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To RISK OR NOT? sacredsavage @ The Mighty

#CheckInWithMe #Blindness #Depression #Anxiety #Diabetes #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #ted # #heart Disease #Essential Tremor #Migraine #Abuse Surthrivor

Risks are daily opportunities. Were the only species able to contemplate and analyze choices, including to do nothing, when presented with a choice. I have built my life on taking many giant, some life- changing risks, and countless smaller ones, all with the goal of improving my circumstances and health. Because I began with nothing but terror, isolation, no doctors, even authorities turned away.
Beginning medication for my mental health was one of the most frightening risks I ever took, and one of my very best choices. It took awhile to get it right, which I now know is not uncommon.
What risk do you now face, what will be the consequences you consider? And is doing nothing your best option?

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#Myoclonic jerks and #Essential tremor after minimal physical exertion

Hey all

My Myoclonic jerks started around 12-13, of course I just called them twitches until I know what Myoclonic jerks are

I'm currently 28 and the Myoclonic jerks are progressively becoming more frequent with some being a little more intense than others. I cannot do really any task without a jerk happening. I can have like 4-10 in the space of a minute

The essential tremor is relatively new, only the past 5 years but has significantly got worse. If I am standing for more than 5 minutes or maybe Its a hot day and I am attempting chores, my entire body will be shaking

I had an MRI a few years back with nothing showing apparently but I don't have a Neurology appointment until April 2024 and because I'm undiagnosed I never know where to turn

I have various other health issues too including craniosynostosis and a cervical spine issue also undiagnosed

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I don't know how I feel mad, hurt, confused, etc. Why would people say they want to help u, u do everything u need to do, and u get burnt, not once but, twice.

Losing my Faith, Trust, etc.

Now, I know why I'm a loner.

Having surgery on Friday, please pray or send me good vibes, pray or good vibes if people wanna cross my path and give financially, and not use me, thank u all for the prayers, extremely frustrated and sad, now I know why I hold everyone at a distance.

Y'all r my friends and family, or at least some of u, I've blocked so many people trying to hit me up, wish they could or would try harder to monitor people that enter this site.

Thank u again to the REAL ones for the prayers and good vibes.

#Essential Tremors


Sick and hurting, thank u all for ur support, care and love, not sleeping much.

For u that don't know and may ask

I have
Congenital Hydrocephalus,
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
Chronic Knee, Ankle, Shoulder, Wrist Pain
2 L5 S1 Discectomies
Essential Tremors
Possible Neuropathy
Possible RA
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
De Quarveins Tenosyvitis
Pulled Groin

No support, so I come here

#Essential tremors
#no Shame


Can't Sleep

5:05am here in Kentucky laying here moaning and groaning in pain.

Tremors wrecking havoc

#Essential Tremors
#chronic pain

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I’ve spent my whole life thinking that there was no one out there that could or ever would ever help me should a situation ever arise that I may need help with. After being diagnosed with Bipolar 1 Disorder my belief in that became even more concrete. No one could possibly understand or have any help to offer. Why would anyone want to? I’m nobody worth helping. Driven by these thoughts I decided on working a career that is focused on helping people. All day I provide a service that I believed was nonexistent for people like me. Do I believe I am essential? Not really, however I do believe that the knowledge that there is someone out there who can help is essential. People need people! It is essential to know that we are not alone. If any of that deems me essential then so be it. #Essential #BipolarDisorder #MentalHealth #wearenotalone #COVID19