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Thought Process

🌷 #happythoughts .

I have been feeling #good today. It feels weird to be naturally #happy in moments where you think that there could be something to take it away soon. However, I learned that I am not going to let that #Happen to me. I will not let anyone #StealMyJoy today. 🌞 I know that I am #Blessed even in the #darktimes .

Everything is going to be OK when the storm passes. It may feel #scary right now, but it will pass through. There may be an aftermath, but take heart that you will not be alone in this.

I Am Here For You.

#BipolarDisorder #AnxietyDisorder

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Gonna Be A Great Day #greatday #happythoughts

Good morning my might friends. Today IS going to be a good day! I am choosing that right now and not gonna let anyone or an circumstances mess it up. 🥰I wish you all a beautiful Thursday! #Sarcoidosis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Anxiety #Depression #ADHD #Autism

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Good morning friends. Happy Wednesday.#happythoughts #positive

Can you believe summer is almost over? It went buy to fast. Like always, Some how this was a strange summer for me. Today is a gloomy wet rainy day, The thought of Winter makes me #Depression And #sad . I get the winter time blues. I jus hate the cold weather and ice. The bloody snow. #blah I just hope next year will be better. Things can be somewhat normal.#feelingblah #down


What are you grateful for? #DistractMe #happythoughts

If covid-19 is going to teach us anything it's to be grateful and as disabled people I'm sure you know things don't always go to plan or how we like so we have to look at the positive of what we do have ❤️
I'm grateful for the mighty and this community, the places where I can be myself and my family 🙃


It’s easy to only see the negatives right now. What’s one good thing that has come out of your quarantine?

I’ve seen a lot of complaints lately about being stuck at home, and believe me, I completely understand how frustrating and anxiety inducing it can be. But let’s take a moment to apreciate the good things that are coming out of our situation. I for one am enjoying taking time to paint and play Minecraft. #COVID19 #quarantine #Anxiety #MitochondrialDisease #DistractMe #CheerMeOn #happythoughts

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Dogs v people

I think I'm going to choose dogs today. my head is in a weird place and the unconditional love from my pups will help keep me grounded. 🐶🐕🥰
#MentalHealth #happythoughts #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Arthritis #Dogs #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Giggles

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Qoute for February! #happythoughts

I change my little every month. And I can’t find a quote I love for February! ( thats like love themed!) Comment a good short quote below! 🐷

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How do you like your coffee? #CheckInWithMe #coffee #happythoughts #happy

Personally, I like bold coffee.... and then 2 stevia packets,and a flavored creamer. Something fru fru! October it was Pumpkin Spice. November it was Peppermint Mocha. Right now its Reese's!!!!

Come share your delight! #Fivesenses #DBT