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New to the Group #hopeless #lost

Hello. I’m very new to this platform. I’ve NEVER reached out before. Today, I did something stupid, and ended up at the local hospital emergency room. I was seen by the Psych, and it was determined I be placed on a 51-50 hold.

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Last night I met up with his old group of friends, 2/4 were his closest and I’ve only known 1 of them for quite a long time now… since he passed on, that one friend has been pushing me away and telling everyone not to let me around to chill… I’m hurt, very hurt but it is what it is. I hope they realize that how they are treating me is not what my partner would have wanted, he would have wanted them to treat me differently and watch over me as good as he did… he literally called them his brothers💔 I mean I can’t be too upset about this because it probably hurts them just as much to be around me without him, to see me looking lost and alone… but at least be putting some kind of effort or something you know? They don’t bother to message me or anything, they laugh and don’t even care to talk with me or talk about good ole memories. I know it hurts but damn we need to have those conversations with each other about him, we all need a little bit more of comfort and love that my partner always brought upon everyone.
#alone #lost #depressed #MentalHealth #Anxiety #PTSD #Trauma #Suicide #lonely #Grief #healingjourney

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It's hard to smile nowadays

Today I feel so miserable and life literally showed me the worst scenario by my own people. I have put on fast for my boyfriend and guess what in return we fought.. Is it only girls' duty to keep the relationship healthy; only one thing I expected was to be understood in this situation. Am I that wrong? I really want to cry my heart aloud but that too I can't..

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Heartbroken and Lost

I've been struggling with this and need to share my feelings. My boyfriend doesn't want to be with me anymore, and my heart feels shattered. I've been so clingy, holding onto him tightly fighting for us because I was scared of dying and being replaced.

Recently, I discovered he had been intimate with other women,found a woman in our house which was devastating. To make things even more complicated, I found out that I am pregnant. However, the last message he sent me made everything clearer but harder. He said, "If you want to make things right, you will abort and focus on your health."

I'm at a loss. I feel betrayed, scared, and utterly heartbroken. I don't know what to do or how to move forward. Any advice or words of comfort would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
#lost #MentalHealth #leukemia #Lupus

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How do you find a will to live?

I just don’t have it in me anymore. What reasons do you all use to keep going because I don’t like that the only thing I feel I have to live for is to not put my loved ones through losing me but I think they’d be better off without me once the pain lessens. All I’ve been is a burden to people and I’m tired of feeling this way. I’m not brave enough to take my life but living like this is wearing on my soul. #SuicidalIdeation #depresson #Anxiety #Sadness #lonely #lost

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× " I Feel Like My Kindness ¥ Independence... Are Pushing People Away From Me... " × #Annoyed #confused

° " Being Independent Is Like Survival Mode For Me... And When I Meet A Guy I Have To Swallow My Pride And Shut Down... And Let Them Pay For Thing's... I'm Not Used To It Because Of The Way My Ex Treated Me... And Made Me Very Dependant On Him... So Why Would I Let Another Man... Pay For My Thing's... So That Later On... If We Are Still Seeing One Another... And Tell Me That I Need To Do More And Pay For Thing's... No Thx... I'm Good Paying For Myself... And Yet The Men Get Disappointed... I'm The Type Of Person That Doesn't Like Asking For Thing's... Or Favor's... Because Later It Could Become A Form Of Abuse Or Even Blackmail.. Over Money... So I Like Being Able To Pay Off My Bill's... And It's A Turn Off To Some Dude's I Don't Get It... I Don't Want Men To Feel Like I'm Just Using Them... For Thing's It's Not In Me... So That's Why I Haven't Been On Another Date Since The Last Guy... " • #lost #Thought 's ☆▪︎☆Skaoi Kvitravn☆▪︎☆

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How to cope when depressed and feel bad about a loved one’s mental health and chronic pain?

I get depressed and unhappy sometimes though I’m trying hard to change my life and do my best I often feel like a loser, I cry and feel negative though I try to be positive, my mom is often the same and worse than me, she struggles with chronic pain, I wish I could help her and sometimes I wish I was someone different a better version of myself, I put myself down and compare myself too much. I feel so lost sometimes :/ :( #selfcomparison #Comparison #loser #Depression #ChronicPain #illness #Health #Family #Parents #lost

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My mom sent me this text and I just feel numb

I love my mom and family but it’s very dysfunctional and passively emotionally abusive, it used to be a lot worse during my sucidal attempts and self harming in my teens when the abuse was super bad. I’ve come a long way since but I still have a long way to go but trying my best. I know it’s hard for her to understand but it just hurts, I feel like such a waste of space and a total burden or mistake, just feel pathetic and like trash right now, really hard to be kind to myself right now though I usually try to combat the negative thoughts. Anyways sorry thank you I just don’t have a lot of friends and people that understand disabilities or struggles with mental health. Thanks I’ll just struggling having a really bad anxiety attack and crying might have to call the crisis line a little. My eyes hurt from crying. #MentalHealth #Stigma #illness #Disability #lost #lonely #sad #Burden #alone #Recovery #Trying #TheMighty #help #Advice #SOSAD

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