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BIPOLAR. It’s a misunderstood, complicated, debilitating illness!


20 years ago I was diagnosed with this debilitating illness, it still doesn’t get any easier, and I’ve read as we get older it gets worse, now that’s encouraging, scares the hell out of me.

I’m angry, frustrated, irritable, discouraged, but most of all saddened this illness has attacked my mind once again. I almost made it to a year. I have no triggers, just the fabulous chemical imbalance. Now I’m in a dark depression, without any explaination, how confusing is that. It always blows my mind how I just awake, one morning, and feel like crap. I get the odd highs, but mostly lows, so painful and unbearable...

I only have a couple of friends I basically inform (when they’re trying to reach me) I’m not well. I know they don’t really get it as we only get what we live. Therefore, I don’t go into details. You know, when I’m well I have a hard time, myself, understanding depression and that I could even go back into that phase.

I’m isolated now, as I do when depression sets in. I will be chatting with my pdoc this week to see where we go from here. I am so fed up with meds, increase, decrease, add, subtract it’s all overwhelming. A lot of times I just want to give up, what kind of life is this, living in the dark, can barely function, just want to sleep it away. That being said, I go to bed at night, with the hope tomorrow will be a brighter day.

I always say there’s people worse off than me, but I shouldn’t have to think that way, as at this time it’s (for me) as bad as it gets. All I know is I’m suffering and no meds can take the pain away right away, it’s a waiting game to see if a new med/cocktail is going to work. And then if I’m fortunate to latch on to something, how long will it last, the good feeling.

So all in all, Bipolar is a misunderstood, complicated, debilitating illness, it’s a life of ups, downs, and pain!

For those of you who have the illness and have to face other challenges in your life, such as no support, financial problems and such, my heart goes out to each and everyone of you. So I send off with a God Bless to all of us!


Help I feel lonely and need help

I have a tri-diagnosis Of #madelungs defomity , #savant syndrome #SavantSyndrome , #SavantSyndrome ,#EhlersDanlosSyndrome , #Autism #Autism #Autism #Autism , #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDisorder #order #BipolarDisorder #dep , #BipolarDisorderBorderlinePersonalityDisorderADHD , #bipolardisorderborderlinepresonalitydisorderADHD , #BipolarDisorderDepression #AspergersSyndrome , #AspergersSyndromeAwareness , #Aspergers , #AspergersSyndromeAwareness , #AspergersAreUs , #AspergersSyndrome , ,#Depression , #Depression #MentalHealthAwareness ,#DepressiveDisorders , ,#Deppresed , #Anxiety #PTSD , #PTSD -old ,#Complex Post Traumatic Stress , #PTSD ,#CPTSD , #CPTSDinrelationships ,#Ld in reading comprehension , #LearningDisabilities , #Dyslexia ,#SensoryProcessingDisorder , #SensoryProcessingIssues , #SensoryModulationDisorder , #SensoryProcessignDisorder , #CentralAuditoryProcessingDisorder , #SensoryDisorder , #AuditoryProcessingDisorder ,#SensoryProcessingIssues , #SensoryProcessingDisorderAwarenessMonth , #SensoryProcessingDisorderAwarenessMonth , #SensoryProcessingDisorder , #Sensory processing disorder ,#Adhdandanxietyinarelationship #adhdinchildcaresettings, #adhdinmen , #Adhdinwomen , #adhdinearlychildhood #adhdwomen #CombinedPresentationADHD #UndiagnosedADHD #ADHDInGirls #focus #ADHD #Autism ##ADHD #Rheuma #Y  #ADHD #ADHD #ADHD #ADHD #AttentiondeficitDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #Selfharm , #OtherPersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder ,#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Borderline Personality disorder #Madelungsdeformity #Madelung #madelungs #madelungs deformity as well as many other conditions that causes physical and emotional pain I do #DBT (#DialecticalBehaviorTherapy ) an it helps a little but my twin sister doesn’t have to go through what I have to go through and she got to skip a grade and I didn’t even though my IQ is 205 and hers is 148 I live in Saint Louis Missouri and went to Stanford all the way in California and now is still in California working for Facebook and I never get to see my own twin sister I feel like she is the very successful twin who skipped a grade went to Stanford graduated and now works for Facebook and I’m the wimpy twin who is unsuccessful who has to live in constant chronic pain has to live in an ISL (individualized supported living) like a group home I don’t have a drivers license I Don't have a job and never have and my parents have to have guardianship of me also my mom has 4 kids two sets of twins and our younger brothers have had equal opportunities how do I deal with all of this #Multiplesetsofmultiples #Saintlouismissouri #STL #Individualizedsupportedliving #Individualizedsupportedliving #ISL #Supportedliving #individualized supported living

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I have severe #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder, #PanicDisorder, #BipolarDisorderDepression and #ManicEpisodes. Sheesh that is a mouthful. lol Most of the time I am incredibly antsy, can’t sit still and the other half of me wants to lay in bed and not get up because I am so exhausted. I feel like this everyday, even at work. It’s extremely debilitating. I lost my mother back in 2014 due to pancreatic cancer. It struck me hard. My anxiety hit me like a ton of bricks. I feel like an elephant sits on my chest every morning. It’s extremely painful to get out of bed. Then my dad suddenly passed away in 2016 from a massive heart attack and my world fell apart. Now my depression and my anxiety rule and I am helpless to stop it. Some days I wish it could all end so I could see my parents again and others I continue to fight to see what another day will bring. I recent got an #EmotionalSupportDog (Oliver- picture above) to help me with my disease. He follows me around everywhere except work. He makes my life livable again and the thoughts of suicide few and far between.