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#Determination #nevergiveup #yourlifematters #nopenottoday #keepfightingfoward #fighter #warrior #keepmoving #trend
#recovery #journey #988helpline #sgi #buddhist #endstigma #reachout #trending #socialmedia #suicideprevention @followers -
ENTIRE VIDEO ON #youtube -

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#Determination #trending #SuicidePrevention #yourlifematters

#Determination #nevergiveup #yourlifematters #nopenottoday #keepfightingfoward #fighter #warrior #keepmoving #trend
#recovery #journey #988helpline #sgi #buddhist #endstigma #reachout #trending #socialmedia #SuicidePrevention @followers -

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#NeverGiveUp #trending #MentalHealth

#NeverGiveUp #yourlifematters #keepfightingfoward #fighter #warrior #warriors #fighters #brainhealth #endstigmav #Determination #recover
#junemensmentalhealthmonth #trend #endstigma #trending #Recovery #influencer #trending #life #chooselife #youtube #share #like #subscribe #courage #video


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The Holidays

#strength #resiliance #Determination #Love

Sometimes a picture says a thousand words!

Sometimes you need to read a thousand words!

Sometimes you need to hear a thousand words!

Them that see Them that hear Them that speak 🗣️

Be your own #Muse #Repeat #21dayhabits

Just Watch what God will do for you!


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Determination/Intrinsic Motivation

Here is your inspirational post of the day:

I try to make a concerted effort each day to heal the wounds of the #ChildhoodAbuse and #EmotionalNeglect that I experienced. Yes, the #SexualAbuse and #EmotionalAbuse left their marks on me in the form of #PTSD but that doesn't stop me. In fact receiving a PTSD diagnosis put a lot into perspective for me. It helped me to realize that what I experienced was that bad and it did in fact happen. That all the manipulation and gaslighting were wrong. But this post isn't about emotionally abusive tactics. Each day is a conscious choice to heal or not heal. Each day is a choice to break the cycle of abuse or not break it. Determination has to be what drives you to heal. I am determined to not let the past abuse interfere with my present, to not let it dictate my future. I am determined to heal so I do not pass on what I endured to others. Besides determination you need intrinsic motivation. This may be a bit harder to do because you need to know what drives you. Once you know this you can do just about anything. Remember my post on consistency? You need that too. All these things can help you to lead a fulfilling life despite the past history of abuse. I believe in you, now you have to believe in yourself. You can and will break the cycle of abuse because you can do it, I know you can. If I can do it, then so can you. Sure it takes time and effort but it is worth it. It takes digging up painful memories but it is worth it. You are worth it. So keep striving my friends. You got this.

#SexualAbuse #EmotionalAbuse #EmotionalNeglect #ChildhoodAbuse #Trauma #PTSD #Hope #Healing #Inspiration #Determination #Motivation

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#Determination beats #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder

In just over a week I have the first Christmas market, week after is a concert with the choir I'm part of, the following is the second Christmas market.
I've been stuck upstairs for atleast 16 days and inside I've been panicking about whether I'm actually going to be able to make any of it.
Today, I wobbly walked the hallway without a frame. And that one simple thing tells me I'm going to make it.
Most professionals and friends say to me positivity is key. They aren't completely wrong but for me determination is key. And the amount of determination I have to get to these events is overwhelming, so that's what's going to get me there.

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Know you are loved...

I woke up this morning wondering what I’m doing here.
#Life ? #Love ? #Giving ? #Understanding ? What?? I asked myself..
ALL of the above! ( I heard myself)

We have a #Choice .
Live with memories of #traumatic childhoods,
#live with a #Determination of #yes ! #They can’t hurt me anymore! The past is over...let’s get on with healing..

#freedom is ours, it’s always knocking to come home,
Turn the key friend, OPEN THE DOOR!
Your #heart is still #lovingly beating for you. For you #preious One...
They never managed to take your #heart
For many winters, you’ve survived with a #Broken heart- yes
Now, come out, open the door, and #listen to the #Birds
Listen to your heart
Know you are loved.