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How to cope when your loved ones struggle with chronic pain or illness?

When it’s sad it’s out of your control or you wish they would look after their health a little more push themselves to eat a bit healthier or exercise but they always feel awful and in bad health with many ailments especially my mom. And feel bad about the financial situation since my dad is the breadwinner and my mom got sick pretty young with heart disease and other things. My sister has Ulcerative Colitis etc etc #ChronicPain #mom #mother #Parents #Family #Sickness #illness #Health #eating #MentalHealth

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Sickness and chronic illness

Does anyone have any tips on how to survive being sick when you have a chronic illness(or 5 illnesses lol). I am sick again because my meds make me immunocompromised and my friends and boyfriend didn’t know that and ended up getting me sick. It was an easy cold for them but I have a high fever body aches and I can barely stay awake. I have POTS and can’t stay hydrated because I get diarrhea when I’m sick because of the anxiety it causes. So if anyone has any tips please share them with me. #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Anxiety #Dysphagia #Sickness

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Sick and hurting, thank u all for ur support, care and love, not sleeping much.

For u that don't know and may ask

I have
Congenital Hydrocephalus,
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
Chronic Knee, Ankle, Shoulder, Wrist Pain
2 L5 S1 Discectomies
Essential Tremors
Possible Neuropathy
Possible RA
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
De Quarveins Tenosyvitis
Pulled Groin

No support, so I come here

#Essential tremors
#no Shame


Can anyone please help? since glandular fever, for 20 years I've had endless throat infections, chronic fatigue and flu symptoms 😣.

Can anyone tell me how to get heard by the rheumatologists? Has anyone had glandular fever and been ill ever since? I'm on antibiotics AGAIN and I'm so sick of being sick and no answers 😭. Because I have a mental health issue, doctors want to blame my mind? But this is real! #InvisibleDisability #GlandularFever #Sickness #ImmuneSystem #Pain #ChronicFatigue #ChronicPain #hopeless


Coronavirus - a hack?

could the coronavirus be a design, to take out the population? seems a little far fetched, but what do you think? there’s been no explanations and it’s caused a bit of a sensation. could be just to calm us all down? #CoronaVirus #Sickness #Anxiety #wellness



I get to a point when my anxiety is ruling me that I no longer feel hunger just sickness. The thought of food, the smell of food it all makes me gag and I could go days without eating till the anxiety has subsided. I wake up in the night dry heaving coz it’s causing me to have another panic attack. I go to work and can’t control my tears when people ask me if I’m okay, they don’t understand. What would be a minor thing to them is massive to me yet I know deep down I’m being silly. Why can I not control my own mind and my emotions? #Lostinmyhead #Emotions #Anxiety #PanicAttack #Hunger #noappetite #Sickness #nocontrol


Does anybody else feel like someone is reaching into your throat and strangling you when anxiety hits to the point you constantly feel sick?

When I get over emotional (mostly when anxiety hits) I feel my throat tighten and I start to wretch alot until eventually I throw up. Coupled with dyspepsia this is nothing short of a daily nightmare. '

I get anxious, body pumps acid into stomach, I feel throat tighten, feel sick, start stressing that I'll be sick, more acid goes in, I feel more sick, I blow!'

This is a repetitive cycle. It prevents me from eating and puts me in alot of pain.

If anyone else gets this how do you cope? Is there something you do to prevent throwing up? #Anxiety #TheMighty #Sickness

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I am so sick and tired of being ill all the time! Depression, anxiety and ptsd have left me with no immune system! I can't deal with all the colds and infections etc anymore!
#ill #Sickness #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #Hadenough #SexualAssaultSurvivors



Sometimes all you can do
is send up a prayer
At this MOMENT. i am there
Because Sometimes God is all you got
So saying a prayer, helps a lot
Sometimes your strength will truly be drained
But KNOW GOD can take that pain
So For that SOMETIME
that you're standing in
Here's a prayer for  you my friend...

I pray for YOU, dear LOVE ONES
May the Lord grab and hold your hands
May Everything the devil tries to do
Be turned into an abundant blessing for you
For trials that seem
to linger on
It's only a Test trying to make you strong
May those burdens that seem too hard to bare
Be lifted the moment you recite this prayer
May whatever it is
That has you down
Reach God's throne
and be turned around
I'm calling on Jesus...
to see you thru
Dear Child of God
This is for you
you can't pray for yourself
So I'm praying for you
In Sickness and Health...
Yes Sometimes you simply
Need a hand
So in the name of Jesus...
Can i get an Amen?

MightyPoets #MightyPoets #Poetry #Prayer #Sickness #Pain #Health #Poem

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Just a thought #Anxiety

My anxiety plays up at the worst of times. Mine stops me from eating. looking, smelling or even thinking about food makes me want to throw up. I used to let this rule my life as it lead to me eating not much at all ever. I got better (ish). I feel it slipping back. I wasn’t hungry today. I wasn’t hungry yesterday. I threw up yesterday with the panic in my stomach. #Anxiety #Sickness #Neverending