I work at is ticking my off. He said that the ladies can't take our the trash, God only knows why. Then today while we were getting patients food ready to deliver I wanted food. He then proceeded to yell at me because suppose the phone rings. I mean I could have waited but I wanted food and I mean I don't want to get yelled at again but I mean seriously. I am not good at thinking that great and when I want something I am going get to it. Not saying that it couldn't have waited but I mean please don't yell at me. #angry #Bipolar

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