attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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Just a little reminder #ADHD

I’m not ADHD myself but I’ve been doing these little things to not feel guilty posts on my Instagram and some people requested for me to do an ADHD one. I though I would also post it here ❤️
Is there anything you would add to it?

#AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #ADHD #Autism #Neurodiversity #Disability #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #MightyMinute

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Step One: Get an ADHD diagnosis... #AdultADHD #ADHD

Tomorrow, March 24th 2021 at 11 a.m., I begin my assessment with a psychiatrist to determine whether or not I have attention deficit disorder (ADHD is what it's called these days).

I was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder at 6 years old in the 90s, but my mother never followed up with this (and many other things I was diagnosed with). I spent years knowing that something was wrong but not being able to understand or articulate well what it was that was wrong with me.

Now I'm 31 years old. I found some old papers, given to me by accident actually, and all of this information fell in my lap that now I couldn't ignore. I decided to take the leap: go for medication. I knew that I've been struggling to function. I knew that I felt like I was heading towards "burn out" and I knew that this wasn't my first time coming to this.

I have been educating myself about ADHD since I knew this day was coming and trying to piece together whether I thought I truly have this condition or something else...and I truly believe that I am going down the right path.

So now.... I have the opportunity to actually deal with this. I know that this is the first step of many.... to be fair, I don't know if ADHD medication will help me, but I can imagine that it wouldn't hurt to try - especially after all this time. Just start somewhere here....

I just hope to be validated and heard. I have been given a heads up to kind of know what to expect from a psychiatrist. From what I read about her, I just hope that she will be able to at least show me compassion by hearing me out.

I have been invalidated for most of my life. I have been told over and over to "get myself together" to find that I literally didn't have the strength or the "know-how" to do it on my own. Now, with the notes from a pediatric neurologist.... I know that I wasn't off to recognise that my challenges are real and they were diagnosed even though I didn't know it was typed out on paper.

Here's to taking my first step. #medications #ADHD #Adderall #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #Neurodiversity #NeurodevelopmentalDisorders #neuromotordisorder #neurodiverse #AttentiondeficitDisorder


34 days of meditation so far. #Anxiety

34 days ago my therapist lent me a device for meditation, 3 weeks later I decided to buy it. I feel like the meditation has made a huge difference to my mental health and I feel far better mentally.

However, this could be due to other things including:
1) increasing my medicine
2) being too busy to be anxious with moving interstate and starting a new job all next year

#Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Paranoia #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder

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Evaluating and Treating ADHD in African American Children: Guidance for Clinicians

Cultural awareness matters. I find that many individuals are misdiagnosed as a result of multiple reasons. Nowadays many providers do not thoroughly evaluate individuals and many symptoms overlap. #Misdiagnosed #ADHD #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #ADHD #continuityofcare #Diagnosis

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Because homeschool is a blast...

My grandson made this. With help, but the lesson mostly centered around focus and planning. Maybe a little problem solving... 😂 He finished it though, just as Mom walked in from work.
He's quite proud of himself, and was completely shocked and amazed when mother showed up with a little sewing machine. 😄

#Autism #ParentingAutism #ParentingSpecialNeeds #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #ArtTherapy

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Message boards

We made them out of mostly recycled materials. The rest came from the dollar store - total cost was about $5 (there are more boards and a calendar), for the beads and stuff. The rest was to keep from overloading the trash can right after we moved in to the new place. 😂
We just needed something made soon for the global fibro fog. This makes it kinda fun, and doesn't take much to throw together.

#Autism #MultipleSclerosis #Fibromyalgia #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #SpecialNeedsParent #ParentingSpecialNeeds



There is no such thing as ADD 😱 It was taken out of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th ed (DSM-5) in 2013 & was replaced with ADHD, with specifiers to better describe symptoms such as 1) Predominantly hyperactive symptoms, 2) Predominantly inattentive symptoms, or 3) Combined presentation



Help I feel lonely and need help

I have a tri-diagnosis Of #madelungs defomity , #savant syndrome #SavantSyndrome , #SavantSyndrome ,#EhlersDanlosSyndrome , #Autism #Autism #Autism #Autism , #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDisorder #order #BipolarDisorder #dep , #BipolarDisorderBorderlinePersonalityDisorderADHD , #bipolardisorderborderlinepresonalitydisorderADHD , #BipolarDisorderDepression #AspergersSyndrome , #AspergersSyndromeAwareness , #Aspergers , #AspergersSyndromeAwareness , #AspergersAreUs , #AspergersSyndrome , ,#Depression , #Depression #MentalHealthAwareness ,#DepressiveDisorders , ,#Deppresed , #Anxiety #PTSD , #PTSD -old ,#Complex Post Traumatic Stress , #PTSD ,#CPTSD , #CPTSDinrelationships ,#Ld in reading comprehension , #LearningDisabilities , #Dyslexia ,#SensoryProcessingDisorder , #SensoryProcessingIssues , #SensoryModulationDisorder , #SensoryProcessignDisorder , #CentralAuditoryProcessingDisorder , #SensoryDisorder , #AuditoryProcessingDisorder ,#SensoryProcessingIssues , #SensoryProcessingDisorderAwarenessMonth , #SensoryProcessingDisorderAwarenessMonth , #SensoryProcessingDisorder , #Sensory processing disorder ,#Adhdandanxietyinarelationship #adhdinchildcaresettings, #adhdinmen , #Adhdinwomen , #adhdinearlychildhood #adhdwomen #CombinedPresentationADHD #UndiagnosedADHD #ADHDInGirls #focus #ADHD #Autism ##ADHD #Rheuma #Y  #ADHD #ADHD #ADHD #ADHD #AttentiondeficitDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder #attention deficit hyperactivity disorder #Selfharm , #OtherPersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder ,#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Borderline Personality disorder #Madelungsdeformity #Madelung #madelungs #madelungs deformity as well as many other conditions that causes physical and emotional pain I do #DBT (#DialecticalBehaviorTherapy ) an it helps a little but my twin sister doesn’t have to go through what I have to go through and she got to skip a grade and I didn’t even though my IQ is 205 and hers is 148 I live in Saint Louis Missouri and went to Stanford all the way in California and now is still in California working for Facebook and I never get to see my own twin sister I feel like she is the very successful twin who skipped a grade went to Stanford graduated and now works for Facebook and I’m the wimpy twin who is unsuccessful who has to live in constant chronic pain has to live in an ISL (individualized supported living) like a group home I don’t have a drivers license I Don't have a job and never have and my parents have to have guardianship of me also my mom has 4 kids two sets of twins and our younger brothers have had equal opportunities how do I deal with all of this #Multiplesetsofmultiples #Saintlouismissouri #STL #Individualizedsupportedliving #Individualizedsupportedliving #ISL #Supportedliving #individualized supported living


How do I figure out whether or not I have ADHD?#ADHD #AttentiondeficitDisorder #AttentiondeficithyperactivityDisorder

As I have been learning more things about mental health, I’ve been noticing ADHD-like symptoms in my life that I previously had thought were completely normal things. I don’t ever want to be that rude person who self-diagnoses because that’s insensitive, but I don’t know how to go about actually finding out whether or not I have it.

I am a minor and my dad, while he agrees ADHD is real, doesn’t exactly understand stuff like this and it’s hard to bring it up.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.