Putting a misplaced importance on ourselves is at the root of all sick thinking. So not making things all about me is key to thinking reasonably and objectively.
The start of most declines of our mental health usually begin by giving too much importance to our feelings. As we give more importance to our feelings we become less attentive or even inattentive to the people, places, and things around us. We develop competitive motives when dealing with other people. We become prey to delusions, obsessions, and hallucinations. We eventually lose all insight of ourselves and our problems.
Me, me, me, those thoughts just takes us further down the rabbit hole. This makes depersonalizing so important..
The first thing is not to overreact to problems and situations because it's happening to me. I should feel the same way about something that I would tell somebody else that they should feel about it. It's not worse for more important because it's happening to me.
We should treat other people the same as we treat ourselves. Empathizing, sympathizing, giving in, letting them say face, and praising as we would ourselves. Also requiring ourselves to be reasonable as we would require others to be.
Being more aware of the common interest or welfare. Thinking more in terms of us instead of me and them. Doing what is best for everybody.
Looking for, trying to see, for imagining the bigger picture.
#MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar1Disorder #Depression #Autism #Anxiety #distortedthinking