Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia

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Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia
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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is lavenderbubbles I'm here looking for more support and connections from people who go through the same as me. I feel very tired, isolated and hopeless sometimes, so I hope this place can alleviate a few of these feelings.

#MightyTogether #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Arrhythmia #Dysautonomia #Asthma #HypermobilitySyndrome #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Migraine #ChronicPain #Undiagnosed

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Remission #how long

My symptoms have been under control with my last med change. The neurology RN said I’m on a “boatload” of meds. What happens when these stop working- they always do


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Good Morning Mightys #MightyPets #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Mighty Family n Friends

My Pepper Pup looks very bored already by the dark nights and cold evenings.

I've even put my heating on. Eek.

I just couldn't cope any more so I just had too. 😅😊 it's nice a toasty warm in my home now. Pepper n Pedro are much happier too. Much nicer than just the fire. 🔥

How are you all coping with the autumn cold or in the uk it feels like winter already. Brrrr ⛄☔

Love n hugs Tj ♥️🧡❤💜🦄🦓🤝💪 #winterwarmth #Love #Hope #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ChronicIllness #Migraine #Family #Arthritis #ChronicPain #InflammatoryArthritis #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Anxiety #Depression #DistractMe

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World Arthritis Day #CheckInWithMe #CheerMeOn

It's today 12th October

World Arthritis Day

It's just part of you
Not the whole you
Just a bit of your story

But if you'd like to share your story with us today

Please do..

I have PsA(psoriatic arthritis) and early onset osteoarthritis. I was diagnosed 6/7 years ago after suffering with symptoms since I was 32 years old. I am now 51.

I mainly suffer with enthesitis meaning it's in my ligament and tendons and not my actual joints. So hence it took so much longer to get a diagnosis. I have it in every joint including my spine and neck.
Makes for an interesting life.

Love n hugs on World Arthritis Day Mightys Ones Tj 🥰🖐😘😊💜💪🤝❤🧡
#MightyTogether #PsoriaticArthritis #Osteoarthritis #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #InflammatoryArthritis #Migraine #ChronicPain #Selfcare #FamilyAndFriends #ChronicFatigue #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction

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Supporting Trigeminal Neuralgia Day #Chatspace #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe

Hello Mighty Family n Friends 🖐

How are you all today

I do hope you are warm n tucked up inside if its anything like the weather in The UK today very wet and windy 🌧🌫

This week is international Trigeminal Neuralgia day on October 7th . As you can see by the picture the colour is Teal.

It is one of my rare diseases and by sharing this with you I'm trying to raise more awareness.

There are other facial neuralgia's but this is the most common rare one. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I also have glossopharyngeal neuralgia too, I'm so lucky 🖐🦓

The best part is they make the names so hard to pronounce .
Its face pain, its already hard to talk why make the disease name unpronouncable!!!!! 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️REALLY
The pain is like being hit in the face by a baseball bat or a train or an electric shot. Again n again. Over n over . For hours or minutes.
Pain meds don't work as its nerve pain. Only anti seizure meds work which come with a whole host of side effects and don't always work for each person. It never takes the pain away.
There is no cure.

Thanks for listening guys

Love n hugs Tj 🦓🥰🤗💜💙🧡🐕🧚‍♀️🦷
#Hope #Love #selfcare #Anxiety #KindnessMatters #Bekind #Chatspace #MightyTogether #Family #Friends

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Trigeminal Neuralgia #CheckInWithMe

Good Morning Mighty Family n Friends 💪🖐

It's nearly that time of year again
7th of October is nearly here again and it is international Trigeminal Neuralgia day again
Teal is the colour of the day for raising awareness for us who suffer from this awful disease.

Anyone one can get this. At any age male or female. Although the neurologist will tell you children do not get it.
Yes they do!!!!!!

It is literally a pain in the face electric shocking nerve pain in the face. Like being hit be a train over n over n over n over again in the same place oh but it moves places too.

Love n hugs Tj 🦓🦄🦓🦄🦓 #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #TrigeminalNeuralgia #OccipitalNeuralgia #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Migraine #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #Arthritis #MightyTogether #Love #Hope #Selfcare

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