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He rescued me...

Until his mental and psychological abuse started taking over. Now it feels worse than the physical abuse I received from other men. Bruises heal, words stay on replay in your mind forever. I had a full on breakdown not that long ago and some of the things he said to me after that were just too much. He calls me mean and nasty, he calls me a bitch, he's said I'm "a piece of work", a pathological liar... He said something about my body not long ago that makes me feel a million times more self conscious than I did before he ever said those words to me. He treats me more like a maid or that I'm an ordinary person and not his wife and constantly says he's going to leave and/or divorce me if I don't get our house "in order" and do it pretty much by myself because that's my "job" as a stay at home wife and mother. The depression, sadness and defeat I feel is the worse I have ever felt in my life. I don't know who this man is anymore. I cry every day, multiple times a day. The panic/anxiety attacks are unreal and I have to hide them the best I can because if I take even take my dr prescribed medication, he'll still call me an addict, but he can have alcohol...how the hell does that work?? I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest 24 hours a day. Of course he can talk trash to me, be condescending, narcissistic, conniving, call me names, get in my face, have an attitude or yell at me but God forbid I stand up for myself...

#Narcisist #verbalabuse #Controlling #EmotionalAbuse #MentalHealth #selfconcious #Depression #Anxiety #PanicAttacks #worthless #unloved #PTSD

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The chronic pain and sickness, the best way to describe it is like a human dart board, where r u gonna get hit next, when is the next pain wave gonna spread, when is the next flare???

We never know, that is why I'm thankful for accepting, caring, loving groups like this, woke up moaning and groaning in pain.

Morning and nights r the worse, but pain and sickness is 24/7

Thanks for having a page like this where I can come feel safe, secure, no matter what.

#no Shame


Maybe I'm destined to be lonely, wishing I others to talk to abiut the pain, loneliness I'm suffering, people say the mighty is the best App

Looking for support, care, friendship, yes, I love myself, so don't start off with that, don't tell me I need counsoling, I just need someone who is gonna listen, be here for me when the days r hard, which r daily.

I have
Congenital Hydrocephalus,
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
Chronic Knee, Ankle, Shoulder, Wrist Pain
2 L5 S1 Discectomies
Essential Tremors
Possible Neuropathy
Possible RA
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
De Quarveins Tenosyvitis
Pulled Groin

I just need someone who wants to walk this journey with me, stay the course, realizing, it's not gonna get better, that is as positive as I can be.

Don't try to change, just be here me


See full photo

Maybe I'm destined to be lonely, wishing I others to talk to abiut the pain, loneliness I'm suffering, people say the mighty is the best APP

Looking for support, care, friendship, yes, I love myself, so don't start off with that, don't tell me I need counsoling, I just need someone who is gonna listen, be here for me when the days r hard, which r daily.

I have
Congenital Hydrocephalus,
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
Chronic Knee, Ankle, Shoulder, Wrist Pain
2 L5 S1 Discectomies
Essential Tremors
Possible Neuropathy
Possible RA
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
De Quarveins Tenosyvitis
Pulled Groin

I just need someone who wants to walk this journey with me, stay the course, realizing, it's not gonna get better, that is as positive as I can be.

Don't try to change, just be here me


See full photo

Maybe I'm destined to be lonely, wishing I others to talk to abiut the pain, loneliness I'm suffering, people say the mighty is the best App

Wishing I had Others to Talk to, but, as I Look at Others Post and Interaction, Maybe I'm Destined to Be Lonely.

I have
Congenital Hydrocephalus,
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
Chronic Knee, Ankle, Shoulder, Wrist Pain
2 L5 S1 Discectomies
Essential Tremors
Possible Neuropathy
Possible RA
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
De Quarveins Tenosyvitis



Wishing I had Others to Talk to, but, as I Look at Others Post and Interaction, Maybe I'm Destined to Be Lonely.

Maybe I'm destined to be lonely, wishing I others to talk to abiut the pain, loneliness I'm suffering, people say the mighty is the best App, wonderful App, as I lay here in pain from all my Chronic Pain and Illnesses, and a pulled Groin, I wonder what is so great about the mighty as I come here daily and nothing has changed with my activity.

As I come here post in the groups I a part, No Likes, No Support, No Love, I'm used to it.

I read more and I see likes supports, I'll message u, etc.

People say out yourself out there, well, people post, whose up, I'll say I'm, I'll reach out, nothing.

People say we'll u need counsoling, no, I don't think so, I just need someone there who is gonna love me for me, want to be friend for real, not overlook my post, and I make a comment about it, amd they say I'm just seeing this after a month.

Wow, wow, wow, the nighty a great App, got me fulled



Over It

It is 4:10am here in Kentucky, I got woke up tremoring and shaking. Over It, need support, care, and love.

Thank u all for having me.

Tried counsoling, anxiety meds, won't go back to either one of those, y'all r my friends and family and support



Hi, I'm brand new, thanks for letting me join

I'm Jennifer Lucas 36yrs old from Nicholasville, Kentucky, accepted Christ on April 13, 2014.

I'm a loner, frustrated with my Health

Looking for support, and encouragement and other like minded people to talk with.

I have
Congenital Hydrocephalus,
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
Chronic Knee, Ankle, Shoulder, Wrist Pain
2 L5 S1 Discectomies
Essential Tremors
Possible Neuropathy
Possible RA
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
De Quarveins Tenosyvitis

I love sports Football, Basketball, Soccer.

Looking to meet other like minded people.

Don't want Jesus crammed down my throat



Feeling hopeless

I’m having a hard time with the fact that I’m single and 29. Most of my friends are married and have kids. I live on my own in LA . I am scared to death of being single and by myself for the rest of my life.
I have a hard time being happy for others because I start thinking “I’ll probably never have that”.

I think nobody will ever love me because I have a pre-existing health condition (glaucoma) so my eyes look different.
I haven’t had a boyfriend in many years..
I just feeling really stuck/depressed/scared.

I hope I’m not the only one who’s got all of this going on.
#Depression #unloveable #unloved