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This could be misunderstood

I've always struggled with therapy and being on medication because I never quite understood why I needed it.

I'm a feeling person who feels alot and I always have been since I was a child. I'm in therapy again after some years because I do think it's important to talk to someone if you can about the things you are feeling.

I'm trying to stick with it and I will but the turn off comes when my therapist is trying to uncover some childhood trauma or deep trauma that simply doesn't exist. Its just that the same questions persist as if I'm not being open enough.

It sucks but some of us including myself are just very sensitive to the world and everything around us. I think deeply about things and see the world with a different lens. Actually that doesn't suck at all because I truly believe I'm here for a reason.

I know It's about managing my emotions, the way I think and the way I feel. I'm empathetic, sensitive and very aware it but it doesn't mean I'm dealing with any trauma. I know its easier to diagnose trauma but sometimes depression is simply depression and its up to myself to find the light that God gave me and to put my gifts to good use. Depression is not a sign of weakness neither is trauma.

I'm not sad person or a pessimistic person. I'm a happy person who loves the world so deeply that sometimes I wish things were different and I find myself in a funk. The only trauma I'm dealing with is wishing the world was a better place and people being nicer to eachother.

Can you relate? Have you been to therapy? How has your experience been? What are you fighting for to make yourself whole?

I hope this day brings you peace, love and light. Thank you for letting my ramble. ❤

#Depression #Anxiety #Therapy #INFJ #empath #Taurus #OPTIMIST #Faith

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What is one self care thing you have done for yourself this week?What did you do?Have you stopped amidst your chaos to be gentle w/ yourself& breathe?

We all struggle with pain, depression, anxiety, worry etc.. Within the times you were hurting, what step dids you take to take care of yourself? How did you practice self care? Did you just stop, breathe and rest for an hour...or even ten minutes? Did you sit with a cup of tea and journal out your thoughts? Did you eat a favorite meal? Watch a funny movie? Listen to calming music? Did you sit and color, paint or draw? Did you dance by yourself when no one was watching? Did you push yourself a little and go out for a walk? Did you go for a hike in nature...or even just sit with your back up to a tree? Did you ride a bike, swim, go rock climbing or go to the gym? Did you take a bubble bath with soft music and candles? Did you take a hot shower? Did you hug someone...for no reason? Did you go to therapy or a support group? Did you get out of bed!?! Did you drink water throughout the day? Did you do anything that made you feel better about yourself... even just for moments?

These are ways I've taken care of myself or things that I’ve heard helped other people. Many are very short and simple, many help you stop for an hour or two and UNPLUG or put away your work or homework. Most are free, easy, and accessible, many require little thought or planning, many just require you to STOP and recalculate your direction...but any of these can help!

Which ones have you done this week or anytime you were hurting in the past??? Which ones will you try soon or keep in your mind to use during a tough time??? When I do some of these things I usually end up feeling better about myself, sometimes I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders, sometimes I just end up thinking that I care about myself! Please do anything that makes you feel better even if it takes every bit of your physical (and emotional) energy! YOU ARE WORTH IT! Sending blessings for peace, serenity, calm and balance during these difficult times...and here’s sending a big virtual hug to all of you!

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #worry #Pain #BackPain #PeripheralNeuropathy #Migraine #COVID19 #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar1Disorder #BipolarDepression #ADHD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #HIVAIDS #SurvivorsGuilt #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #SOBER #ChildLoss #LosingAParent #Cancer #Grief #Acceptance #ifyoufeelhopless #Hope #Belief #Happiness #OPTIMIST #MentalHealthHero #MightyTogether


Taking It One Day At A Time #chronicillnesswarrior

Today my battle has gotten more difficult. However I am a fighter and I am strong. I will face my trials with hope and bravery. With God by my side; I will not fail. I am blessed to be alive and breathing. No matter the circumstances- I am grateful. I am a fighter; I can and I will. I thank God for this life He has given me. My path may be more difficult than others, however I am a child of the mist high God. I am an overcomer! #Overcomer #childofgod #SystemicLupusErythematosus #LupusNephritis #ChronicIllness #InvisibleIllness #Lupus #AutoimmuneDisease #Chronicpainwarrior ##lupusawareness #chronicillnessawareness #nevergiveuphope #jesusismyrock ##mylupielife1987 #infiniteangel161 #miss8understood #icanandiwill #OPTIMIST #idealist #lonerwolf #lioness

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#currentfeels #OPTIMIST

I am depressed but FUNCTIONING, life is a huge book and WE fill the #Chapters and We are the #AUTHORS of #OurStory .
This cup is a representation of my feels... #MYCUPISFILLEDHALFWAY 💯💪