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Do you have a :) blog, YouTube channel or creative outlet?

Anything about raising awareness, journaling, being creative or artistic, whatever you do if you have a hobby that helps you? If you have a blog about your mental health or physical health condition(s) life and coping :) feel free to share! Or whatever ^•^ helps you most.
:) #creative #Outlet #MentalHealth #physicalhealth #Blog #Vlog #Youtube #coping #Life

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I started an Anxiety Journey YouTube Channel. Would mean a lot to get a little support! I’m so nervous !

Hi there I usually post quotes on a mental health friendly supportive Instagram account, occasionally I journal or blog very rarely on blogs I’ve tried before, but I’ve never ever been brave enough to show my face and actually try a YouTube account D: and not be more anonymous behind the screen supporting. I would really appreciate any love or opinions before I risk getting hate comments or trolls with mental health stigma haha > mental health advocate than 😅😂🤣 people actually see it. But I would love to be able to help someone out there not feel so alone in their struggles or offer hope if they are just beginning their journey or could use some kind words/ experiences

If anyone could give me a bit of a boost 😂 so I don’t freak out or overthink the fact I actually did this and made it public and it could actually become something meaningful, I appreciate it! But if not :) I’ll do my best to do it myself, thanks! I tried to be brave and just do it instead of only think about it as a new hobby/ outlet.

My YouTube channel is:

My Anxiety Journey

Or was thinking

Inside My Anxiety Journey, since it’ll be pretty personal ^^ and genuine/ raw :p at times telling my experiences or what it’s like struggling with an invisible illness, physical/ mental.


Appreciate any love
I feel so nervous and embarassed. But actually proud I had the guts to do it D: though I was so back and forth about it.

Hope I’ll stick to it whether I receive good feedback or not, to actually make a meaningful difference and get more courage to do other things like this with advocacy groups or opportunities.


PS the 3 views are probably me 😅😂 overthinking and analyzing it too much but trying not too haha 😛 😆. I’m a work in progress lmfao 🤣 lol.

A really big deal to me, because I’m perfectly fine being open about my experiences and trying to help or relate to others and support them too, but not used to putting it on the internet like that with my face D: and fear the stigma or openness about it it’s so risky hehe but worth it :) in a way. So I hope it’ll be the start of something new and good. Feel free to share if you have any blogs, YouTube accounts or any fun hobbies/ outlets too ! :)

Also** I’m not posting to promote it, hope it’s allowed here, just needed a little love or support so I don’t back out on my idea 😅😅🥺😭😿💡💖😊😛😆😆😆 because I feel so alone in my experiences sometimes, and don’t want others to feel like that too.

And be alone struggling.

#Anxiety #Support #help #nervous # anxiousbuthappy #anyfeedback #Youtube #New #youtubeaccount #Vlog #Blog #Trying #MentalHealth #Love #Support #supportneeded #ThankYou ! #tryingtobebrave #TheMighty #Community #thanks #appreciateit #Depression #OCD #physicalhealth #MentalHealth #Hobby #Outlet #tryingtofacefears #Phobia #PublicSpeaking #post #Posting #courage #shy #tryingtobebrave #somethingnew #newaccount #youtubeaccount #youtubechannel

My Anxiety Journey

Hi I struggle with anxiety, and mental health/ depression, I know what it’s like to face struggles and stigma, I’m not perfect I feel alone, guilt and shame, I am a work in progress. I get better, and then I get worse, life rotates it’s normal. But if you need any source of hope, inspiration to reach out for help or anything you could find helpful here. I’m more than happy to. I’m not a professional I am just trying a new hobby and outlet hoping to help others like me feel less alone with invisible illness it be physically, mental health/ emotional or so on forth. Even if you don’t struggle I hope I can be a reminder that things do get better, and it’s okay to not always have everything put together. Life can be hard but it can be wonderful too. I wish you all the best on your journey, but this channel is about my anxiety Journey so far, so it’ll be quite deep and personal, but I hope if anyone ever sees this it may be of help. You are not alone. You matter too. Love - Laura O
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Blogging as therapy

Recently I have started to blog as a way for me to work through things and to maybe help others feel they are not alone in the struggles of chronic health conditions and chronic pain. While I don’t get traffic really, it does help somewhat to put my thoughts down and out there.
If you are interested, it’s resilienceandwhatnot.com, between the blog, being creative with crafting and reading- I feel I’m starting to have some kind of outlet.
While these methods don’t work everyday, at least it does help some days.
What do you do for an outlet?
#ChronicIlless #RareDisease #ChronicPain #Anxiety #ChronicDepression #Mito #Outlet #Blog #crafts #Reading

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A Disney Day

It was a Disney Day at Magic Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. I had an awesome time walking around with my cousin for her #Birthday . She is 40 years old, and I am 36! How the heck did we get so #Old ? I thought about #Life a lot this week, and I wondered about what the future holds for us all.

Are any of you trying #desperately to avoid watching the #News on TV? I sure do. I don't watch news clips on YouTube or read news articles that contain #negativity because my brain cannot handle it. Can yours?

I wish that things were #different . I know that we all wish things could have been improved as it feels pretty horrible right now. I would be lying if I said I did not go on YouTube and watch a few newsclips. #Youtube is always my #Outlet to receive #Communication from the world and watch my favorite creators. However, It is #hard to get myself away from the news section. The #gasprices alone are enough to cause a concern.

So... I want to spend as much time as I can visiting Magic Kingdom while I have the chance. I am thankful for my annual pass, as we bought it before I lost my #Job with Universal Studios.


Anyway... how are you??

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My Oultet - Blogging

After years of dealing with depression and anxiety. I finally found my outlet... Blogging. I created my own website about my journey with mental and physical health, I'd be so happy for you guys to check it out 💜
Check it out: www.meablogandi.com
Become a member: wix.to/zNu2LiW

#Outlet #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Blog #website #Blogging #mystory #Depression #Checkitout #welcome

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My Social Media

#SocialMedia is a way we communicate with one another. However, there are always the platforms when you speak your #mind that someone feels the need to degrade you. I have noticed over the years that if you express an #Emotion then people automatically feel like they have something to say about it.

Most of the time I noticed that people would be empathetic or even sympathetic, but then there are those who are neither. I encountered a lot of people who were #confused and did not understand what it meant to have #BipolarDisorder or #Depression . It always felt like a challenge to try to explain that my moods change. I was using #Facebook like a journal entry. It was not good.

Today I do not go on it. This is my #SocialMedia and this is my #Outlet to communicate with others. Not many people can relate to the #fracturedind the way this #Community does. For this all, I am very thankful! 💗


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Creative living doesn’t have to always look like the same story-thread throughout every season of our life.

When I was a kid, I did lots of creative things with my time like taking photographs with my Canon film camera that I got for my 13th birthday, taking jazz ballet dance classes and choosing art class at school.

When I got older, creative living took the form of a drama degree, writing plays and performing in shows.

As a young mum, I lived out my creative passions by homeschooling and getting crafty alongside my kids. We painted, drew and drank in rich stories together. We worshipped the Creator through song and scripture. We made playdough in all the colours of the rainbow. We did lino printing, lego building, puppet making, leaf rubbings, salt dough impressions and even painted with balloons.

As the kids got older, I started scrapbooking and designed my own lines of products that were sold in stores. I wrote for magazines and taught workshops.

When it was time for that season to end, I’d get the creative juices flowing by baking recipes, blogging and listening to music.

Creative living morphed into window dressing our little #findsonfitzroy vintage and retro store for a couple of years or holding macrame and altered book workshops. When it was time to let that go, I wholeheartedly embraced the creativity of writing and performing music, especially my own. I recorded and released my #walkingcontradictionep last year during a period of wellness.

I’m in a different season again.

In this season of fatigue, pain and unpredictability, it would be easy to think that this is a season of creative drought but it’s not.

It’s a time to do little but wonderful and meaningful creative things. I read. I listen to podcasts. I take photos on my iphone. I enjoy looking at the flowers people like my daughter bring me in my Frida vase. I write. I create printables for my homeschooling page. I watch the light catch the old apothecary bottles I have lined up in my hallway as the afternoon sun streams in and casts rainbows and shadows.

My creativity comes out in the form of this wall next to my bed. It reminds me of love and connection and brings me joy whenever I look at it. It reminds me of the creativity that many of my loved ones possess, of places travelled to vicariously through others and of experiences lived and memories made.

It’s really just another creative outlet (albeit it small) because intentional actions matter. May your days be filled with intentional moments that fill you up, even if they feel teeny tiny in the story-thread seasons of your life.

#Lupus #SystemicLupus #MightyPoets #52SmallThings #SLE #creativity #Outlet


I started a #Blog about my #journey

I started a blog as a therapeutic outlet and didn’t know if anyone would be interested in reading it. If my story or posts can help someone that’d be wonderful. Or maybe if you can relate. Just throwing it out there if anyone is interested or if you starting your own blog might help you like it’s helped me ❤️
#MultipleSclerosis #BehcetsDisease #Arthritis #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #unicorn #Therapy #Outlet


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Follow me to read the full article. 🥰

I wrote this today in hopes to post it here on The Mighty, it happens to be a little too long so this is page one of three. If you'd like to read the entire article please come follow my page and tell me what you think of the first real thing I have written in a long time. I hope to hear all of your feedback. ✨

#ComplexPTSD #Anxiety #PathtoHealing #coping #Outlet #mightywriters #heal #Failinghealthcare #mentalhealthwarrior

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